# # Contact Sheet Composited from the Thumbnails # require 'fileutils' require 'tmpdir' require 'yaml' require 'vcs' module VCSRuby class ContactSheet attr_accessor :capturer, :format, :signature, :title, :highlight attr_reader :thumbnail_width, :thumbnail_height attr_reader :length, :from, :to def initialize video, capturer = :any @capturer = capturer @configuration = Configuration.new @signature = "Created by Video Contact Sheet Ruby" initialize_capturers video initialize_filename(File.basename(@video, '.*')) puts "Processing #{File.basename(video)}..." unless Tools.quiet? detect_video_properties @thumbnails = [] @tempdir = Dir.mktmpdir ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(self, self.class.finalize(@tempdir) ) initialize_geometry(@configuration.rows, @configuration.columns, @configuration.interval) end def initialize_filename filename @out_path = File.dirname(filename) @out_filename = File.basename(filename,'.*') ext = File.extname(filename).gsub('.', '') if ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'tiff'].include?(ext) @format ||= ext.to_sym end end def filename "#{@out_filename}.#{@format ? @format.to_s : 'png'}" end def full_path File.join(@out_path, filename) end def initialize_geometry(rows, columns, interval) @has_interval = !!interval @rows = rows @columns = columns @interval = interval end def rows @rows end def columns @columns end def interval @interval || (@to - @from) / (number_of_caps + 1) end def number_of_caps if @has_interval (@to - @from) / @interval else if @rows && @columns @rows * @columns else raise "you need at least 2 parameters from columns, rows and interval" end end end def thumbnail_width= width @thumbnail_height = (width.to_f / @thumbnail_width * thumbnail_height).to_i @thumbnail_width = width end def thumbnail_height= height @thumbnail_width = (height.to_f / @thumbnail_height * thumbnail_width).to_i @thumbnail_height = height end def from= time if (TimeIndex.new(0) < time) && (time < to) && (time < @length) @from = time else raise "Invalid From Time" end end def to= time if (TimeIndex.new(0) < time) && (from < time) && (time < @length) @to = time else raise "Invalid To Time" end end def self.finalize(tempdir) proc do puts "Cleaning up..." unless Tools.quiet? FileUtils.rm_r tempdir end end def build initialize_thumbnails capture_thumbnails puts "Composing standard contact sheet..." unless Tools.quiet? s = splice_montage(montage_thumbs) image = MiniMagick::Image.open(s) puts "Adding header and footer..." unless Tools.quiet? final = add_header_and_footer image puts "Done. Output wrote to '#{filename}'" unless Tools.quiet? FileUtils.mv(final, full_path) end private def selected_capturer result = nil if @capturer == nil || @capturer == :any result = @capturers.first else result = @capturers.select{ |c| c.name == @capturer }.first end raise "Selected Capturer (#{@capturer.to_s}) not available" unless result return result end def initialize_capturers video capturers = [] capturers << LibAV.new(video) capturers << MPlayer.new(video) capturers << FFmpeg.new(video) @video = video @capturers = capturers.select{ |c| c.available? } puts "Available capturers: #{@capturers.map{ |c| c.to_s }.join(', ')}" if Tools.verbose? end def initialize_thumbnails time = @from (1..number_of_caps).each do |i| thumb = Thumbnail.new selected_capturer, @video, @configuration thumb.width = thumbnail_width thumb.height = thumbnail_height thumb.time = (time += interval) thumb.image_path = File::join(@tempdir, "th#{"%03d" % i}.png") @thumbnails << thumb end end def capture_thumbnails puts "Capturing in range [#{from}..#{to}]. Total length: #{@length}" unless Tools.quiet? @thumbnails.each_with_index do |thumbnail, i| puts "Generating capture ##{i + 1}/#{number_of_caps} #{thumbnail.time}..." unless Tools::quiet? if @configuration.blank_evasion? thumbnail.capture_and_evade interval else thumbnail.capture end thumbnail.apply_filters end end def detect_video_properties detect_length detect_dimensions end def detect_length @length = selected_capturer.length @from = TimeIndex.new 0.0 @to = @length end def detect_dimensions @thumbnail_width = selected_capturer.width @thumbnail_height = selected_capturer.height end def montage_thumbs file_path = File::join(@tempdir, 'montage.png') MiniMagick::Tool::Montage.new do |montage| montage.background @configuration.contact_background @thumbnails.each do |thumbnail| montage << thumbnail.image_path end montage.geometry "+#{@configuration.padding}+#{@configuration.padding}" # rows or columns can be nil (auto fit) montage.tile "#{@columns}x#{@rows}" montage << file_path end return file_path end def splice_montage montage_path file_path = File::join(@tempdir, 'spliced.png') MiniMagick::Tool::Convert.new do |convert| convert << montage_path convert.background @configuration.contact_background convert.splice '5x10' convert << file_path end file_path end def create_title montage file_path = File::join(@tempdir, 'title.png') MiniMagick::Tool::Convert.new do |convert| convert.stack do |ul| ul.size "#{montage.width}x#{@configuration.title_font.line_height}" ul.xc @configuration.title_background ul.font @configuration.title_font.path ul.pointsize @configuration.title_font.size ul.background @configuration.title_background ul.fill @configuration.title_color ul.gravity 'Center' ul.annotate(0, @title) end convert.flatten convert << file_path end return file_path end def create_highlight montage puts "Generating highlight..." thumb = Thumbnail.new selected_capturer, @video, @configuration thumb.width = thumbnail_width thumb.height = thumbnail_height thumb.time = @highlight thumb.image_path = File::join(@tempdir, "highlight_thumb.png") thumb.capture thumb.apply_filters file_path = File::join(@tempdir, "highlight.png") MiniMagick::Tool::Convert.new do |convert| convert.stack do |a| a.size "#{montage.width}x#{thumbnail_height+20}" a.xc @configuration.highlight_background a.gravity 'Center' a << thumb.image_path a.composite end convert.stack do |a| a.size "#{montage.width}x1" a.xc 'Black' end convert.append convert << file_path end file_path end def add_header_and_footer montage file_path = File::join(@tempdir, filename) header_height = @configuration.header_font.line_height * 3 signature_height = @configuration.signature_font.line_height + 8 MiniMagick::Tool::Convert.new do |convert| convert.stack do |a| a.size "#{montage.width - 18}x1" a.xc @configuration.header_background a.size.+ a.font @configuration.header_font.path a.pointsize @configuration.header_font.size a.background @configuration.header_background a.fill 'Black' a.stack do |b| b.gravity 'West' b.stack do |c| c.label 'Filename: ' c.font @configuration.header_font.path c.label File.basename(@video) c.append.+ end b.font @configuration.header_font.path b.label "File size: #{Tools.to_human_size(File.size(@video))}" b.label "Length: #{@length.to_timestamp}" b.append b.crop "#{montage.width}x#{header_height}+0+0" end a.append a.stack do |b| b.size "#{montage.width}x#{header_height}" b.gravity 'East' b.fill @configuration.header_color b.annotate '+0-1' b << "Dimensions: #{selected_capturer.width}x#{selected_capturer.height}\nFormat: #{selected_capturer.video_codec} / #{selected_capturer.audio_codec}\nFPS: #{"%.02f" % selected_capturer.fps}" end a.bordercolor @configuration.header_background a.border 9 end convert << create_title(montage) if @title convert << create_highlight(montage) if @highlight convert << montage.path convert.append if @signature convert.stack do |a| a.size "#{montage.width}x#{signature_height}" a.gravity 'Center' a.xc @configuration.signature_background a.font @configuration.signature_font.path a.pointsize @configuration.signature_font.size a.fill @configuration.signature_color a.annotate(0, @signature) end convert.append end if format == :jpg || format == :jpeg convert.quality(@configuration.quality) end convert << file_path end file_path end end end