import { ENV } from '@ember/-internals/environment'; import { Object as EmberObject } from '@ember/-internals/runtime'; import { get, getWithDefault, Mixin, observer } from '../..'; import { moduleFor, AbstractTestCase } from 'internal-test-helpers'; import { run } from '@ember/runloop'; function aget(x, y) { return x[y]; } moduleFor( 'get', class extends AbstractTestCase { ['@test should get arbitrary properties on an object'](assert) { let obj = { string: 'string', number: 23, boolTrue: true, boolFalse: false, nullValue: null, }; for (let key in obj) { if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; } assert.equal(get(obj, key), obj[key], key); } } ['@test should retrieve a number key on an object'](assert) { let obj = { 1: 'first' }; assert.equal(get(obj, 1), 'first'); } ['@test should retrieve an array index'](assert) { let arr = ['first', 'second']; assert.equal(get(arr, 0), 'first'); assert.equal(get(arr, 1), 'second'); } ['@test should retrieve an empty string key on an object'](assert) { let obj = { '': 'empty-string' }; assert.equal(get(obj, ''), 'empty-string'); } ['@test should return undefined when passed an empty string if that key does not exist on an object']( assert ) { let obj = { tomster: true }; assert.equal(get(obj, ''), undefined); } ['@test should not access a property more than once'](assert) { let count = 0; let obj = { get id() { return ++count; }, }; get(obj, 'id'); assert.equal(count, 1); } ['@test should call unknownProperty on watched values if the value is undefined using getFromEmberMetal()/set()']( assert ) { let obj = { unknownProperty(key) { assert.equal(key, 'foo', 'should pass key'); return 'FOO'; }, }; assert.equal(get(obj, 'foo'), 'FOO', 'should return value from unknown'); } ['@test should call unknownProperty on watched values if the value is undefined using accessors']( assert ) { if (ENV.USES_ACCESSORS) { let obj = { unknownProperty(key) { assert.equal(key, 'foo', 'should pass key'); return 'FOO'; }, }; assert.equal(aget(obj, 'foo'), 'FOO', 'should return value from unknown'); } else { assert.ok('SKIPPING ACCESSORS'); } } ['@test get works with paths correctly'](assert) { let func = function() {}; = 'awesome'; let destroyedObj = EmberObject.create({ bar: 'great' }); run(() => destroyedObj.destroy()); assert.equal(get({ foo: null }, ''), undefined); assert.equal(get({ foo: { bar: 'hello' } }, ''), 5); assert.equal(get({ foo: func }, ''), 'awesome'); assert.equal(get({ foo: func }, ''), 7); assert.equal(get({}, ''), undefined); assert.equal(get(function() {}, ''), undefined); assert.equal(get('', ''), undefined); assert.equal(get({ foo: destroyedObj }, ''), undefined); } ['@test warn on attempts to call get with no arguments']() { expectAssertion(function() { get('aProperty'); }, /Get must be called with two arguments;/i); } ['@test warn on attempts to call get with only one argument']() { expectAssertion(function() { get('aProperty'); }, /Get must be called with two arguments;/i); } ['@test warn on attempts to call get with more then two arguments']() { expectAssertion(function() { get({}, 'aProperty', true); }, /Get must be called with two arguments;/i); } ['@test warn on attempts to get a property of undefined']() { expectAssertion(function() { get(undefined, 'aProperty'); }, /Cannot call get with 'aProperty' on an undefined object/i); } ['@test warn on attempts to get a property path of undefined']() { expectAssertion(function() { get(undefined, 'aProperty.on.aPath'); }, /Cannot call get with 'aProperty.on.aPath' on an undefined object/); } ['@test warn on attempts to get a property of null']() { expectAssertion(function() { get(null, 'aProperty'); }, /Cannot call get with 'aProperty' on an undefined object/); } ['@test warn on attempts to get a property path of null']() { expectAssertion(function() { get(null, 'aProperty.on.aPath'); }, /Cannot call get with 'aProperty.on.aPath' on an undefined object/); } ['@test warn on attempts to use get with an unsupported property path']() { let obj = {}; expectAssertion( () => get(obj, null), /The key provided to get must be a string or number, you passed null/ ); expectAssertion( () => get(obj, NaN), /The key provided to get must be a string or number, you passed NaN/ ); expectAssertion( () => get(obj, undefined), /The key provided to get must be a string or number, you passed undefined/ ); expectAssertion( () => get(obj, false), /The key provided to get must be a string or number, you passed false/ ); } // .......................................................... // BUGS // ['@test (regression) watched properties on unmodified inherited objects should still return their original value']( assert ) { let MyMixin = Mixin.create({ someProperty: 'foo', propertyDidChange: observer('someProperty', () => {}), }); let baseObject = MyMixin.apply({}); let theRealObject = Object.create(baseObject); assert.equal( get(theRealObject, 'someProperty'), 'foo', 'should return the set value, not false' ); } } ); moduleFor( 'getWithDefault', class extends AbstractTestCase { ['@test should get arbitrary properties on an object'](assert) { let obj = { string: 'string', number: 23, boolTrue: true, boolFalse: false, nullValue: null, }; for (let key in obj) { if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; } assert.equal(getWithDefault(obj, key, 'fail'), obj[key], key); } obj = { undef: undefined, }; assert.equal( getWithDefault(obj, 'undef', 'default'), 'default', 'explicit undefined retrieves the default' ); assert.equal( getWithDefault(obj, 'not-present', 'default'), 'default', 'non-present key retrieves the default' ); } ['@test should call unknownProperty if defined and value is undefined'](assert) { let obj = { count: 0, unknownProperty(key) { assert.equal(key, 'foo', 'should pass key'); this.count++; return 'FOO'; }, }; assert.equal(get(obj, 'foo'), 'FOO', 'should return value from unknown'); assert.equal(obj.count, 1, 'should have invoked'); } ['@test if unknownProperty is present, it is called using getFromEmberMetal()/set()'](assert) { let obj = { unknownProperty(key) { if (key === 'foo') { assert.equal(key, 'foo', 'should pass key'); return 'FOO'; } }, }; assert.equal( getWithDefault(obj, 'foo', 'fail'), 'FOO', 'should return value from unknownProperty' ); assert.equal( getWithDefault(obj, 'bar', 'default'), 'default', 'should convert undefined from unknownProperty into default' ); } ['@test if unknownProperty is present, it is called using accessors'](assert) { if (ENV.USES_ACCESSORS) { let obj = { unknownProperty(key) { if (key === 'foo') { assert.equal(key, 'foo', 'should pass key'); return 'FOO'; } }, }; assert.equal(aget(obj, 'foo', 'fail'), 'FOO', 'should return value from unknownProperty'); assert.equal( aget(obj, 'bar', 'default'), 'default', 'should convert undefined from unknownProperty into default' ); } else { assert.ok('SKIPPING ACCESSORS'); } } // .......................................................... // BUGS // ['@test (regression) watched properties on unmodified inherited objects should still return their original value']( assert ) { let MyMixin = Mixin.create({ someProperty: 'foo', propertyDidChange: observer('someProperty', () => { /* nothing to do */ }), }); let baseObject = MyMixin.apply({}); let theRealObject = Object.create(baseObject); assert.equal( getWithDefault(theRealObject, 'someProperty', 'fail'), 'foo', 'should return the set value, not false' ); } } );