class ServoThrottle < ArduinoSketch # updated 20080731 # replaced external variables with instance style variables # potentiometer to control servo # with a bit of hysteresis # use analog pin for sensor # need to format the output of sensor_position and sensor_amount @sensor_position = 0 @servo_amount = 0 output_pin 5, :as => :my_lcd, :device => :sf_lcd input_pin 1, :as => :sensor output_pin 2, :as => :my_servo, :device => :servo def loop servo_refresh #delay 9 # comment out if using servo status, since it will add enough delay @sensor_position = analogRead(sensor) @servo_amount = (add_hysteresis(@sensor_position, 10)*0.36) my_servo.position @servo_amount servo_status end def servo_status my_lcd.setxy 0,0 # line 0, col 0 my_lcd.print "Read Send" my_lcd.setxy 0,1 # line 1, col 0 my_lcd.print @sensor_position # need method of blanking out previous reading my_lcd.setxy 6,1 my_lcd.print @servo_amount end end