require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper.rb') class ViewOptionsParsingTestDatabase include Exegesis::Database designs_directory "test/fixtures/designs" design :things do view :by_name docs :by_tag hash :count, :view => :by_tag end end describe "parsing query options" do before { @db = reset_db('', ViewOptionsParsingTestDatabase) } describe "with a key as an initial arguemnt" do expect { @db.things.parse_opts('foo').must_equal({:key => 'foo'}) } expect { @db.things.parse_opts('foo', :include_docs => true).must_equal({:key => 'foo', :include_docs => true}) } expect { @db.things.parse_opts('foo', {:stale => 'ok'}, {:include_docs => true}).must_equal({:key => 'foo', :stale => 'ok', :include_docs => true })} end describe "without an implied key" do expect { @db.things.parse_opts(:key => 'foo').must_equal({:key => 'foo'}) } expect { @db.things.parse_opts({:key => 'foo'}, nil, {:stale => 'ok'}).must_equal({:key => 'foo', :stale => 'ok'}) } end describe "when a keys option is empty" do expect { @db.things.parse_opts(:keys => []).must_equal({}) } end describe "for ranges" do describe "when the key _is_ a range" do before { @opts = @db.things.parse_opts(:key => 'bar'..'baz') } expect { @opts.has_key?(:key).must_equal false } expect { @opts[:startkey].must_equal 'bar' } expect { @opts[:endkey].must_equal 'baz'} end describe "when the key is an array that includes a range" do before { @opts = @db.things.parse_opts(:key => ['published', '2009'..'2009/04']) } expect { @opts.has_key?(:key).must_equal false } expect { @opts[:startkey].must_equal ['published', '2009'] } expect { @opts[:endkey].must_equal ['published', '2009/04'] } end describe "for non inclusive ranges" do end describe "when descending:true is an option" do describe "and first value is greater than the end value" do end end describe "when the first value is greater than the end value" do end describe "invalid option configurations" do expect { lambda {@db.things.parse_opts(:startkey => 'foo')}.must_raise ArgumentError } end end describe "reducing" do before { @parsing = lambda{|opts| @db.things.parse_opts(opts) } } expect { => 3).must_equal({:group_level => 3})} expect { lambda{ => true, :reduce => false)}.must_raise ArgumentError } expect { lambda{ => true, :include_docs => true)}.must_raise ArgumentError } expect { lambda{ => 1, :reduce => false)}.must_raise ArgumentError } expect { lambda{ => 1, :include_docs => true)}.must_raise ArgumentError } end end