class Training def initialize(val_i) val_i ||= 47 data_dir=File.expand_path('../../../lib/data', __FILE__) base_name="STEP-#{val_i}.txt" file_name=File.join(data_dir,base_name) @period = 60 @counter = 0 @time_flag=true print_keyboard start_time,data=init_proc(file_name) #size_training(file_name,data,start_time) time_training(base_name,data,start_time) end # count correct spelling def counter(word1,word2) ws1=word1.split(/\s+/) ws2=word2.split(/\s+/) i,j=0,0 while (i < ws1.length) && (j < ws2.length) do if ws1[i] == ws2[j] then @counter+=1 end i+=1 j+=1 end puts @counter end # time loop def loop_thread(sec) Thread.start(sec) do |wait_time| sleep wait_time puts "\a Time up. Type return-key to finish.." @time_flag=false end end # print key positions def print_keyboard content = <<-EOF q \\ w \\ e \\ r t \\ y u \\ i \\ o \\ p a \\ s \\ d \\ f g \\ h j \\ k \\ l \\ ; enter sh z \\ x \\ c \\ v b \\ n m \\ , \\\ . \\ shift EOF print content end def init_proc(file_name) data=File.readlines(file_name) data.each{|word| print word } print "\nRepeat above sentences. Type return-key to start." line=STDIN.gets start_time = return start_time,data end def keep_record(start_time,file_name,period) data_file=open(Shunkuntype::TRAIN_FILE,"a") data_file << "#{start_time},#{file_name},#{@counter},#{period}\n" exit end def type_loop(data) data.each do |sentence| break if @time_flag == false puts sentence line=STDIN.gets.chomp counter(sentence,line) end end def size_training(file_name,data,start_time) type_loop(data) exit_proc(start_time,file_name,( return end def time_training(base_name,data,start_time) loop_thread(@period) data2=[] 20.times{ data2 << data } type_loop(data2.flatten) keep_record(start_time,base_name,@period) end end