require "httparty" require "multi_json" require "pathname" module Bugsnag class Notification include HTTParty NOTIFIER_NAME = "Ruby Bugsnag Notifier" NOTIFIER_VERSION = Bugsnag::VERSION NOTIFIER_URL = "" API_KEY_REGEX = /[0-9a-f]{32}/i BACKTRACE_LINE_REGEX = /^((?:[a-zA-Z]:)?[^:]+):(\d+)(?::in `([^']+)')?$/ MAX_EXCEPTIONS_TO_UNWRAP = 5 SUPPORTED_SEVERITIES = ["fatal", "error", "warning", "info"] # HTTParty settings headers "Content-Type" => "application/json" default_timeout 5 attr_accessor :context attr_accessor :user attr_accessor :configuration class << self def deliver_exception_payload(endpoint, payload) begin payload_string = Bugsnag::Helpers.dump_json(payload) # If the payload is going to be too long, we trim the hashes to send # a minimal payload instead if payload_string.length > 128000 payload[:events].each {|e| e[:metaData] = Bugsnag::Helpers.reduce_hash_size(e[:metaData])} payload_string = Bugsnag::Helpers.dump_json(payload) end response = post(endpoint, {:body => payload_string}) Bugsnag.debug("Notification to #{endpoint} finished, response was #{response.code}, payload was #{payload_string}") rescue StandardError => e # KLUDGE: Since we don't re-raise http exceptions, this breaks rspec raise if e.class.to_s == "RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError" Bugsnag.warn("Notification to #{endpoint} failed, #{e.inspect}") Bugsnag.warn(e.backtrace) end end end def initialize(exception, configuration, overrides = nil, request_data = nil) @configuration = configuration @overrides = Bugsnag::Helpers.flatten_meta_data(overrides) || {} @request_data = request_data @meta_data = {} @user = {} self.severity = @overrides[:severity] @overrides.delete :severity if @overrides.key? :api_key self.api_key = @overrides[:api_key] @overrides.delete :api_key end # Unwrap exceptions @exceptions = [] ex = exception while ex != nil && !@exceptions.include?(ex) && @exceptions.length < MAX_EXCEPTIONS_TO_UNWRAP unless ex.is_a? Exception if ex.respond_to?(:to_exception) ex = ex.to_exception elsif ex.respond_to?(:exception) ex = ex.exception end unless ex.is_a? Exception Bugsnag.warn("Converting non-Exception to RuntimeError: #{ex.inspect}") ex = end end @exceptions << ex if ex.respond_to?(:cause) && ex.cause ex = ex.cause elsif ex.respond_to?(:continued_exception) && ex.continued_exception ex = ex.continued_exception elsif ex.respond_to?(:original_exception) && ex.original_exception ex = ex.original_exception else ex = nil end end self.class.http_proxy(configuration.proxy_host, configuration.proxy_port, configuration.proxy_user, configuration.proxy_password) if configuration.proxy_host self.class.default_timeout(configuration.timeout) if configuration.timeout end # Add a single value as custom data, to this notification def add_custom_data(name, value) @meta_data[:custom] ||= {} @meta_data[:custom][name.to_sym] = value end # Add a new tab to this notification def add_tab(name, value) return if name.nil? if value.is_a? Hash @meta_data[name.to_sym] ||= {} @meta_data[name.to_sym].merge! value else self.add_custom_data(name, value) Bugsnag.warn "Adding a tab requires a hash, adding to custom tab instead (name=#{name})" end end # Remove a tab from this notification def remove_tab(name) return if name.nil? @meta_data.delete(name.to_sym) end def user_id=(user_id) @user[:id] = user_id end def user_id @user[:id] end def user=(user = {}) @user.merge!(user).delete_if{|k,v| v == nil} end def severity=(severity) @severity = severity if SUPPORTED_SEVERITIES.include?(severity) end def severity @severity || "error" end def api_key=(api_key) @api_key = api_key end def api_key @api_key ||= @configuration.api_key end # Deliver this notification to Also runs through the middleware as required. def deliver return unless @configuration.should_notify? # Check we have at least an api_key if api_key.nil? Bugsnag.warn "No API key configured, couldn't notify" return elsif api_key !~ API_KEY_REGEX Bugsnag.warn "Your API key (#{api_key}) is not valid, couldn't notify" return end # Warn if no release_stage is set Bugsnag.warn "You should set your app's release_stage (see" unless @configuration.release_stage @meta_data = {} # Run the middleware here, at the end of the middleware stack, execute the actual delivery do # Now override the required fields exceptions.each do |exception| if exception.class.include?(Bugsnag::MetaData) if exception.bugsnag_user_id.is_a?(String) self.user_id = exception.bugsnag_user_id end if exception.bugsnag_context.is_a?(String) self.context = exception.bugsnag_context end end end [:user_id, :context, :user].each do |symbol| if @overrides[symbol] self.send("#{symbol}=", @overrides[symbol]) @overrides.delete symbol end end # Build the endpoint url endpoint = (@configuration.use_ssl ? "https://" : "http://") + @configuration.endpoint Bugsnag.log("Notifying #{endpoint} of #{@exceptions.last.class} from api_key #{api_key}") # Build the payload's exception event payload_event = { :app => { :version => @configuration.app_version, :releaseStage => @configuration.release_stage, :type => @configuration.app_type }, :context => self.context, :user => @user, :exceptions => exception_list, :severity => self.severity, :metaData => Bugsnag::Helpers.cleanup_obj(generate_meta_data(@exceptions, @overrides), @configuration.params_filters) }.reject {|k,v| v.nil? } payload_event[:device] = {:hostname => @configuration.hostname} if @configuration.hostname # Build the payload hash payload = { :apiKey => api_key, :notifier => { :name => NOTIFIER_NAME, :version => NOTIFIER_VERSION, :url => NOTIFIER_URL }, :events => [payload_event] } self.class.deliver_exception_payload(endpoint, payload) end end def ignore? ignore_exception_class? || ignore_user_agent? end def request_data @request_data || Bugsnag.configuration.request_data end def exceptions @exceptions end private def ignore_exception_class? ex = @exceptions.last @configuration.ignore_classes.any? do |to_ignore| to_ignore.is_a?(Proc) ? : to_ignore == error_class(ex) end end def ignore_user_agent? if @configuration.request_data && @configuration.request_data[:rack_env] && (agent = @configuration.request_data[:rack_env]["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]) @configuration.ignore_user_agents.any? do |to_ignore| agent =~ to_ignore end end end # Generate the meta data from both the request configuration, the overrides and the exceptions for this notification def generate_meta_data(exceptions, overrides) # Copy the request meta data so we dont edit it by mistake meta_data = @meta_data.dup exceptions.each do |exception| if exception.class.include?(Bugsnag::MetaData) && exception.bugsnag_meta_data exception.bugsnag_meta_data.each do |key, value| add_to_meta_data key, value, meta_data end end end overrides.each do |key, value| add_to_meta_data key, value, meta_data end meta_data end def add_to_meta_data(key, value, meta_data) # If its a hash, its a tab so we can just add it providing its not reserved if value.is_a? Hash key = key.to_sym if meta_data[key] # If its a clash, merge with the existing data meta_data[key].merge! value else # Add it as is if its not special meta_data[key] = value end else meta_data[:custom] ||= {} meta_data[:custom][key] = value end end def exception_list do |exception| { :errorClass => error_class(exception), :message => exception.message, :stacktrace => stacktrace(exception) } end end def error_class(exception) # The "Class" check is for some strange exceptions like Timeout::Error # which throw the error class instead of an instance (exception.is_a? Class) ? : end def stacktrace(exception) (exception.backtrace || caller).map do |trace| # Parse the stacktrace line _, file, line_str, method = trace.match(BACKTRACE_LINE_REGEX).to_a # Skip stacktrace lines inside lib/bugsnag next(nil) if file.nil? || file =~ %r{lib/bugsnag} # Expand relative paths p = if p.relative? file = p.realpath.to_s rescue file end # Generate the stacktrace line hash trace_hash = {} trace_hash[:inProject] = true if @configuration.project_root && file.match(/^#{@configuration.project_root}/) && !file.match(/vendor\//) trace_hash[:lineNumber] = line_str.to_i # Clean up the file path in the stacktrace if defined?(Bugsnag.configuration.project_root) && Bugsnag.configuration.project_root.to_s != '' file.sub!(/#{Bugsnag.configuration.project_root}\//, "") end # Strip common gem path prefixes if defined?(Gem) file = Gem.path.inject(file) {|line, path| line.sub(/#{path}\//, "") } end trace_hash[:file] = file # Add a method if we have it trace_hash[:method] = method if method && (method =~ /^__bind/).nil? if trace_hash[:file] && !trace_hash[:file].empty? trace_hash else nil end end.compact end end end