do |s| = 'cloud-crowd' s.version = '0.0.4' # Keep version in sync with cloud-cloud.rb = '2009-08-23' s.homepage = "" # wiki page on github? s.summary = "Better living through Map --> Ruby --> Reduce" s.description = <<-EOS The crowd, suddenly there where there was nothing before, is a mysterious and universal phenomenon. A few people may have been standing together -- five, ten or twelve, nor more; nothing has been announced, nothing is expected. Suddenly everywhere is black with people and more come streaming from all sides as though streets had only one direction. EOS s.authors = ['Jeremy Ashkenas'] = '' s.require_paths = ['lib'] s.executables = ['crowd'] # s.post_install_message = "Run `crowd --help` for information on using CloudCrowd." s.rubyforge_project = 'cloud-crowd' s.has_rdoc = true s.add_dependency 'sinatra', ['>= 0.9.4'] s.add_dependency 'activerecord', ['>= 2.3.3'] s.add_dependency 'json', ['>= 1.1.7'] s.add_dependency 'rest-client', ['>= 1.0.3'] s.add_dependency 'right_aws', ['>= 1.10.0'] s.add_dependency 'daemons', ['>= 1.0.10'] if s.respond_to?(:add_development_dependency) s.add_development_dependency 'faker', ['>= 0.3.1'] s.add_development_dependency 'thoughtbot-shoulda', ['>= 2.10.2'] s.add_development_dependency 'notahat-machinist', ['>= 1.0.3'] s.add_development_dependency 'rack-test', ['>= 0.4.1'] s.add_development_dependency 'mocha', ['>= 0.9.7'] end s.files = %w( actions/graphics_magick.rb cloud-crowd.gemspec config/ config/config.example.yml config/database.example.yml lib/cloud-crowd.rb lib/cloud_crowd/action.rb lib/cloud_crowd/app.rb lib/cloud_crowd/asset_store.rb lib/cloud_crowd/command_line.rb lib/cloud_crowd/daemon.rb lib/cloud_crowd/helpers/authorization.rb lib/cloud_crowd/helpers/resources.rb lib/cloud_crowd/helpers.rb lib/cloud_crowd/inflector.rb lib/cloud_crowd/models/job.rb lib/cloud_crowd/models/work_unit.rb lib/cloud_crowd/models.rb lib/cloud_crowd/runner.rb lib/cloud_crowd/schema.rb lib/cloud_crowd/worker.rb test/acceptance/test_failing_work_units.rb test/blueprints.rb test/config/config.yml test/config/database.yml test/config/actions/failure_testing.rb test/test_helper.rb test/unit/test_job.rb test/unit/test_work_unit.rb ) end