# frozen_string_literal: true # encoding: utf-8 autoload :Base64, 'base64' autoload :JSON, 'json' module Net autoload :HTTP, 'net/http' end module Utils # Converts a 'camelCase' string or symbol to a :under_score symbol. def underscore(str) str = str.to_s str = str[0].downcase + str[1...str.length].gsub(/([A-Z]+)/) { |m| "_#{m.downcase}" } str.to_sym end module_function :underscore # Creates a copy of a hash where all keys and string values are converted to # snake-case symbols. # # For example, { 'fooBar' => { 'baz' => 'bingBing', :x => 1 } } converts to # { :foo_bar => { :baz => :bing_bing, :x => 1 } }. def underscore_hash(value) return value unless value.is_a?(Hash) value.reduce({}) do |hash, (k, v)| hash.tap do |h| h[underscore(k)] = underscore_hash(v) end end end module_function :underscore_hash # Creates a copy of a hash where all keys and string values are converted to # snake-case symbols. # # For example, { 'fooBar' => { 'baz' => 'bingBing', :x => 1 } } converts to # { :foo_bar => { :baz => :bing_bing, :x => 1 } }. module_function def shallow_underscore_hash(value) return value unless value.is_a?(Hash) value.reduce({}) do |hash, (k, v)| hash.tap do |h| h[underscore(k)] = v end end end # Creates a copy of a hash where all keys and string values are converted to # snake-case symbols. # # For example, { 'fooBar' => { 'baz' => 'bingBing', :x => 1 } } converts to # { :foo_bar => { :baz => :bing_bing, :x => 1 } }. def snakeize_hash(value) return underscore(value) if value.is_a?(String) case value when Array value.map do |sub| case sub when Hash snakeize_hash(sub) else sub end end when Hash value.reduce({}) do |hash, (k, v)| hash.tap do |h| h[underscore(k)] = snakeize_hash(v) end end else value end end module_function :snakeize_hash # Like snakeize_hash but does not recurse. def shallow_snakeize_hash(value) return underscore(value) if value.is_a?(String) return value unless value.is_a?(Hash) value.reduce({}) do |hash, (k, v)| hash.tap do |h| h[underscore(k)] = v end end end module_function :shallow_snakeize_hash # Creates a copy of a hash where all keys and symbol values are converted to # camel-case strings. # # For example, { :foo_bar => { :baz => :bing_bing, 'x' => 1 } } converts to # { 'fooBar' => { 'baz' => 'bingBing', 'x' => 1 } }. def camelize_hash(value, upcase_first = false) return camelize(value.to_s, upcase_first) if value.is_a?(Symbol) return value unless value.is_a?(Hash) value.reduce({}) do |hash, (k, v)| hash.tap do |h| h[camelize(k.to_s)] = camelize_hash(v, upcase_first) end end end module_function :camelize_hash def camelize(str, upcase_first = false) str = str.gsub(%r,_(\w),) { |m| m[1].upcase } if upcase_first str = str[0].upcase + str[1...str.length] end str end module_function :camelize module_function def downcase_keys(hash) # TODO replace with Hash#transform_keys when we require Ruby 2.5+ Hash[hash.map do |k, v| [k.downcase, v] end] end module_function def disable_retries_client_options { retry_reads: false, retry_writes: false, max_read_retries: 0, max_write_retries: 0, } end # Converts camel case clientOptions, as used in spec tests, # to Ruby driver underscore options. def convert_client_options(spec_test_options) uri = Mongo::URI.new('mongodb://localhost') mapper = Mongo::URI::OptionsMapper.new spec_test_options.reduce({}) do |opts, (name, value)| if name == 'autoEncryptOpts' opts.merge!( auto_encryption_options: convert_auto_encryption_client_options(value) .merge( # Spawn mongocryptd on non-default port for sharded cluster tests extra_options: { mongocryptd_spawn_args: ["--port=#{SpecConfig.instance.mongocryptd_port}"], mongocryptd_uri: "mongodb://localhost:#{SpecConfig.instance.mongocryptd_port}", } ) ) else mapper.add_uri_option(name, value.to_s, opts) end opts end end module_function :convert_client_options private def convert_auto_encryption_client_options(opts) auto_encrypt_opts = Utils.snakeize_hash(opts) if opts['kmsProviders']['aws'] # The tests require that AWS credentials be filled in by the driver. auto_encrypt_opts[:kms_providers][:aws] = { access_key_id: SpecConfig.instance.fle_aws_key, secret_access_key: SpecConfig.instance.fle_aws_secret, } end if opts['kmsProviders']['azure'] # The tests require that Azure credentials be filled in by the driver. auto_encrypt_opts[:kms_providers][:azure] = { tenant_id: SpecConfig.instance.fle_azure_tenant_id, client_id: SpecConfig.instance.fle_azure_client_id, client_secret: SpecConfig.instance.fle_azure_client_secret, } end if opts['kmsProviders']['gcp'] # The tests require that GCP credentials be filled in by the driver. auto_encrypt_opts[:kms_providers][:gcp] = { email: SpecConfig.instance.fle_gcp_email, private_key: SpecConfig.instance.fle_gcp_private_key, } end if opts['kmsProviders']['local'] auto_encrypt_opts[:kms_providers][:local] = { key: BSON::ExtJSON.parse_obj(opts['kmsProviders']['local']['key']).data } end if opts['keyVaultNamespace'] auto_encrypt_opts[:key_vault_namespace] = opts['keyVaultNamespace'] else auto_encrypt_opts[:key_vault_namespace] = 'keyvault.datakeys' end if opts['schemaMap'] auto_encrypt_opts[:schema_map] = BSON::ExtJSON.parse_obj(opts['schemaMap']) end if opts['encryptedFieldsMap'] auto_encrypt_opts[:encrypted_fields_map] = BSON::ExtJSON.parse_obj(opts['encryptedFieldsMap']) end auto_encrypt_opts end module_function :convert_auto_encryption_client_options def order_hash(hash) Hash[hash.to_a.sort] end module_function :order_hash # Transforms an array of CommandStarted events to an array of hashes # matching event specification in YAML spec files def yamlify_command_events(events) events = events.map do |e| command = e.command.dup # Fake BSON::Code for map/reduce commands %w(map reduce).each do |key| if command[key].is_a?(String) command[key] = BSON::Code.new(command[key]) end end if command['readConcern'] # The spec test use an afterClusterTime value of 42 to indicate that we need to assert # that the field exists in the actual read concern rather than comparing the value, so # we replace any afterClusterTime value with 42. if command['readConcern']['afterClusterTime'] command['readConcern']['afterClusterTime'] = 42 end # Convert the readConcern level from a symbol to a string. if command['readConcern']['level'] command['readConcern']['level'] = command['readConcern']['level'].to_s end end if command['recoveryToken'] command['recoveryToken'] = 42 end # The spec tests use 42 as a placeholder value for any getMore cursorId. command['getMore'] = command['getMore'].class.new(42) if command['getMore'] # Remove fields if empty #command.delete('filter') if command['filter'] && command['filter'].empty? command.delete('query') if command['query'] && command['query'].empty? { 'command_started_event' => order_hash( 'command' => order_hash(command), 'command_name' => e.command_name.to_s, 'database_name' => e.database_name, ) } end # Remove any events from authentication commands. events.reject! do |e| command_name = e['command_started_event']['command_name'] %w(saslStart saslContinue authenticate getnonce).include?(command_name) end events end module_function :yamlify_command_events def convert_operation_options(options) if options Hash[options.map do |k, v| out_v = case k when 'readPreference' out_k = :read out_v = {} v.each do |sub_k, sub_v| if sub_k == 'mode' out_v[:mode] = Utils.underscore(v['mode']) else out_v[sub_k.to_sym] = sub_v end end out_v when 'defaultTransactionOptions' out_k = Utils.underscore(k).to_sym convert_operation_options(v) when 'readConcern' out_k = Utils.underscore(k).to_sym Mongo::Options::Mapper.transform_keys_to_symbols(v).tap do |out| if out[:level] out[:level] = out[:level].to_sym end end when 'causalConsistency' out_k = Utils.underscore(k).to_sym v when 'writeConcern' if v == {} # Tests added in SPEC-1352 specify {writeConcern: {}} but what # they mean is for the driver to use the default write concern, # which for Ruby means no write concern is specified at all. # # This nil return requires the compact call below to get rid of # the nils before outgoing options are constructed. next nil else # Write concern option is called :write on the client, but # :write_concern on all levels below the client. out_k = :write_concern # The client expects write concern value to only have symbol keys. Hash[v.map do |sub_k, sub_v| [sub_k.to_sym, sub_v] end] end else raise "Unhandled operation option #{k}" end [out_k, out_v] end.compact] else {} end end module_function :convert_operation_options def int64_value(value) if value.respond_to?(:value) # bson-ruby >= 4.6.0 value.value else value.instance_variable_get('@integer') end end module_function :int64_value URI_OPTION_MAP = { app_name: 'appName', auth_mech: 'authMechanism', auth_source: 'authsource', replica_set: 'replicaSet', ssl_ca_cert: 'tlsCAFile', ssl_cert: 'tlsCertificateKeyFile', ssl_key: 'tlsCertificateKeyFile', }.freeze module_function def create_mongodb_uri(address_strs, **opts) creds = if opts[:username] "#{opts[:username]}:#{opts[:password]}@" else '' end uri = +"mongodb://#{creds}#{address_strs.join(',')}/" if opts[:database] uri << opts[:database] end if uri_options = opts[:uri_options] uri << '?' uri_options.each do |k, v| uri << '&' write_k = URI_OPTION_MAP[k] || k if k == :compressors write_v = v.join(',') elsif k == :auth_mech if v write_v = Mongo::URI::AUTH_MECH_MAP.key(v) unless write_v raise "Unhandled auth mech value: #{v}" end else next end else write_v = v end uri << "#{write_k}=#{write_v}" end end uri end # Client-Side encryption tests introduce the $$type syntax for determining # equality in command started events. The $$type key specifies which type of # BSON object is expected in the result. If the $$type key is present, only # check the class of the result. def match_with_type?(expected, actual) if expected.is_a?(Hash) && expected.key?('$$type') case expected['$$type'] when 'binData' expected_class = BSON::Binary expected_key = '$binary' when 'long' expected_class = BSON::Int64 expected_key = '$numberLong' else raise "Tests do not currently support matching against $$type #{v['$$type']}" end actual.is_a?(expected_class) || actual.key?(expected_key) elsif expected.is_a?(Hash) && actual.is_a?(Hash) has_all_keys = (expected.keys - actual.keys).empty? same_values = expected.keys.all? do |key| match_with_type?(expected[key], actual[key]) end has_all_keys && same_values elsif expected.is_a?(Array) && actual.is_a?(Array) same_length = expected.length == actual.length same_values = expected.map.with_index do |_, idx| match_with_type?(expected[idx], actual[idx]) end.all? same_length && same_values elsif expected == 42 actual.is_a?(Numeric) || actual.is_a?(BSON::Int32) || actual.is_a?(BSON::Int64) else expected == actual end end module_function :match_with_type? # Takes a timeout and a block. Waits up to the specified timeout until # the value of the block is true. If timeout is reached, this method # returns normally and does not raise an exception. The block is invoked # every second or so. module_function def wait_for_condition(timeout) deadline = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) + timeout loop do if yield break end if Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) > deadline break end sleep 1 end end module_function def ensure_port_free(port) TCPServer.open(port) do # Nothing end end module_function def wait_for_port_free(port, timeout) wait_for_condition(timeout) do begin ensure_port_free(port) true rescue Errno::EADDRINUSE false end end end module_function def get_ec2_metadata_token(ttl: 30, http: nil) http ||= Net::HTTP.new('') req = Net::HTTP::Put.new('/latest/api/token', # The TTL is required in order to obtain the metadata token. {'x-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds' => ttl.to_s}) resp = http.request(req) if resp.code != '200' raise "Metadata token request failed: #{e.class}: #{e}" end resp.body end module_function def ec2_instance_id http = Net::HTTP.new('') metadata_token = get_ec2_metadata_token(http: http) req = Net::HTTP::Get.new('/latest/dynamic/instance-identity/document', {'x-aws-ec2-metadata-token' => metadata_token}) resp = http.request(req) payload = JSON.parse(resp.body) payload.fetch('instanceId') end module_function def ec2_instance_profile http = Net::HTTP.new('') metadata_token = get_ec2_metadata_token(http: http) req = Net::HTTP::Get.new('/latest/meta-data/iam/info', {'x-aws-ec2-metadata-token' => metadata_token}) resp = http.request(req) if resp.code == '404' nil else payload = JSON.parse(resp.body) payload['InstanceProfileArn'] end end module_function def wait_for_instance_profile deadline = Time.now + 15 loop do begin ip = ec2_instance_profile if ip puts "Instance profile assigned: #{ip}" break end rescue => e puts "Problem retrieving instance profile: #{e.class}: #{e}" end if Time.now >= deadline raise 'Instance profile did not get assigned in 15 seconds' end sleep 3 end end module_function def wait_for_no_instance_profile deadline = Time.now + 15 loop do begin ip = ec2_instance_profile if ip.nil? puts "Instance profile cleared" break end rescue => e puts "Problem retrieving instance profile: #{e.class}: #{e}" end if Time.now >= deadline raise 'Instance profile did not get cleared in 15 seconds' end sleep 3 end end module_function def wrap_forked_child begin yield rescue => e STDERR.puts "Failing process #{Process.pid} due to #{e.class}: #{e}" exec('/bin/false') else # Exec so that we do not close any clients etc. in the child. exec('/bin/true') end end module_function def subscribe_all(client, subscriber) subscribe_all_sdam_proc(subscriber).call(client) end module_function def subscribe_all_sdam_proc(subscriber) lambda do |client| client.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::TOPOLOGY_OPENING, subscriber) client.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::SERVER_OPENING, subscriber) client.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::SERVER_DESCRIPTION_CHANGED, subscriber) client.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::TOPOLOGY_CHANGED, subscriber) client.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::SERVER_CLOSED, subscriber) client.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::TOPOLOGY_CLOSED, subscriber) client.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::SERVER_HEARTBEAT, subscriber) client.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::CONNECTION_POOL, subscriber) client.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::COMMAND, subscriber) end end # Creates an event subscriber, subscribes it to command events on the # specified client, invokes the passed block, asserts there is exactly one # command event published, asserts the command event published has the # specified command name, and returns the published event. module_function def get_command_event(client, command_name, include_auth: false) subscriber = Mrss::EventSubscriber.new client.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::COMMAND, subscriber) begin yield client ensure client.unsubscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::COMMAND, subscriber) end subscriber.single_command_started_event(command_name, include_auth: include_auth) end # Drops and creates a collection for the purpose of starting the test from # a clean slate. # # @param [ Mongo::Client ] client # @param [ String ] collection_name module_function def create_collection(client, collection_name) client[collection_name].drop client[collection_name].create end # If the deployment is a sharded cluster, creates a direct client # to each of the mongos nodes and yields each in turn to the # provided block. Does nothing in other topologies. module_function def mongos_each_direct_client if ClusterConfig.instance.topology == :sharded client = ClientRegistry.instance.global_client('basic') client.cluster.next_primary client.cluster.servers.each do |server| direct_client = ClientRegistry.instance.new_local_client( [server.address.to_s], SpecConfig.instance.test_options.merge( connect: :sharded ).merge(SpecConfig.instance.auth_options)) yield direct_client direct_client.close end end end module_function def load_spec_yaml_file(path) permitted_classes = [ BigDecimal, Date, Time, Range, Regexp, Symbol, BSON::Binary, BSON::Code, BSON::CodeWithScope, BSON::DbPointer, BSON::Decimal128, BSON::Int32, BSON::Int64, BSON::MaxKey, BSON::MinKey, BSON::ObjectId, BSON::Regexp::Raw, BSON::Symbol::Raw, BSON::Timestamp, BSON::Undefined, ] if RUBY_VERSION < '2.6' YAML.safe_load(File.read(path), permitted_classes, [], true) else # Here we have Ruby 2.6+ that supports the new syntax of `safe_load``. YAML.safe_load(File.read(path), permitted_classes: permitted_classes, aliases: true) end end end