require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "spec_helper" ) describe Mole do before( :all ) do ::Mole.reset_configuration! ::Mole.initialize( :moleable => true ) @root = ::File.expand_path( ::File.join(::File.dirname(__FILE__), ".." ) ) end it "is versioned" do ::Mole::Version.version.should =~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+/ end it "should have the right defaults" do Mole.should be_moleable Mole.logger.should_not be_nil Mole.perf_threshold.should == 5 Mole.should_not be_persistent Mole.application.should == "Default" end it "generates a correct path relative to root" do Mole.path( "mole.rb" ).should == ::File.join(@root, "mole.rb" ) end it "generates a correct path relative to lib" do Mole.libpath(%w[ mole db_mole.rb]).should == ::File.join(@root, "lib", "mole", "db_mole.rb") end it "should define the correct run modes" do Mole.run_modes.should == [:transient,:persistent] end it "should dump config info to console" do Mole.dump end it "should locate controller classes correctly" do classes = Mole.find_controller_classes( File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[data] ) ) classes.should == %w[Blee] end describe ".auto_xxx" do before( :each ) do ::Mole.reset_configuration! ::Mole.initialize( :perf_threshold => 1, :log_level => :debug ) require File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[data blee] ) Blee.send( :mole_clear! ) CallStackChecker.reset! end it "should auto perf a set of controllers correctly" do Mole.auto_perf( File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[data] ) ) do |context, feature, elapsed_time, ret_val, block, *args| context.class.should == Blee block.should be_nil args.size.should == 0 elapsed_time.should > 1 CallStackChecker.called end CallStackChecker.should be_called CallStackChecker.reset! CallStackChecker.should be_called end it "should auto check a set of controllers correctly" do Mole.auto_unchecked( File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[data] ) ) do |context, feature, elapsed_time, block, *args| context.class.should == Blee feature.should == "blee_raise" block.should be_nil args.size.should == 0 CallStackChecker.called end rescue nil CallStackChecker.should be_called end it "should auto before a set of controllers correctly" do Mole.auto_before( File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[data] ) ) do |context, feature, block, *args| context.class.should == Blee feature.should == "blee_no_args" block.should be_nil args.size.should == 0 CallStackChecker.called end CallStackChecker.should be_called end it "should auto after a set of controllers correctly" do Mole.auto_after( File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[data] ) ) do |context, feature, ret_val, block, *args| context.class.should == Blee feature.should == "blee_no_args" ret_val.should == 10 block.should be_nil args.size.should == 0 CallStackChecker.called end Blee.mole_dump( "After" ) CallStackChecker.should be_called end end describe ".load_mole_configuration" do before( :each ) do ::Mole.reset_configuration! end it "should load single file correctly" do ::Mole.initialize( :moleable => true, :mole_config => File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[config mole_config.rb] ) ) ::Mole.load_mole_configuration require( File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[config mole_config.rb] ) ).should == [] end it "should load config for directory correctly" do ::Mole.initialize( :moleable => true, :mole_config => File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[config moles] ) ) ::Mole.load_mole_configuration require( File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[config moles fred_config.rb] ) ).should == [] end it "should raise an error if the configuration file does not exist" do ::Mole.initialize( :moleable => true, :mole_config => File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[config fred_mole.rb] ) ) lambda{ ::Mole.load_mole_configuration }.should raise_error( "Unable to find the MOle configuration from `./spec/config/fred_mole.rb" ) end it "should raise an error if the config directory does not exist" do ::Mole.initialize( :moleable => true, :mole_config => File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[config freds] ) ) lambda{ ::Mole.load_mole_configuration }.should raise_error( "Unable to find the MOle configuration from `./spec/config/freds" ) end end end