describe Wisper::Publisher do let(:listener) { double('listener') } let(:publisher) { } describe '.subscribe' do it 'subscribes given listener to all published events' do expect(listener).to receive(:this_happened) expect(listener).to receive(:so_did_this) publisher.subscribe(listener) publisher.send(:broadcast, 'this_happened') publisher.send(:broadcast, 'so_did_this') end describe ':on argument' do before do allow(listener).to receive(:something_a_happened) allow(listener).to receive(:and_this) allow(listener).to receive(:so_did_this) end describe 'given a string' do it 'subscribes listener to an event' do expect(listener).to receive(:this_happened) expect(listener).not_to receive(:so_did_this) publisher.subscribe(listener, on: 'this_happened') publisher.send(:broadcast, 'this_happened') publisher.send(:broadcast, 'so_did_this') end end describe 'given a symbol' do it 'subscribes listener to an event' do expect(listener).to receive(:this_happened) expect(listener).not_to receive(:so_did_this) publisher.subscribe(listener, on: :this_happened) publisher.send(:broadcast, 'this_happened') publisher.send(:broadcast, 'so_did_this') end end describe 'given an array' do it 'subscribes listener to events' do expect(listener).to receive(:this_happened) expect(listener).to receive(:and_this) expect(listener).not_to receive(:so_did_this) publisher.subscribe(listener, on: ['this_happened', 'and_this']) publisher.send(:broadcast, 'this_happened') publisher.send(:broadcast, 'so_did_this') publisher.send(:broadcast, 'and_this') end end describe 'given a regex' do it 'subscribes listener to matching events' do expect(listener).to receive(:something_a_happened) expect(listener).not_to receive(:so_did_this) publisher.subscribe(listener, on: /something_._happened/) publisher.send(:broadcast, 'something_a_happened') publisher.send(:broadcast, 'so_did_this') end end describe 'given an unsupported argument' do it 'raises an error' do publisher.subscribe(listener, on: expect { publisher.send(:broadcast, 'something_a_happened') }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end describe ':with argument' do it 'sets method to call listener with on event' do expect(listener).to receive(:different_method).twice publisher.subscribe(listener, :with => :different_method) publisher.send(:broadcast, 'this_happened') publisher.send(:broadcast, 'so_did_this') end end describe ':prefix argument' do it 'prefixes broadcast events with given symbol' do expect(listener).to receive(:after_it_happened) expect(listener).not_to receive(:it_happened) publisher.subscribe(listener, :prefix => :after) publisher.send(:broadcast, 'it_happened') end it 'prefixes broadcast events with "on" when given true' do expect(listener).to receive(:on_it_happened) expect(listener).not_to receive(:it_happened) publisher.subscribe(listener, :prefix => true) publisher.send(:broadcast, 'it_happened') end end describe ':scope argument' do let(:listener_1) { double('Listener') } let(:listener_2) { double('Listener') } it 'scopes listener to given class' do expect(listener_1).to receive(:it_happended) expect(listener_2).not_to receive(:it_happended) publisher.subscribe(listener_1, :scope => publisher.class) publisher.subscribe(listener_2, :scope => publisher.send(:broadcast, 'it_happended') end it 'scopes listener to given class string' do expect(listener_1).to receive(:it_happended) expect(listener_2).not_to receive(:it_happended) publisher.subscribe(listener_1, :scope => publisher.class.to_s) publisher.subscribe(listener_2, :scope => publisher.send(:broadcast, 'it_happended') end it 'includes all subclasses of given class' do publisher_super_klass = publisher_class publisher_sub_klass = listener = double('Listener') expect(listener).to receive(:it_happended).once publisher = publisher.subscribe(listener, :scope => publisher_super_klass) publisher.send(:broadcast, 'it_happended') end end describe ':broadcaster argument'do let(:broadcaster) { double('broadcaster') } let(:listener) { double('listener') } let(:event_name) { 'it_happened' } before do Wisper.configuration.broadcasters.clear allow(listener).to receive(event_name) allow(broadcaster).to receive(:broadcast) end after { Wisper.setup } # restore default configuration it 'given an object which responds_to broadcast it uses object' do publisher.subscribe(listener, broadcaster: broadcaster) expect(broadcaster).to receive('broadcast') publisher.send(:broadcast, event_name) end it 'given a key it uses a configured broadcaster' do Wisper.configure { |c| c.broadcaster(:foobar, broadcaster) } publisher.subscribe(listener, broadcaster: :foobar) expect(broadcaster).to receive('broadcast') publisher.send(:broadcast, event_name) end it 'given an unknown key it raises error' do expect { publisher.subscribe(listener, broadcaster: :foobar) }.to raise_error(KeyError, /broadcaster not found/) end it 'given nothing it uses the default broadcaster' do Wisper.configure { |c| c.broadcaster(:default, broadcaster) } publisher.subscribe(listener) expect(broadcaster).to receive('broadcast') publisher.send(:broadcast, event_name) end describe 'async alias' do it 'given an object which responds_to broadcast it uses object' do publisher.subscribe(listener, async: broadcaster) expect(broadcaster).to receive('broadcast') publisher.send(:broadcast, event_name) end it 'given true it uses configured async broadcaster' do Wisper.configure { |c| c.broadcaster(:async, broadcaster) } publisher.subscribe(listener, async: true) expect(broadcaster).to receive('broadcast') publisher.send(:broadcast, event_name) end it 'given false it uses configured default broadcaster' do Wisper.configure { |c| c.broadcaster(:default, broadcaster) } publisher.subscribe(listener, async: false) expect(broadcaster).to receive('broadcast') publisher.send(:broadcast, event_name) end end end it 'returns publisher so methods can be chained' do expect(publisher.subscribe(listener, :on => 'so_did_this')).to \ eq publisher end it 'is aliased to .subscribe' do expect(publisher).to respond_to(:subscribe) end end describe '.on' do it 'returns publisher so methods can be chained' do expect(publisher.on('this_thing_happened') {}).to eq publisher end it 'raise an error if no events given' do expect { publisher.on() {} }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'returns publisher so methods can be chained' do expect(publisher.on(:foo) {}).to eq publisher end end describe '.broadcast' do it 'does not publish events which cannot be responded to' do expect(listener).not_to receive(:so_did_this) allow(listener).to receive(:respond_to?).and_return(false) publisher.subscribe(listener, :on => 'so_did_this') publisher.send(:broadcast, 'so_did_this') end describe ':event argument' do it 'is indifferent to string and symbol' do expect(listener).to receive(:this_happened).twice publisher.subscribe(listener) publisher.send(:broadcast, 'this_happened') publisher.send(:broadcast, :this_happened) end it 'is indifferent to dasherized and underscored strings' do expect(listener).to receive(:this_happened).twice publisher.subscribe(listener) publisher.send(:broadcast, 'this_happened') publisher.send(:broadcast, 'this-happened') end end it 'returns publisher' do expect(publisher.send(:broadcast, :foo)).to eq publisher end it 'is not public' do expect(publisher).not_to respond_to(:broadcast) end it 'is alised as .publish' do expect(publisher.method(:broadcast)).to eq publisher.method(:publish) end end describe '.listeners' do it 'returns an immutable collection' do expect(publisher.listeners).to be_frozen expect { publisher.listeners << listener }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end it 'returns local listeners' do publisher.subscribe(listener) expect(publisher.listeners).to eq [listener] expect(publisher.listeners.size).to eq 1 end end describe '#subscribe' do let(:publisher_klass_1) { publisher_class } let(:publisher_klass_2) { publisher_class } it 'subscribes listener to all instances of publisher' do publisher_klass_1.subscribe(listener) expect(listener).to receive(:it_happened).once, 'it_happened'), 'it_happened') end end end