module Flt # Trigonometry functions. The angular units used by these functions can be specified # with the +angle+ attribute of the context. The accepted values are: # * :rad for radians # * :deg for degrees # * :grad for gradians # # These functions are injected in Context objects. module Trigonometry # Cosine of an angle given in the units specified by the context +angle+ attribute. def cos(x) cos_base(num_class[x]) end # Sine of an angle given in the units specified by the context +angle+ attribute. def sin(x) sin_base(num_class[x]) end # Tangent of an angle given in the units specified by the context +angle+ attribute. def tan(x) tan_base(num_class[x]) end # Arc-tangent. The result is in the units specified by the context +angle+ attribute. # If the angular units are radians the result is in [-pi/2, pi/2]; it is in [-90,90] in degrees. def atan(x) atan_base(num_class[x]) end # Arc-tangent with two arguments (principal value of the argument of the complex number x+i*y). # The result is in the units specified by the context +angle+ attribute. # If the angular units are radians the result is in [-pi, pi]; it is in [-180,180] in degrees. def atan2(y, x) atan2_base(num_class[y], num_class[x]) end # Arc-sine. The result is in the units specified by the context +angle+ attribute. # If the angular units are radians the result is in [-pi/2, pi/2]; it is in [-90,90] in degrees. def asin(x) asin_base(num_class[x]) end # Arc-cosine. The result is in the units specified by the context +angle+ attribute. # If the angular units are radians the result is in [-pi/2, pi/2]; it is in [-90,90] in degrees. def acos(x) acos_base(num_class[x]) end # Length of the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle (modulus or absolute value of the complex x+i*y). def hypot(x, y) hypot_base(num_class[x], num_class[y]) end # Pi def pi(round_digits=nil) round_digits ||= self.precision if Trigonometry.pi_digits < round_digits # provisional implementation (very slow) lasts = 0 t, s, n, na, d, da = Trigonometry.pi_cache num_class.context(self) do |local_context| local_context.precision = round_digits + 6 tol = Rational(1,num_class.int_radix_power(local_context.precision+1)) while (s-lasts)>tol lasts = s n, na = n+na, na+8 d, da = d+da, da+32 t = (t * n) / d s += t end Trigonometry.pi_value = num_class[s] Trigonometry.pi_digits = round_digits Trigonometry.pi_cache = [t, s, n, na, d, da] end end num_class.context(self, :precision=>round_digits){+Trigonometry.pi_value} end def e(digits=nil) num_class.context(self) do |local_context| local_context.precision = digits if digits num_class.Num(1).exp end end def half @half ||= num_class.one_half end # Hyperbolic sine def sinh(x) sinh_base(num_class[x]) end # Hyperbolic cosine def cosh(x) cosh_base(num_class[x]) end # Hyperbolic tangent def tanh(x) tanh_base(num_class[x]) end # Hyperbolic arcsine def asinh(x) asinh_base(num_class[x]) end # Hyperbolic arccosine def acosh(x) acosh_base(num_class[x]) end # Hyperbolic arctangent def atanh(x) atanh_base(num_class[x]) end protected @pi_value = nil @pi_digits = 0 @pi_cache = [Rational(3), Rational(3), 1, 0, 0, 24] class <1 if k % 2 == 0 x = pi_2 - x else rev_sign = !rev_sign end x = local_context.to_rad(x) i, lasts, fact, num = 1, 0, 1, num_class[x] s = num x2 = -x*x while s != lasts lasts = s i += 2 fact *= i * (i-1) num *= x2 s += num / fact end end return rev_sign ? minus(s) : plus(s) end def sin_base(x) sign = x.sign s = nil num_class.context(self) do |local_context| local_context.precision += 3 # extra digits for intermediate steps x = x.copy_sign(+1) if sign<0 x,k,pi_2 = local_context.reduce_angle2(x,2) sign = -sign if k>1 x = pi_2 - x if k % 2 == 1 x = local_context.to_rad(x) i, lasts, fact, num = 1, 0, 1, num_class[x] s = num x2 = -x*x while s != lasts lasts = s i += 2 fact *= i * (i-1) num *= x2 s += num / fact end end return plus(s).copy_sign(sign) end def tan_base(x) plus(num_class.context(self) do |local_context| local_context.precision += 2 # extra digits for intermediate steps s,c = local_context.sin(x), local_context.cos(x) s/c end) end def atan_base(x) s = nil conversion = true extra_prec = num_class.radix==2 ? 4 : 2 num_class.context(self) do |local_context| local_context.precision += extra_prec if x == 0 return elsif x.abs > 1 if x.infinite? s = local_context.quarter_cycle.copy_sign(x) conversion = false break else # c = (quarter_cycle).copy_sign(x) c = (half*local_context.pi).copy_sign(x) x = 1 / x end end local_context.precision += extra_prec x_squared = x ** 2 if || x_squared.subnormal? s = x s = c - s if c && c!=0 break end y = x_squared / (1 + x_squared) y_over_x = y / x i =; lasts = 0; s = y_over_x; coeff = 1; num = y_over_x while s != lasts lasts = s i += 2 coeff *= i / (i + 1) num *= y s += coeff * num end if c && c!= 0 s = c - s end end return conversion ? rad_to(s) : plus(s) end def atan2_base(y, x) abs_y = y.abs abs_x = x.abs y_is_real = !x.infinite? if x != 0 if y_is_real a = y!=0 ? atan(y / x) : a += half_cycle.copy_sign(y) if x < 0 return a elsif abs_y == abs_x one = num_class[1] x = one.copy_sign(x) y = one.copy_sign(y) return half_cycle * (2 - x) / (4 * y) end end if y != 0 return atan(num_class.infinity(y.sign)) elsif x < 0 return half_cycle.copy_sign(x) else return end end def asin_base(x) x = +x return self.exception(Num::InvalidOperation, 'asin needs -1 <= x <= 1') if x.abs > 1 if x == -1 return -quarter_cycle elsif x == 0 return elsif x == 1 return quarter_cycle end num_class.context(self) do |local_context| local_context.precision += 3 x = x/(1-x*x).sqrt x = local_context.atan(x) end +x end def acos_base(x) return self.exception(Num::InvalidOperation, 'acos needs -1 <= x <= 2') if x.abs > 1 if x == -1 return half_cycle elsif x == 0 return quarter_cycle elsif x == 1 return end required_precision = self.precision if x < half num_class.context(self, :precision=>required_precision+2) do x = x/(1-x*x).sqrt x = num_class.context.quarter_cycle - num_class.context.atan(x) end else # valid for x>=0 num_class.context(self, :precision=>required_precision+3) do # x = (1-x*x).sqrt # x*x may require double precision if x*x is near 1 x = (1-num_class.context(self, :precision=>required_precision*2){x*x}).sqrt x = num_class.context.asin(x) end end +x end def hypot_base(x, y) +num_class.context(self) do |local_context| local_context.precision += 3 (x*x + y*y).sqrt end end def sinh_base(x) sign = x.sign s = nil num_class.context(self) do |local_context| local_context.precision += 3 # extra digits for intermediate steps x = x.copy_sign(+1) if sign<0 if x > 1 s = half*(x.exp - (-x).exp) else i, lasts, fact, num = 1, 0, 1, num_class[x] s = num x2 = x*x while s != lasts lasts = s i += 2 fact *= i * (i-1) num *= x2 s += num / fact end end end return plus(s).copy_sign(sign) end def cosh_base(x) s = nil num_class.context(self) do |local_context| local_context.precision += 3 # extra digits for intermediate steps x = x.copy_sign(+1) s = half*(x.exp + (-x).exp) end return plus(s) end def tanh_base(x) s = nil num_class.context(self) do |local_context| local_context.precision += 3 # extra digits for intermediate steps s = sinh_base(x)/cosh_base(x) end return plus(s) end def asinh_base(x) sign = x.sign x = x.copy_sign(+1) s = nil num_class.context(self) do |local_context| x_squared = x ** 2 if || x_squared.subnormal? s = x else # TODO: more accurate formula for small x: if x<... if x.adjusted_exponent >= local_context.precision s = local_context.ln(x+x) else s = local_context.ln(x + local_context.sqrt(x_squared + 1)) end end end return plus(s).copy_sign(sign) end def acosh_base(x) return self.exception(Num::InvalidOperation, 'acosh needs x >= 1') if x < 1 x = x.copy_sign(+1) s = nil num_class.context(self) do |local_context| if x == 1 s = else if x.adjusted_exponent >= local_context.precision s = x+x else s = x + local_context.sqrt((x+1)*(x-1)) end s = local_context.ln(s) end end return plus(s) end def atanh_base(x) sign = x.sign x = x.copy_sign(+1) s = nil return self.exception(Num::InvalidOperation, 'asinh needs -1 <= x <= 1') if x > 1 num_class.context(self) do |local_context| if x.adjusted_exponent <= -local_context.precision s = x else s = (1 + x) / (1 - x) s = half*local_context.ln(s) end end return plus(s).copy_sign(sign) end def pi2(decimals=nil) num_class.context(self, :precision=>decimals) do |local_context| local_context.pi*2 end end def invpi(decimals=nil) num_class.context(self, :precision=>decimals) do |local_context| num_class[1]/local_context.pi end end def inv2pi(decimals=nil) num_class.context(self, :precision=>decimals) do |local_context| num_class.Num(1)/local_context.pi2 end end # class <self.precision*3){x.modulo(one_cycle)}) end # Reduce angle to [0,2Pi) def reduce_angle(a) modtwopi(a) end # Reduce angle to [0,Pi/k0) (result is not rounded to precision) def reduce_angle2(a,k0=nil) # divisor of pi or nil for pi*2 # we could reduce first to pi*2 to avoid the mod k0 operation k,r,divisor = num_class.context do num_class.context.precision *= 3 m = k0.nil? ? one_cycle : half_cycle/k0 a.divmod(m)+[m] end [r, k.modulo(k0*2).to_i, divisor] end def one_cycle case self.angle when :rad pi2 when :deg num_class.Num(360) when :grad num_class.Num(400) end end def half_cycle case self.angle when :rad pi(num_class.context.precision) when :deg num_class.Num(180) when :grad num_class.Num(200) end end def quarter_cycle case self.angle when :rad half*pi(num_class.context.precision) when :deg num_class.Num(90) when :grad num_class.Num(100) end end def to_rad(x) case self.angle when :rad plus(x) else plus(num_class.context(self, :extra_precision=>3){|lc| x*lc.pi/half_cycle}) end end def to_deg(x) case self.angle when :deg plus(x) else plus(num_class.context(self, :extra_precision=>3){x*num_class[180]/half_cycle}) end end def to_grad(x) case self.angle when :deg plus(x) else plus(num_class.context(self, :extra_precision=>3){x*num_class[200]/half_cycle}) end end def to_angle(angular_units, x) return plus(x) if angular_units == self.angle case angular_units when :rad to_rad(x) when :deg to_deg(x) when :grad to_grad(x) end end def rad_to(x) case self.angle when :rad plus(x) else plus(num_class.context(self, :extra_precision=>3){|lc| x*half_cycle/lc.pi}) end end def deg_to(x) case self.angle when :deg plus(x) else plus(num_class.context(self, :extra_precision=>3){x*half_cycle/num_class[180]}) end end def grad_to(x) case self.angle when :grad plus(x) else plus(num_class.context(self, :extra_precision=>3){x*half_cycle/num_class[200]}) end end def angle_to(x, angular_units) return plus(x) if angular_units == self.angle case angular_units when :rad rad_to(x) when :deg deg_to(x) when :grad grad_to(x) end end #end module Support module_function def iarccot(x, unity) xpow = unity / x n = 1 sign = 1 sum = 0 loop do term = xpow / n break if term == 0 sum += sign * (xpow/n) xpow /= x*x n += 2 sign = -sign end sum end end end # Trigonometry Num::ContextBase.class_eval{include Trigonometry} class DecNum module Trigonometry include Flt::Trigonometry::Support # Pi @pi_cache = nil # truncated pi digits as a string @pi_cache_digits = 0 PI_MARGIN = 10 class <0 # if we have margin we back-up one digit margin -= 1 v = v[0...-1] else break end end end Trigonometry.pi_cache_digits = digits + margin - PI_MARGIN # @pi_cache.size Trigonometry.pi_cache = v # DecNum(+1, v, 1-digits) # cache truncated value end # Now we avoid rounding too much because it is slow l = round_digits + 1 while (lround_digits){+num_class.Num(+1,v.to_i,1-l)} end end # DecNum::Trigonometry DecNum::Context.class_eval{include DecNum::Trigonometry} end # DecNum Num[16].class_eval do module Num[16]::Trigonometry extend Flt::Trigonometry::Support # Pi @pi_cache = nil # truncated pi digits as a string @pi_cache_digits = 0 PI_MARGIN = 10 class <0 # if we have margin we back-up one digit margin -= 1 v = v[0...-1] else break end end end Num[16]::Trigonometry.pi_cache_digits = digits + margin - PI_MARGIN # @pi_cache.size Num[16]::Trigonometry.pi_cache = v # DecNum(+1, v, 1-digits) # cache truncated value end # Now we avoid rounding too much because it is slow l = round_digits + 1 while (lround_digits){+num_class.Num(+1,v.to_i(16),1-l)} end end # Num[16]::Trigonometry Num[16]::Context.class_eval{include Num[16]::Trigonometry} end # Num[16] class BinNum module Trigonometry def pi(round_digits=nil) round_digits ||= self.precision nhexd = (round_digits+3)/4 + 1 v = Num[16]::Trigonometry.pi_hex_digits(nhexd) l = v.size v = v.to_i(16) e = (1-l)*4 # add trailing 01 for rounding (there always be some non null digit beyond the rounding point) v <<= 2 v |= 1 e -= 2 num_class.context(self, :precision=>round_digits){+num_class.Num(+1,v,e)} end end BinNum::Context.class_eval{include BinNum::Trigonometry} end end # Flt