require 'active_support' require 'charisma' def bless_characteristics(characteristics) characteristics.inject({}) do |memo, (k,v)| memo[k] = v, @activity.characterization[k] memo end end When /^the "(.*)" committee reports$/ do |committee_name| if @characteristics[committee_name.to_sym].nil? @decision ||= @activity.decisions.values.first @committee = @decision.committees.find { |c| == committee_name } args = [bless_characteristics(@characteristics)] if @timeframe args << [@timeframe] else args << [] end @report = *args result = @report.try(:conclusion) @characteristics[committee_name.to_sym] = result unless result.nil? end end Then /^then a report should exist for the committee$/ do raise "Missing report for committee #{}" if @report.nil? end Then /^the committee should have used quorum "(.*)"$/ do |quorum| step 'then a report should exist for the committee' == quorum end Then /^the conclusion should comply with standards? "(.*)"$/ do |standard_list| step 'then a report should exist for the committee' standards = standard_list.split(/,\s*/) standards.each do |standard| include(standard) end end Then /^the conclusion should not comply with standards? "(.*)"$/ do |standard_list| step 'then a report should exist for the committee' standards = standard_list.split(/,\s*/) standards.each do |standard| include(standard) end end Then /^the conclusion of the committee should be "(.*)"$/ do |expectation| conclusion = @report.try(:conclusion) conclusion = conclusion.respond_to?(:value) ? conclusion.value : conclusion compare_values(conclusion, coerce_value(expectation)) end Then /^the conclusion of the committee should be timeframe "(.*)"$/ do |conclusion| timeframe = Timeframe.interval(conclusion) compare_values(@report.try(:conclusion), coerce_value(timeframe)) end Then /^the conclusion of the committee should be nil$/ do compare_values(@report.try(:conclusion), nil) end Then /^the conclusion of the committee should include a key of "(.*)" and value "(.*)"$/ do |key, value| if key.present? include(key) else be_blank end if value.present? string_keyed_hash = {} @report.conclusion.each do |k, v| string_keyed_hash[k.to_s] = v end compare_values(string_keyed_hash[key.to_s], coerce_value(value)) end end Then /^the conclusion of the committee should have "(.*)" of "(.*)"$/ do |attribute, value| report_value = coerce_value @report.conclusion.send(attribute) compare_values report_value, coerce_value(value) end Then /^the conclusion of the committee should include "(.*)"$/ do |value| result = @report.conclusion.find do |item| equality? item, value end result.should_not be_nil end Then /^the conclusion of the committee should have a( single)? record identified with "(.*)" of "(.*)" and having "(.*)" of "(.*)"$/ do |single, id_field, id, field, value| if value.blank? @report.conclusion.should be_blank else id_field = id_field.to_sym records = @report.conclusion record = records.to_a.find { |r| equality? r.send(id_field), id } record.should_not be_nil compare_values record.send(field), coerce_value(value) if single records.count.should == 1 end end end Then /^the conclusion of the committee should have a record identified with "(.*)" of "(.*)" and having "(.*)" including "(.*)"$/ do |id_field, id, field, values| values.split(/,/).each do |value| step "the conclusion of the committee should have a record identified with \"#{id_field}\" of \"#{id}\" and having \"#{field}\" of \"#{value}\"" end end Then /^the conclusion of the committee should have a record with "([^"]*)" equal to "([^"]*)"$/ do |field, value| record = @report.conclusion compare_values(coerce_value(record.send(field)), coerce_value(value)) end Then /^the conclusion of the committee should include a key of "(.*)" and subvalue "(.*)" of "(.*)" and subvalue "(.*)" of "(.*)"$/ do |key, subkey1, subvalue1, subkey2, subvalue2| if key.present? include(key) actual_subvalue1 = coerce_value(@report.conclusion[key.to_s][subkey1.to_sym].to_s) compare_values(actual_subvalue1, coerce_value(subvalue1)) actual_subvalue2 = coerce_value(@report.conclusion[key.to_s][subkey2.to_sym].to_s) compare_values(actual_subvalue2, coerce_value(subvalue2)) else be_blank end end