# Liner
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Lay a liner for your Ruby classes. Liner is a lightweight library designed to 
enhance simple classes with some conveniences and idioms while staying out of 
your way.

## Usage

### Setup

You can setup a Liner based class in any of these equivalent ways:

Engine = Liner.new(:layout, :fuel)

class Engine < Liner.new(:layout, :fuel)

class Engine
  liner :layout, :fuel

### Initialization

Your new class comes with an initializer that takes values in the order you
defined them.

e = Engine.new('V6', 'gasoline')
# => #<Engine layout="V6", fuel="gasoline">
Or, you can initialize with a hash if you prefer.
e = Engine.new(layout: 'V8', fuel: "gasoline")
# => #<Engine layout="V8", fuel="gasoline">

### Attributes

Attribute getters and setters are built in.
e.fuel            # => "gasoline"
e.fuel = "diesel" # => "diesel"

Attributes are accessible via hash style lookup too.

e[:layout]        # => "V8"
e[:layout] = "V6" # => "V6"
e[:foo] = "Bar"   # => ArgumentError: Invalid liner attribute: 'foo'

If you want a full attribute hash, we have that (`to_h` and `to_hash` also work).

e.liner # => { :layout => 'V6', :fuel => 'diesel' }

### Inspection

It's always nice not to have to set up inspection (note that `to_s` is the same

# => #<Engine layout="V6", fuel="gasoline">

### Equality

Normal equality methods are here.
e.eql? Engine.new(layout: 'I4')               # => false
e == Engine.new(layout: 'V6', fuel: 'diesel') # => true

### Serialization

JSON serialization is ready after you require it.

require 'json'
# => "{\"layout\":\"V6\",\"fuel\":\"gasoline\"}"

### Overriding

#### Getters/Readers
If you want to customize the way an attribute is read, just override the method
like you would any accessor. You can access the raw value through either the instance variable,
`read_attribute`, or `super`.

class Taco < Liner.new(:filling)
  def filling
    if read_liner(:filling) == 'ground beef'
    elsif @filling == 'unknown fish'
      'Atlantic Cod'

Overridden getters will take precedence for the other features. This
is probably desirable, just don't be surprised by it.

taco = Taco.new("ground beef")
# => #<Taco filling="Steak">
taco[:filling] = 'unknown fish'
# => 'unknown fish'
# => {:filling=>"Atlantic Cod"}

#### Setters/Writers
It's the same scenario for customizing the writer. Set the real value
through the instance variable, `write_attribute`, or `super`.

class Bacon < Liner.new(:is_good)
  def is_good=(good)
    @is_good = true

Again, the overridden method takes precendence, even with writers.

generic_bacon = Bacon.new
generic_bacon[:is_good] = false
# => true

### Inheritance

Inheritance of Liner classes works like any other Ruby class, but you can tack
on extra attributes to child classes if you like.

class Instrument
  liner :key

class Guitar < Instrument
  liner :strings

Guitar.new('C', 6)
# => #<Guitar key="C", strings=6>

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

    gem 'liner'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install liner

## Contributing

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request