module ActiveRecordPresenter def error_messages? !presentee.errors.empty? end def error_messages return if presentee.errors.empty? presentee.errors.full_messages end # Pass presenter method call to model so you don't have to # redefine every model method in the presenter class. def method_missing(name, *args) if presentee.respond_to?(name) presentee.send(name, *args) end end # Extend scope of respond_to? to model. def respond_to?(name) if super true else presentee.respond_to?(name) end end def define_paths(model) define_action(model, 'show') # show_path(@user) define_action(model, 'update') # update_path(@user) define_action(model, 'delete') # delete_path(@user) define_action("edit_#{model}", 'edit') # edit_path(@user) define_action(model.pluralize, 'index', false) # index_path define_action(model.pluralize, 'create', false) # create_path define_action("new_#{model}", 'new', false) # new_path end private def define_action(model, action, use_presentee = true) if use_presentee self.class.send(:define_method, "#{action}_path") do context.send("#{model}_path", presentee) end self.class.send(:define_method, "#{action}_url") do context.send("#{model}_url", presentee) end else self.class.send(:define_method, "#{action}_path") do context.send("#{model}_path") end self.class.send(:define_method, "#{action}_url") do context.send("#{model}_url") end end end end