## v0.5.0 - 2014-Nov-26 * Fix bug that prevented loading an application from the command line in another directory. * Compatibility: `FileBacked#path_to` is now `FileBacked#resolve_file_path` to prevent conflict with `Presentation#path_to`. * Make `inspect` representation of assets more useful. * Add convenience methods for collections of assets by type on presentations: `.layers`, `.groups`, `.cameras`, `.lights`, `.components`, `.models`, `.materials`, `.images`, `.behaviors`, `.aliases`, `.paths`, `.anchor_points`, `.texts` * Fix bug that prevented behavior instances from having proper `name` or `sourcepath` attribute values. * Added `.hierarchy` to presentations and assets for printing the scene graph. ## v0.4.5 - 2014-Nov-19 * Added a large amount of documentation. * Minor code refactoring: * Most (internal) Presentation methods that took a scene graph element as the argument now take an asset. * All `FileBacked` assets now have `save!` and `save_as`. ## v0.4.1 - 2014-Nov-16 * Update `MetaData.xml` for tests to newest version. * Source paths for images/textures normalize the path (forward slashes and no leading `./`). * Added `app.main` as a simpler alias for `app.main_presentation`. * Add support for paths and anchor points, including `mypath.anchors` as an array of anchor points. * Assets present in MetaData and presentation, but not yet hand-entered into the hierarchy, now work and default to inherit from `Asset`. ## v0.4.0 - 2014-Nov-11 * Switch attribute filtering again; now all attributes are inline in the `find()` hash, and the four special keys are prefixed with an underscore: `_type`, `_slide`, `_master`, and `_under`. ## v0.3.0 - 2014-Nov-10 * Switch attribute filtering to use `attr:{ … }` instead of `attributes:{ … }` * Attribute matching now requires that a requested attribute be present, or else the asset matching fails. * _For example, `main.find attr:{ diffusecolor:[nil,nil,nil] }` will now only find assets with a `diffusecolor` attribute._ ## v0.2.5 - 2014-Nov-10 * Re-adds blank line after REPL result. ## v0.2.4 - 2014-Nov-10 * Fix bug with history editing in REPL (prompts no longer have a blank line before) * Add temporary hack to make projects using Float2 load correctly ## v0.2.3 - 2014-Nov-7 * Cleaner mechanism for creating a truly blank binding ## v0.2.2 - 2014-Nov-7 * REPL shows version number when it starts ## v0.2.1 - 2014-Nov-7 * REPL mode after script maintains binding of script (all local variables remain available) * Customized `.irbrc` files will not cause warnings ## v0.2.0 - 2014-Nov-7 * Add Presentation#save_as * REPL working directory is same as .uia ## v0.1.0 - 2014-Nov-7 * Add REPL mode for ruic binary ## v0.0.1 - 2014-Nov-7 * Initial gem release * Crawl presentations and modify attributes * Batch find assets * Save presentation changes back to disk