# frozen_string_literal: true class Pry # Prompt represents the Pry prompt, which can be used with Readline-like # libraries. It defines a few default prompts (default prompt, simple prompt, # etc) and also provides an API for adding and implementing custom prompts. # # @example Registering a new Pry prompt # Pry::Prompt.add( # :ipython, # 'IPython-like prompt', [':', '...:'] # ) do |_context, _nesting, pry_instance, sep| # sep == ':' ? "In [#{pry_instance.input_ring.count}]: " : ' ...: ' # end # # # Produces: # # In [3]: def foo # # ...: puts 'foo' # # ...: end # # => :foo # # In [4]: # # @example Manually instantiating the Prompt class # prompt_procs = [ # proc { '#{rand(1)}>" }, # proc { "#{('a'..'z').to_a.sample}*" } # ] # prompt = Pry::Prompt.new( # :random, # 'Random number or letter prompt.', # prompt_procs # ) # prompt.wait_proc.call(...) #=> # prompt.incomplete_proc.call(...) # # @since v0.11.0 # @api public class Prompt # A Hash that holds all prompts. The keys of the Hash are prompt # names, the values are Hash instances of the format {:description, :value}. @prompts = {} class << self # Retrieves a prompt. # # @example # Prompt[:my_prompt] # # @param [Symbol] name The name of the prompt you want to access # @return [Hash{Symbol=>Object}] # @since v0.12.0 def [](name) @prompts[name.to_s] end # @return [Hash{Symbol=>Hash}] the duplicate of the internal prompts hash # @note Use this for read-only operations # @since v0.12.0 def all @prompts.dup end # Adds a new prompt to the prompt hash. # # @param [Symbol] name # @param [String] description # @param [Array] separators The separators to differentiate # between prompt modes (default mode and class/method definition mode). # The Array *must* have a size of 2. # @yield [context, nesting, pry_instance, sep] # @yieldparam context [Object] the context where Pry is currently in # @yieldparam nesting [Integer] whether the context is nested # @yieldparam pry_instance [Pry] the Pry instance # @yieldparam separator [String] separator string # @return [nil] # @raise [ArgumentError] if the size of `separators` is not 2 # @raise [ArgumentError] if `prompt_name` is already occupied # @since v0.12.0 def add(name, description = '', separators = %w[> *]) name = name.to_s unless separators.size == 2 raise ArgumentError, "separators size must be 2, given #{separators.size}" end if @prompts.key?(name) raise ArgumentError, "the '#{name}' prompt was already added" end @prompts[name] = new( name, description, separators.map do |sep| proc do |context, nesting, pry_instance| yield(context, nesting, pry_instance, sep) end end ) nil end end # @return [String] attr_reader :name # @return [String] attr_reader :description # @return [Array] the array of procs that hold # `[wait_proc, incomplete_proc]` attr_reader :prompt_procs # @param [String] name # @param [String] description # @param [Array] prompt_procs def initialize(name, description, prompt_procs) @name = name @description = description @prompt_procs = prompt_procs end # @return [Proc] the proc which builds the wait prompt (`>`) def wait_proc @prompt_procs.first end # @return [Proc] the proc which builds the prompt when in the middle of an # expression such as open method, etc. (`*`) def incomplete_proc @prompt_procs.last end # @deprecated Use a `Pry::Prompt` instance directly def [](key) key = key.to_s if %w[name description].include?(key) Pry::Warning.warn( "`Pry::Prompt[:#{@name}][:#{key}]` is deprecated. " \ "Use `#{self.class}##{key}` instead" ) public_send(key) elsif key.to_s == 'value' Pry::Warning.warn( "`#{self.class}[:#{@name}][:value]` is deprecated. Use " \ "`#{self.class}#prompt_procs` instead or an instance of " \ "`#{self.class}` directly" ) @prompt_procs end end add( :default, "The default Pry prompt. Includes information about the current expression \n" \ "number, evaluation context, and nesting level, plus a reminder that you're \n" \ 'using Pry.' ) do |context, nesting, pry_instance, sep| format( "[%s] %s(%s)%s%s ", in_count: pry_instance.input_ring.count, name: pry_instance.config.prompt_name, context: Pry.view_clip(context), nesting: (nesting > 0 ? ":#{nesting}" : ''), separator: sep ) end add( :simple, "A simple `>>`.", ['>> ', ' | '] ) do |_, _, _, sep| sep end add( :nav, "A prompt that displays the binding stack as a path and includes information \n" \ "about #{Helpers::Text.bold('_in_')} and #{Helpers::Text.bold('_out_')}.", %w[> *] ) do |_context, _nesting, pry_instance, sep| tree = pry_instance.binding_stack.map { |b| Pry.view_clip(b.eval('self')) } format( "[%s] (%s) %s: %s%s ", in_count: pry_instance.input_ring.count, name: pry_instance.config.prompt_name, tree: tree.join(' / '), stack_size: pry_instance.binding_stack.size - 1, separator: sep ) end add( :shell, 'A prompt that displays `$PWD` as you change it.', %w[$ *] ) do |context, _nesting, pry_instance, sep| format( "%s %s:%s %s ", name: pry_instance.config.prompt_name, context: Pry.view_clip(context), pwd: Dir.pwd, separator: sep ) end add( :none, 'Wave goodbye to the Pry prompt.', Array.new(2) ) { '' } end end