module Pod class Validator attr_accessor :only_x64 def xcodebuild(action, scheme, configuration) require 'fourflusher' command = %W(clean #{action} -workspace #{File.join(validation_dir, 'App.xcworkspace')} -scheme #{scheme} -configuration #{configuration}) case consumer.platform_name when :osx, :macos command += %w(CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=) when :ios command += %w(CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=- -sdk iphonesimulator) command +=, 'iOS', deployment_target) xcconfig = consumer.pod_target_xcconfig if xcconfig archs = xcconfig['VALID_ARCHS'] if archs && (archs.include? 'armv7') && !(archs.include? 'i386') && (archs.include? 'x86_64') # Prevent Xcodebuild from testing the non-existent i386 simulator if armv7 is specified without i386 command += %w(ARCHS=x86_64) end if @only_x64 && !(command.include? 'ARCHS=x86_64') command += %w(ARCHS=x86_64) end end when :watchos command += %w(CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=- -sdk watchsimulator) command +=, 'watchOS', deployment_target) when :tvos command += %w(CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=- -sdk appletvsimulator) command +=, 'tvOS', deployment_target) end if analyze command += %w(CLANG_ANALYZER_OUTPUT=html CLANG_ANALYZER_OUTPUT_DIR=analyzer) end begin _xcodebuild(command, true) rescue => e message = 'Returned an unsuccessful exit code.' message += ' You can use `--verbose` for more information.' unless config.verbose? error('xcodebuild', message) e.message end end end class Command class Lib < Command class Lint < Lib class << self alias_method :original_options, :options end def self.options original_options.concat([['--onlyx64', 'Lint uses only x86-64 iphonesimulator']]) end alias_method :original_initialize, :initialize def initialize(argv) @only_x64 = argv.flag?('onlyx64', false) original_initialize(argv) end def run UI.puts podspecs_to_lint.each do |podspec| validator =, @source_urls, @platforms) validator.local = true validator.quick = @quick validator.no_clean = !@clean validator.fail_fast = @fail_fast validator.allow_warnings = @allow_warnings validator.no_subspecs = !@subspecs || @only_subspec validator.only_subspec = @only_subspec validator.use_frameworks = @use_frameworks validator.use_modular_headers = @use_modular_headers validator.ignore_public_only_results = @private validator.swift_version = @swift_version validator.skip_import_validation = @skip_import_validation validator.skip_tests = @skip_tests validator.analyze = @analyze validator.include_podspecs = @include_podspecs validator.external_podspecs = @external_podspecs validator.only_x64 = @only_x64 validator.validate unless @clean UI.puts "Pods workspace available at `#{validator.validation_dir}/App.xcworkspace` for inspection." UI.puts end if validator.validated? UI.puts "#{} passed validation.".green else spec_name = podspec spec_name = if validator.spec message = "#{spec_name} did not pass validation, due to #{validator.failure_reason}." if @clean message << "\nYou can use the `--no-clean` option to inspect " \ 'any issue.' end raise Informative, message end end end end end end class Command class Spec < Command class Lint < Spec class << self alias_method :original_options, :options end def self.options original_options.concat([['--onlyx64', 'Lint uses only x86-64 iphonesimulator']]) end alias_method :original_initialize, :initialize def initialize(argv) @only_x64 = argv.flag?('onlyx64', false) original_initialize(argv) end def run UI.puts failure_reasons = [] podspecs_to_lint.each do |podspec| validator =, @source_urls, @platforms) validator.quick = @quick validator.no_clean = !@clean validator.fail_fast = @fail_fast validator.allow_warnings = @allow_warnings validator.no_subspecs = !@subspecs || @only_subspec validator.only_subspec = @only_subspec validator.use_frameworks = @use_frameworks validator.use_modular_headers = @use_modular_headers validator.ignore_public_only_results = @private validator.swift_version = @swift_version validator.skip_import_validation = @skip_import_validation validator.skip_tests = @skip_tests validator.analyze = @analyze validator.only_x64 = @only_x64 validator.validate failure_reasons << validator.failure_reason unless @clean UI.puts "Pods workspace available at `#{validator.validation_dir}/App.xcworkspace` for inspection." UI.puts end end count = podspecs_to_lint.count UI.puts "Analyzed #{count} #{'podspec'.pluralize(count)}.\n\n" failure_reasons.compact! if failure_reasons.empty? lint_passed_message = count == 1 ? "#{podspecs_to_lint.first.basename} passed validation." : 'All the specs passed validation.' UI.puts << "\n\n" else raise Informative, if count == 1 "The spec did not pass validation, due to #{failure_reasons.first}." else "#{failure_reasons.count} out of #{count} specs failed validation." end end podspecs_tmp_dir.rmtree if podspecs_tmp_dir.exist? end end end end class Command class Repo < Command class Push < Repo class << self alias_method :original_options, :options end def self.options original_options.concat([['--onlyx64', 'Lint uses only x86-64 iphonesimulator']]) end alias_method :original_initialize, :initialize def initialize(argv) @only_x64 = argv.flag?('onlyx64', false) original_initialize(argv) end def validate_podspec_files UI.puts "\nValidating #{'spec'.pluralize(count)}".yellow podspec_files.each do |podspec| validator =, @source_urls) validator.allow_warnings = @allow_warnings validator.use_frameworks = @use_frameworks validator.use_modular_headers = @use_modular_headers validator.ignore_public_only_results = @private validator.swift_version = @swift_version validator.skip_import_validation = @skip_import_validation validator.skip_tests = @skip_tests validator.only_x64 = @only_x64 begin validator.validate rescue => e raise Informative, "The `#{podspec}` specification does not validate." \ "\n\n#{e.message}" end raise Informative, "The `#{podspec}` specification does not validate." unless validator.validated? end end end end end end