/*! FileAPI 2.0.7 - BSD | git://github.com/mailru/FileAPI.git * FileAPI — a set of javascript tools for working with files. Multiupload, drag'n'drop and chunked file upload. Images: crop, resize and auto orientation by EXIF. */ /* * JavaScript Canvas to Blob 2.0.5 * https://github.com/blueimp/JavaScript-Canvas-to-Blob * * Copyright 2012, Sebastian Tschan * https://blueimp.net * * Licensed under the MIT license: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT * * Based on stackoverflow user Stoive's code snippet: * http://stackoverflow.com/q/4998908 */ /*jslint nomen: true, regexp: true */ /*global window, atob, Blob, ArrayBuffer, Uint8Array */ (function (window) { 'use strict'; var CanvasPrototype = window.HTMLCanvasElement && window.HTMLCanvasElement.prototype, hasBlobConstructor = window.Blob && (function () { try { return Boolean(new Blob()); } catch (e) { return false; } }()), hasArrayBufferViewSupport = hasBlobConstructor && window.Uint8Array && (function () { try { return new Blob([new Uint8Array(100)]).size === 100; } catch (e) { return false; } }()), BlobBuilder = window.BlobBuilder || window.WebKitBlobBuilder || window.MozBlobBuilder || window.MSBlobBuilder, dataURLtoBlob = (hasBlobConstructor || BlobBuilder) && window.atob && window.ArrayBuffer && window.Uint8Array && function (dataURI) { var byteString, arrayBuffer, intArray, i, mimeString, bb; if (dataURI.split(',')[0].indexOf('base64') >= 0) { // Convert base64 to raw binary data held in a string: byteString = atob(dataURI.split(',')[1]); } else { // Convert base64/URLEncoded data component to raw binary data: byteString = decodeURIComponent(dataURI.split(',')[1]); } // Write the bytes of the string to an ArrayBuffer: arrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(byteString.length); intArray = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer); for (i = 0; i < byteString.length; i += 1) { intArray[i] = byteString.charCodeAt(i); } // Separate out the mime component: mimeString = dataURI.split(',')[0].split(':')[1].split(';')[0]; // Write the ArrayBuffer (or ArrayBufferView) to a blob: if (hasBlobConstructor) { return new Blob( [hasArrayBufferViewSupport ? intArray : arrayBuffer], {type: mimeString} ); } bb = new BlobBuilder(); bb.append(arrayBuffer); return bb.getBlob(mimeString); }; if (window.HTMLCanvasElement && !CanvasPrototype.toBlob) { if (CanvasPrototype.mozGetAsFile) { CanvasPrototype.toBlob = function (callback, type, quality) { if (quality && CanvasPrototype.toDataURL && dataURLtoBlob) { callback(dataURLtoBlob(this.toDataURL(type, quality))); } else { callback(this.mozGetAsFile('blob', type)); } }; } else if (CanvasPrototype.toDataURL && dataURLtoBlob) { CanvasPrototype.toBlob = function (callback, type, quality) { callback(dataURLtoBlob(this.toDataURL(type, quality))); }; } } window.dataURLtoBlob = dataURLtoBlob; })(window); /*jslint evil: true */ /*global window, URL, webkitURL, ActiveXObject */ (function (window, undef){ 'use strict'; var gid = 1, noop = function (){}, document = window.document, doctype = document.doctype || {}, userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent, // https://github.com/blueimp/JavaScript-Load-Image/blob/master/load-image.js#L48 apiURL = (window.createObjectURL && window) || (window.URL && URL.revokeObjectURL && URL) || (window.webkitURL && webkitURL), Blob = window.Blob, File = window.File, FileReader = window.FileReader, FormData = window.FormData, XMLHttpRequest = window.XMLHttpRequest, jQuery = window.jQuery, html5 = !!(File && (FileReader && (window.Uint8Array || FormData || XMLHttpRequest.prototype.sendAsBinary))) && !(/safari\//i.test(userAgent) && !/chrome\//i.test(userAgent) && /windows/i.test(userAgent)), // BugFix: https://github.com/mailru/FileAPI/issues/25 cors = html5 && ('withCredentials' in (new XMLHttpRequest)), chunked = html5 && !!Blob && !!(Blob.prototype.webkitSlice || Blob.prototype.mozSlice || Blob.prototype.slice), // https://github.com/blueimp/JavaScript-Canvas-to-Blob dataURLtoBlob = window.dataURLtoBlob, _rimg = /img/i, _rcanvas = /canvas/i, _rimgcanvas = /img|canvas/i, _rinput = /input/i, _rdata = /^data:[^,]+,/, _toString = {}.toString, Math = window.Math, _SIZE_CONST = function (pow){ pow = new window.Number(Math.pow(1024, pow)); pow.from = function (sz){ return Math.round(sz * this); }; return pow; }, _elEvents = {}, // element event listeners _infoReader = [], // list of file info processors _readerEvents = 'abort progress error load loadend', _xhrPropsExport = 'status statusText readyState response responseXML responseText responseBody'.split(' '), currentTarget = 'currentTarget', // for minimize preventDefault = 'preventDefault', // and this too _isArray = function (ar) { return ar && ('length' in ar); }, /** * Iterate over a object or array */ _each = function (obj, fn, ctx){ if( obj ){ if( _isArray(obj) ){ for( var i = 0, n = obj.length; i < n; i++ ){ if( i in obj ){ fn.call(ctx, obj[i], i, obj); } } } else { for( var key in obj ){ if( obj.hasOwnProperty(key) ){ fn.call(ctx, obj[key], key, obj); } } } } }, /** * Merge the contents of two or more objects together into the first object */ _extend = function (dst){ var args = arguments, i = 1, _ext = function (val, key){ dst[key] = val; }; for( ; i < args.length; i++ ){ _each(args[i], _ext); } return dst; }, /** * Add event listener */ _on = function (el, type, fn){ if( el ){ var uid = api.uid(el); if( !_elEvents[uid] ){ _elEvents[uid] = {}; } var isFileReader = (FileReader && el) && (el instanceof FileReader); _each(type.split(/\s+/), function (type){ if( jQuery && !isFileReader){ jQuery.event.add(el, type, fn); } else { if( !_elEvents[uid][type] ){ _elEvents[uid][type] = []; } _elEvents[uid][type].push(fn); if( el.addEventListener ){ el.addEventListener(type, fn, false); } else if( el.attachEvent ){ el.attachEvent('on'+type, fn); } else { el['on'+type] = fn; } } }); } }, /** * Remove event listener */ _off = function (el, type, fn){ if( el ){ var uid = api.uid(el), events = _elEvents[uid] || {}; var isFileReader = (FileReader && el) && (el instanceof FileReader); _each(type.split(/\s+/), function (type){ if( jQuery && !isFileReader){ jQuery.event.remove(el, type, fn); } else { var fns = events[type] || [], i = fns.length; while( i-- ){ if( fns[i] === fn ){ fns.splice(i, 1); break; } } if( el.addEventListener ){ el.removeEventListener(type, fn, false); } else if( el.detachEvent ){ el.detachEvent('on'+type, fn); } else { el['on'+type] = null; } } }); } }, _one = function(el, type, fn){ _on(el, type, function _(evt){ _off(el, type, _); fn(evt); }); }, _fixEvent = function (evt){ if( !evt.target ){ evt.target = window.event && window.event.srcElement || document; } if( evt.target.nodeType === 3 ){ evt.target = evt.target.parentNode; } return evt; }, _supportInputAttr = function (attr){ var input = document.createElement('input'); input.setAttribute('type', "file"); return attr in input; }, /** * FileAPI (core object) */ api = { version: '2.0.7', cors: false, html5: true, media: false, formData: true, multiPassResize: true, debug: false, pingUrl: false, multiFlash: false, flashAbortTimeout: 0, withCredentials: true, staticPath: './dist/', flashUrl: 0, // @default: './FileAPI.flash.swf' flashImageUrl: 0, // @default: './FileAPI.flash.image.swf' postNameConcat: function (name, idx){ return name + (idx != null ? '['+ idx +']' : ''); }, ext2mime: { jpg: 'image/jpeg' , tif: 'image/tiff' , txt: 'text/plain' }, // Fallback for flash accept: { 'image/*': 'art bm bmp dwg dxf cbr cbz fif fpx gif ico iefs jfif jpe jpeg jpg jps jut mcf nap nif pbm pcx pgm pict pm png pnm qif qtif ras rast rf rp svf tga tif tiff xbm xbm xpm xwd' , 'audio/*': 'm4a flac aac rm mpa wav wma ogg mp3 mp2 m3u mod amf dmf dsm far gdm imf it m15 med okt s3m stm sfx ult uni xm sid ac3 dts cue aif aiff wpl ape mac mpc mpp shn wv nsf spc gym adplug adx dsp adp ymf ast afc hps xs' , 'video/*': 'm4v 3gp nsv ts ty strm rm rmvb m3u ifo mov qt divx xvid bivx vob nrg img iso pva wmv asf asx ogm m2v avi bin dat dvr-ms mpg mpeg mp4 mkv avc vp3 svq3 nuv viv dv fli flv wpl' }, uploadRetry : 0, networkDownRetryTimeout : 5000, // milliseconds, don't flood when network is down chunkSize : 0, chunkUploadRetry : 0, chunkNetworkDownRetryTimeout : 2000, // milliseconds, don't flood when network is down KB: _SIZE_CONST(1), MB: _SIZE_CONST(2), GB: _SIZE_CONST(3), TB: _SIZE_CONST(4), EMPTY_PNG: '', expando: 'fileapi' + (new Date).getTime(), uid: function (obj){ return obj ? (obj[api.expando] = obj[api.expando] || api.uid()) : (++gid, api.expando + gid) ; }, log: function (){ // ngf fix for IE8 #1071 if( api.debug && api._supportConsoleLog ){ if( api._supportConsoleLogApply ){ console.log.apply(console, arguments); } else { console.log([].join.call(arguments, ' ')); } } }, /** * Create new image * * @param {String} [src] * @param {Function} [fn] 1. error -- boolean, 2. img -- Image element * @returns {HTMLElement} */ newImage: function (src, fn){ var img = document.createElement('img'); if( fn ){ api.event.one(img, 'error load', function (evt){ fn(evt.type == 'error', img); img = null; }); } img.src = src; return img; }, /** * Get XHR * @returns {XMLHttpRequest} */ getXHR: function (){ var xhr; if( XMLHttpRequest ){ xhr = new XMLHttpRequest; } else if( window.ActiveXObject ){ try { xhr = new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.XMLHttp.3.0'); } catch (e) { xhr = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } } return xhr; }, isArray: _isArray, support: { dnd: cors && ('ondrop' in document.createElement('div')), cors: cors, html5: html5, chunked: chunked, dataURI: true, accept: _supportInputAttr('accept'), multiple: _supportInputAttr('multiple') }, event: { on: _on , off: _off , one: _one , fix: _fixEvent }, throttle: function(fn, delay) { var id, args; return function _throttle(){ args = arguments; if( !id ){ fn.apply(window, args); id = setTimeout(function (){ id = 0; fn.apply(window, args); }, delay); } }; }, F: function (){}, parseJSON: function (str){ var json; if( window.JSON && JSON.parse ){ json = JSON.parse(str); } else { json = (new Function('return ('+str.replace(/([\r\n])/g, '\\$1')+');'))(); } return json; }, trim: function (str){ str = String(str); return str.trim ? str.trim() : str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); }, /** * Simple Defer * @return {Object} */ defer: function (){ var list = [] , result , error , defer = { resolve: function (err, res){ defer.resolve = noop; error = err || false; result = res; while( res = list.shift() ){ res(error, result); } }, then: function (fn){ if( error !== undef ){ fn(error, result); } else { list.push(fn); } } }; return defer; }, queue: function (fn){ var _idx = 0 , _length = 0 , _fail = false , _end = false , queue = { inc: function (){ _length++; }, next: function (){ _idx++; setTimeout(queue.check, 0); }, check: function (){ (_idx >= _length) && !_fail && queue.end(); }, isFail: function (){ return _fail; }, fail: function (){ !_fail && fn(_fail = true); }, end: function (){ if( !_end ){ _end = true; fn(); } } } ; return queue; }, /** * For each object * * @param {Object|Array} obj * @param {Function} fn * @param {*} [ctx] */ each: _each, /** * Async for * @param {Array} array * @param {Function} callback */ afor: function (array, callback){ var i = 0, n = array.length; if( _isArray(array) && n-- ){ (function _next(){ callback(n != i && _next, array[i], i++); })(); } else { callback(false); } }, /** * Merge the contents of two or more objects together into the first object * * @param {Object} dst * @return {Object} */ extend: _extend, /** * Is file? * @param {File} file * @return {Boolean} */ isFile: function (file){ return _toString.call(file) === '[object File]'; }, /** * Is blob? * @param {Blob} blob * @returns {Boolean} */ isBlob: function (blob) { return this.isFile(blob) || (_toString.call(blob) === '[object Blob]'); }, /** * Is canvas element * * @param {HTMLElement} el * @return {Boolean} */ isCanvas: function (el){ return el && _rcanvas.test(el.nodeName); }, getFilesFilter: function (filter){ filter = typeof filter == 'string' ? filter : (filter.getAttribute && filter.getAttribute('accept') || ''); return filter ? new RegExp('('+ filter.replace(/\./g, '\\.').replace(/,/g, '|') +')$', 'i') : /./; }, /** * Read as DataURL * * @param {File|Element} file * @param {Function} fn */ readAsDataURL: function (file, fn){ if( api.isCanvas(file) ){ _emit(file, fn, 'load', api.toDataURL(file)); } else { _readAs(file, fn, 'DataURL'); } }, /** * Read as Binary string * * @param {File} file * @param {Function} fn */ readAsBinaryString: function (file, fn){ if( _hasSupportReadAs('BinaryString') ){ _readAs(file, fn, 'BinaryString'); } else { // Hello IE10! _readAs(file, function (evt){ if( evt.type == 'load' ){ try { // dataURL -> binaryString evt.result = api.toBinaryString(evt.result); } catch (e){ evt.type = 'error'; evt.message = e.toString(); } } fn(evt); }, 'DataURL'); } }, /** * Read as ArrayBuffer * * @param {File} file * @param {Function} fn */ readAsArrayBuffer: function(file, fn){ _readAs(file, fn, 'ArrayBuffer'); }, /** * Read as text * * @param {File} file * @param {String} encoding * @param {Function} [fn] */ readAsText: function(file, encoding, fn){ if( !fn ){ fn = encoding; encoding = 'utf-8'; } _readAs(file, fn, 'Text', encoding); }, /** * Convert image or canvas to DataURL * * @param {Element} el Image or Canvas element * @param {String} [type] mime-type * @return {String} */ toDataURL: function (el, type){ if( typeof el == 'string' ){ return el; } else if( el.toDataURL ){ return el.toDataURL(type || 'image/png'); } }, /** * Canvert string, image or canvas to binary string * * @param {String|Element} val * @return {String} */ toBinaryString: function (val){ return window.atob(api.toDataURL(val).replace(_rdata, '')); }, /** * Read file or DataURL as ImageElement * * @param {File|String} file * @param {Function} fn * @param {Boolean} [progress] */ readAsImage: function (file, fn, progress){ if( api.isFile(file) ){ if( apiURL ){ /** @namespace apiURL.createObjectURL */ var data = apiURL.createObjectURL(file); if( data === undef ){ _emit(file, fn, 'error'); } else { api.readAsImage(data, fn, progress); } } else { api.readAsDataURL(file, function (evt){ if( evt.type == 'load' ){ api.readAsImage(evt.result, fn, progress); } else if( progress || evt.type == 'error' ){ _emit(file, fn, evt, null, { loaded: evt.loaded, total: evt.total }); } }); } } else if( api.isCanvas(file) ){ _emit(file, fn, 'load', file); } else if( _rimg.test(file.nodeName) ){ if( file.complete ){ _emit(file, fn, 'load', file); } else { var events = 'error abort load'; _one(file, events, function _fn(evt){ if( evt.type == 'load' && apiURL ){ /** @namespace apiURL.revokeObjectURL */ apiURL.revokeObjectURL(file.src); } _off(file, events, _fn); _emit(file, fn, evt, file); }); } } else if( file.iframe ){ _emit(file, fn, { type: 'error' }); } else { // Created image var img = api.newImage(file.dataURL || file); api.readAsImage(img, fn, progress); } }, /** * Make file by name * * @param {String} name * @return {Array} */ checkFileObj: function (name){ var file = {}, accept = api.accept; if( typeof name == 'object' ){ file = name; } else { file.name = (name + '').split(/\\|\//g).pop(); } if( file.type == null ){ file.type = file.name.split('.').pop(); } _each(accept, function (ext, type){ ext = new RegExp(ext.replace(/\s/g, '|'), 'i'); if( ext.test(file.type) || api.ext2mime[file.type] ){ file.type = api.ext2mime[file.type] || (type.split('/')[0] +'/'+ file.type); } }); return file; }, /** * Get drop files * * @param {Event} evt * @param {Function} callback */ getDropFiles: function (evt, callback){ var files = [] , dataTransfer = _getDataTransfer(evt) , entrySupport = _isArray(dataTransfer.items) && dataTransfer.items[0] && _getAsEntry(dataTransfer.items[0]) , queue = api.queue(function (){ callback(files); }) ; _each((entrySupport ? dataTransfer.items : dataTransfer.files) || [], function (item){ queue.inc(); try { if( entrySupport ){ _readEntryAsFiles(item, function (err, entryFiles){ if( err ){ api.log('[err] getDropFiles:', err); } else { files.push.apply(files, entryFiles); } queue.next(); }); } else { _isRegularFile(item, function (yes){ yes && files.push(item); queue.next(); }); } } catch( err ){ queue.next(); api.log('[err] getDropFiles: ', err); } }); queue.check(); }, /** * Get file list * * @param {HTMLInputElement|Event} input * @param {String|Function} [filter] * @param {Function} [callback] * @return {Array|Null} */ getFiles: function (input, filter, callback){ var files = []; if( callback ){ api.filterFiles(api.getFiles(input), filter, callback); return null; } if( input.jquery ){ // jQuery object input.each(function (){ files = files.concat(api.getFiles(this)); }); input = files; files = []; } if( typeof filter == 'string' ){ filter = api.getFilesFilter(filter); } if( input.originalEvent ){ // jQuery event input = _fixEvent(input.originalEvent); } else if( input.srcElement ){ // IE Event input = _fixEvent(input); } if( input.dataTransfer ){ // Drag'n'Drop input = input.dataTransfer; } else if( input.target ){ // Event input = input.target; } if( input.files ){ // Input[type="file"] files = input.files; if( !html5 ){ // Partial support for file api files[0].blob = input; files[0].iframe = true; } } else if( !html5 && isInputFile(input) ){ if( api.trim(input.value) ){ files = [api.checkFileObj(input.value)]; files[0].blob = input; files[0].iframe = true; } } else if( _isArray(input) ){ files = input; } return api.filter(files, function (file){ return !filter || filter.test(file.name); }); }, /** * Get total file size * @param {Array} files * @return {Number} */ getTotalSize: function (files){ var size = 0, i = files && files.length; while( i-- ){ size += files[i].size; } return size; }, /** * Get image information * * @param {File} file * @param {Function} fn */ getInfo: function (file, fn){ var info = {}, readers = _infoReader.concat(); if( api.isFile(file) ){ (function _next(){ var reader = readers.shift(); if( reader ){ if( reader.test(file.type) ){ reader(file, function (err, res){ if( err ){ fn(err); } else { _extend(info, res); _next(); } }); } else { _next(); } } else { fn(false, info); } })(); } else { fn('not_support_info', info); } }, /** * Add information reader * * @param {RegExp} mime * @param {Function} fn */ addInfoReader: function (mime, fn){ fn.test = function (type){ return mime.test(type); }; _infoReader.push(fn); }, /** * Filter of array * * @param {Array} input * @param {Function} fn * @return {Array} */ filter: function (input, fn){ var result = [], i = 0, n = input.length, val; for( ; i < n; i++ ){ if( i in input ){ val = input[i]; if( fn.call(val, val, i, input) ){ result.push(val); } } } return result; }, /** * Filter files * * @param {Array} files * @param {Function} eachFn * @param {Function} resultFn */ filterFiles: function (files, eachFn, resultFn){ if( files.length ){ // HTML5 or Flash var queue = files.concat(), file, result = [], deleted = []; (function _next(){ if( queue.length ){ file = queue.shift(); api.getInfo(file, function (err, info){ (eachFn(file, err ? false : info) ? result : deleted).push(file); _next(); }); } else { resultFn(result, deleted); } })(); } else { resultFn([], files); } }, upload: function (options){ options = _extend({ jsonp: 'callback' , prepare: api.F , beforeupload: api.F , upload: api.F , fileupload: api.F , fileprogress: api.F , filecomplete: api.F , progress: api.F , complete: api.F , pause: api.F , imageOriginal: true , chunkSize: api.chunkSize , chunkUploadRetry: api.chunkUploadRetry , uploadRetry: api.uploadRetry }, options); if( options.imageAutoOrientation && !options.imageTransform ){ options.imageTransform = { rotate: 'auto' }; } var proxyXHR = new api.XHR(options) , dataArray = this._getFilesDataArray(options.files) , _this = this , _total = 0 , _loaded = 0 , _nextFile , _complete = false ; // calc total size _each(dataArray, function (data){ _total += data.size; }); // Array of files proxyXHR.files = []; _each(dataArray, function (data){ proxyXHR.files.push(data.file); }); // Set upload status props proxyXHR.total = _total; proxyXHR.loaded = 0; proxyXHR.filesLeft = dataArray.length; // emit "beforeupload" event options.beforeupload(proxyXHR, options); // Upload by file _nextFile = function (){ var data = dataArray.shift() , _file = data && data.file , _fileLoaded = false , _fileOptions = _simpleClone(options) ; proxyXHR.filesLeft = dataArray.length; if( _file && _file.name === api.expando ){ _file = null; api.log('[warn] FileAPI.upload() — called without files'); } if( ( proxyXHR.statusText != 'abort' || proxyXHR.current ) && data ){ // Mark active job _complete = false; // Set current upload file proxyXHR.currentFile = _file; // Prepare file options if (_file && options.prepare(_file, _fileOptions) === false) { _nextFile.call(_this); return; } _fileOptions.file = _file; _this._getFormData(_fileOptions, data, function (form){ if( !_loaded ){ // emit "upload" event options.upload(proxyXHR, options); } var xhr = new api.XHR(_extend({}, _fileOptions, { upload: _file ? function (){ // emit "fileupload" event options.fileupload(_file, xhr, _fileOptions); } : noop, progress: _file ? function (evt){ if( !_fileLoaded ){ // For ignore the double calls. _fileLoaded = (evt.loaded === evt.total); // emit "fileprogress" event options.fileprogress({ type: 'progress' , total: data.total = evt.total , loaded: data.loaded = evt.loaded }, _file, xhr, _fileOptions); // emit "progress" event options.progress({ type: 'progress' , total: _total , loaded: proxyXHR.loaded = (_loaded + data.size * (evt.loaded/evt.total))|0 }, _file, xhr, _fileOptions); } } : noop, complete: function (err){ _each(_xhrPropsExport, function (name){ proxyXHR[name] = xhr[name]; }); if( _file ){ data.total = (data.total || data.size); data.loaded = data.total; if( !err ) { // emulate 100% "progress" this.progress(data); // fixed throttle event _fileLoaded = true; // bytes loaded _loaded += data.size; // data.size != data.total, it's desirable fix this proxyXHR.loaded = _loaded; } // emit "filecomplete" event options.filecomplete(err, xhr, _file, _fileOptions); } // upload next file setTimeout(function () {_nextFile.call(_this);}, 0); } })); // xhr // ... proxyXHR.abort = function (current){ if (!current) { dataArray.length = 0; } this.current = current; xhr.abort(); }; // Start upload xhr.send(form); }); } else { var successful = proxyXHR.status == 200 || proxyXHR.status == 201 || proxyXHR.status == 204; options.complete(successful ? false : (proxyXHR.statusText || 'error'), proxyXHR, options); // Mark done state _complete = true; } }; // Next tick setTimeout(_nextFile, 0); // Append more files to the existing request // first - add them to the queue head/tail proxyXHR.append = function (files, first) { files = api._getFilesDataArray([].concat(files)); _each(files, function (data) { _total += data.size; proxyXHR.files.push(data.file); if (first) { dataArray.unshift(data); } else { dataArray.push(data); } }); proxyXHR.statusText = ""; if( _complete ){ _nextFile.call(_this); } }; // Removes file from queue by file reference and returns it proxyXHR.remove = function (file) { var i = dataArray.length, _file; while( i-- ){ if( dataArray[i].file == file ){ _file = dataArray.splice(i, 1); _total -= _file.size; } } return _file; }; return proxyXHR; }, _getFilesDataArray: function (data){ var files = [], oFiles = {}; if( isInputFile(data) ){ var tmp = api.getFiles(data); oFiles[data.name || 'file'] = data.getAttribute('multiple') !== null ? tmp : tmp[0]; } else if( _isArray(data) && isInputFile(data[0]) ){ _each(data, function (input){ oFiles[input.name || 'file'] = api.getFiles(input); }); } else { oFiles = data; } _each(oFiles, function add(file, name){ if( _isArray(file) ){ _each(file, function (file){ add(file, name); }); } else if( file && (file.name || file.image) ){ files.push({ name: name , file: file , size: file.size , total: file.size , loaded: 0 }); } }); if( !files.length ){ // Create fake `file` object files.push({ file: { name: api.expando } }); } return files; }, _getFormData: function (options, data, fn){ var file = data.file , name = data.name , filename = file.name , filetype = file.type , trans = api.support.transform && options.imageTransform , Form = new api.Form , queue = api.queue(function (){ fn(Form); }) , isOrignTrans = trans && _isOriginTransform(trans) , postNameConcat = api.postNameConcat ; // Append data _each(options.data, function add(val, name){ if( typeof val == 'object' ){ _each(val, function (v, i){ add(v, postNameConcat(name, i)); }); } else { Form.append(name, val); } }); (function _addFile(file/**Object*/){ if( file.image ){ // This is a FileAPI.Image queue.inc(); file.toData(function (err, image){ // @todo: error filename = filename || (new Date).getTime()+'.png'; _addFile(image); queue.next(); }); } else if( api.Image && trans && (/^image/.test(file.type) || _rimgcanvas.test(file.nodeName)) ){ queue.inc(); if( isOrignTrans ){ // Convert to array for transform function trans = [trans]; } api.Image.transform(file, trans, options.imageAutoOrientation, function (err, images){ if( isOrignTrans && !err ){ if( !dataURLtoBlob && !api.flashEngine ){ // Canvas.toBlob or Flash not supported, use multipart Form.multipart = true; } Form.append(name, images[0], filename, trans[0].type || filetype); } else { var addOrigin = 0; if( !err ){ _each(images, function (image, idx){ if( !dataURLtoBlob && !api.flashEngine ){ Form.multipart = true; } if( !trans[idx].postName ){ addOrigin = 1; } Form.append(trans[idx].postName || postNameConcat(name, idx), image, filename, trans[idx].type || filetype); }); } if( err || options.imageOriginal ){ Form.append(postNameConcat(name, (addOrigin ? 'original' : null)), file, filename, filetype); } } queue.next(); }); } else if( filename !== api.expando ){ Form.append(name, file, filename); } })(file); queue.check(); }, reset: function (inp, notRemove){ var parent, clone; if( jQuery ){ clone = jQuery(inp).clone(true).insertBefore(inp).val('')[0]; if( !notRemove ){ jQuery(inp).remove(); } } else { parent = inp.parentNode; clone = parent.insertBefore(inp.cloneNode(true), inp); clone.value = ''; if( !notRemove ){ parent.removeChild(inp); } _each(_elEvents[api.uid(inp)], function (fns, type){ _each(fns, function (fn){ _off(inp, type, fn); _on(clone, type, fn); }); }); } return clone; }, /** * Load remote file * * @param {String} url * @param {Function} fn * @return {XMLHttpRequest} */ load: function (url, fn){ var xhr = api.getXHR(); if( xhr ){ xhr.open('GET', url, true); if( xhr.overrideMimeType ){ xhr.overrideMimeType('text/plain; charset=x-user-defined'); } _on(xhr, 'progress', function (/**Event*/evt){ /** @namespace evt.lengthComputable */ if( evt.lengthComputable ){ fn({ type: evt.type, loaded: evt.loaded, total: evt.total }, xhr); } }); xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){ if( xhr.readyState == 4 ){ xhr.onreadystatechange = null; if( xhr.status == 200 ){ url = url.split('/'); /** @namespace xhr.responseBody */ var file = { name: url[url.length-1] , size: xhr.getResponseHeader('Content-Length') , type: xhr.getResponseHeader('Content-Type') }; file.dataURL = 'data:'+file.type+';base64,' + api.encode64(xhr.responseBody || xhr.responseText); fn({ type: 'load', result: file }, xhr); } else { fn({ type: 'error' }, xhr); } } }; xhr.send(null); } else { fn({ type: 'error' }); } return xhr; }, encode64: function (str){ var b64 = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=', outStr = '', i = 0; if( typeof str !== 'string' ){ str = String(str); } while( i < str.length ){ //all three "& 0xff" added below are there to fix a known bug //with bytes returned by xhr.responseText var byte1 = str.charCodeAt(i++) & 0xff , byte2 = str.charCodeAt(i++) & 0xff , byte3 = str.charCodeAt(i++) & 0xff , enc1 = byte1 >> 2 , enc2 = ((byte1 & 3) << 4) | (byte2 >> 4) , enc3, enc4 ; if( isNaN(byte2) ){ enc3 = enc4 = 64; } else { enc3 = ((byte2 & 15) << 2) | (byte3 >> 6); enc4 = isNaN(byte3) ? 64 : byte3 & 63; } outStr += b64.charAt(enc1) + b64.charAt(enc2) + b64.charAt(enc3) + b64.charAt(enc4); } return outStr; } } // api ; function _emit(target, fn, name, res, ext){ var evt = { type: name.type || name , target: target , result: res }; _extend(evt, ext); fn(evt); } function _hasSupportReadAs(as){ return FileReader && !!FileReader.prototype['readAs'+as]; } function _readAs(file, fn, as, encoding){ if( api.isBlob(file) && _hasSupportReadAs(as) ){ var Reader = new FileReader; // Add event listener _on(Reader, _readerEvents, function _fn(evt){ var type = evt.type; if( type == 'progress' ){ _emit(file, fn, evt, evt.target.result, { loaded: evt.loaded, total: evt.total }); } else if( type == 'loadend' ){ _off(Reader, _readerEvents, _fn); Reader = null; } else { _emit(file, fn, evt, evt.target.result); } }); try { // ReadAs ... if( encoding ){ Reader['readAs'+as](file, encoding); } else { Reader['readAs'+as](file); } } catch (err){ _emit(file, fn, 'error', undef, { error: err.toString() }); } } else { _emit(file, fn, 'error', undef, { error: 'FileReader_not_support_'+as }); } } function _isRegularFile(file, callback){ // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8856628/detecting-folders-directories-in-javascript-filelist-objects if( !file.type && (file.size % 4096) === 0 && (file.size <= 102400) ){ if( FileReader ){ try { var Reader = new FileReader(); _one(Reader, _readerEvents, function (evt){ var isFile = evt.type != 'error'; callback(isFile); if( isFile ){ Reader.abort(); } }); Reader.readAsDataURL(file); } catch( err ){ callback(false); } } else { callback(null); } } else { callback(true); } } function _getAsEntry(item){ var entry; if( item.getAsEntry ){ entry = item.getAsEntry(); } else if( item.webkitGetAsEntry ){ entry = item.webkitGetAsEntry(); } return entry; } function _readEntryAsFiles(entry, callback){ if( !entry ){ // error callback('invalid entry'); } else if( entry.isFile ){ // Read as file entry.file(function(file){ // success file.fullPath = entry.fullPath; callback(false, [file]); }, function (err){ // error callback('FileError.code: '+err.code); }); } else if( entry.isDirectory ){ var reader = entry.createReader(), result = []; reader.readEntries(function(entries){ // success api.afor(entries, function (next, entry){ _readEntryAsFiles(entry, function (err, files){ if( err ){ api.log(err); } else { result = result.concat(files); } if( next ){ next(); } else { callback(false, result); } }); }); }, function (err){ // error callback('directory_reader: ' + err); }); } else { _readEntryAsFiles(_getAsEntry(entry), callback); } } function _simpleClone(obj){ var copy = {}; _each(obj, function (val, key){ if( val && (typeof val === 'object') && (val.nodeType === void 0) ){ val = _extend({}, val); } copy[key] = val; }); return copy; } function isInputFile(el){ return _rinput.test(el && el.tagName); } function _getDataTransfer(evt){ return (evt.originalEvent || evt || '').dataTransfer || {}; } function _isOriginTransform(trans){ var key; for( key in trans ){ if( trans.hasOwnProperty(key) ){ if( !(trans[key] instanceof Object || key === 'overlay' || key === 'filter') ){ return true; } } } return false; } // Add default image info reader api.addInfoReader(/^image/, function (file/**File*/, callback/**Function*/){ if( !file.__dimensions ){ var defer = file.__dimensions = api.defer(); api.readAsImage(file, function (evt){ var img = evt.target; defer.resolve(evt.type == 'load' ? false : 'error', { width: img.width , height: img.height }); img.src = api.EMPTY_PNG; img = null; }); } file.__dimensions.then(callback); }); /** * Drag'n'Drop special event * * @param {HTMLElement} el * @param {Function} onHover * @param {Function} onDrop */ api.event.dnd = function (el, onHover, onDrop){ var _id, _type; if( !onDrop ){ onDrop = onHover; onHover = api.F; } if( FileReader ){ // Hover _on(el, 'dragenter dragleave dragover', onHover.ff = onHover.ff || function (evt){ var types = _getDataTransfer(evt).types , i = types && types.length , debounceTrigger = false ; while( i-- ){ if( ~types[i].indexOf('File') ){ evt[preventDefault](); if( _type !== evt.type ){ _type = evt.type; // Store current type of event if( _type != 'dragleave' ){ onHover.call(evt[currentTarget], true, evt); } debounceTrigger = true; } break; // exit from "while" } } if( debounceTrigger ){ clearTimeout(_id); _id = setTimeout(function (){ onHover.call(evt[currentTarget], _type != 'dragleave', evt); }, 50); } }); // Drop _on(el, 'drop', onDrop.ff = onDrop.ff || function (evt){ evt[preventDefault](); _type = 0; onHover.call(evt[currentTarget], false, evt); api.getDropFiles(evt, function (files){ onDrop.call(evt[currentTarget], files, evt); }); }); } else { api.log("Drag'n'Drop -- not supported"); } }; /** * Remove drag'n'drop * @param {HTMLElement} el * @param {Function} onHover * @param {Function} onDrop */ api.event.dnd.off = function (el, onHover, onDrop){ _off(el, 'dragenter dragleave dragover', onHover.ff); _off(el, 'drop', onDrop.ff); }; // Support jQuery if( jQuery && !jQuery.fn.dnd ){ jQuery.fn.dnd = function (onHover, onDrop){ return this.each(function (){ api.event.dnd(this, onHover, onDrop); }); }; jQuery.fn.offdnd = function (onHover, onDrop){ return this.each(function (){ api.event.dnd.off(this, onHover, onDrop); }); }; } // @export window.FileAPI = _extend(api, window.FileAPI); // Debug info api.log('FileAPI: ' + api.version); api.log('protocol: ' + window.location.protocol); api.log('doctype: [' + doctype.name + '] ' + doctype.publicId + ' ' + doctype.systemId); // @detect 'x-ua-compatible' _each(document.getElementsByTagName('meta'), function (meta){ if( /x-ua-compatible/i.test(meta.getAttribute('http-equiv')) ){ api.log('meta.http-equiv: ' + meta.getAttribute('content')); } }); // configuration try { api._supportConsoleLog = !!console.log; api._supportConsoleLogApply = !!console.log.apply; } catch (err) {} if( !api.flashUrl ){ api.flashUrl = api.staticPath + 'FileAPI.flash.swf'; } if( !api.flashImageUrl ){ api.flashImageUrl = api.staticPath + 'FileAPI.flash.image.swf'; } if( !api.flashWebcamUrl ){ api.flashWebcamUrl = api.staticPath + 'FileAPI.flash.camera.swf'; } })(window, void 0); /*global window, FileAPI, document */ (function (api, document, undef) { 'use strict'; var min = Math.min, round = Math.round, getCanvas = function () { return document.createElement('canvas'); }, support = false, exifOrientation = { 8: 270 , 3: 180 , 6: 90 , 7: 270 , 4: 180 , 5: 90 } ; try { support = getCanvas().toDataURL('image/png').indexOf('data:image/png') > -1; } catch (e){} function Image(file){ if( file instanceof Image ){ var img = new Image(file.file); api.extend(img.matrix, file.matrix); return img; } else if( !(this instanceof Image) ){ return new Image(file); } this.file = file; this.size = file.size || 100; this.matrix = { sx: 0, sy: 0, sw: 0, sh: 0, dx: 0, dy: 0, dw: 0, dh: 0, resize: 0, // min, max OR preview deg: 0, quality: 1, // jpeg quality filter: 0 }; } Image.prototype = { image: true, constructor: Image, set: function (attrs){ api.extend(this.matrix, attrs); return this; }, crop: function (x, y, w, h){ if( w === undef ){ w = x; h = y; x = y = 0; } return this.set({ sx: x, sy: y, sw: w, sh: h || w }); }, resize: function (w, h, strategy){ if( /min|max/.test(h) ){ strategy = h; h = w; } return this.set({ dw: w, dh: h || w, resize: strategy }); }, preview: function (w, h){ return this.resize(w, h || w, 'preview'); }, rotate: function (deg){ return this.set({ deg: deg }); }, filter: function (filter){ return this.set({ filter: filter }); }, overlay: function (images){ return this.set({ overlay: images }); }, clone: function (){ return new Image(this); }, _load: function (image, fn){ var self = this; if( /img|video/i.test(image.nodeName) ){ fn.call(self, null, image); } else { api.readAsImage(image, function (evt){ fn.call(self, evt.type != 'load', evt.result); }); } }, _apply: function (image, fn){ var canvas = getCanvas() , m = this.getMatrix(image) , ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') , width = image.videoWidth || image.width , height = image.videoHeight || image.height , deg = m.deg , dw = m.dw , dh = m.dh , w = width , h = height , filter = m.filter , copy // canvas copy , buffer = image , overlay = m.overlay , queue = api.queue(function (){ image.src = api.EMPTY_PNG; fn(false, canvas); }) , renderImageToCanvas = api.renderImageToCanvas ; // Normalize angle deg = deg - Math.floor(deg/360)*360; // For `renderImageToCanvas` image._type = this.file.type; while(m.multipass && min(w/dw, h/dh) > 2 ){ w = (w/2 + 0.5)|0; h = (h/2 + 0.5)|0; copy = getCanvas(); copy.width = w; copy.height = h; if( buffer !== image ){ renderImageToCanvas(copy, buffer, 0, 0, buffer.width, buffer.height, 0, 0, w, h); buffer = copy; } else { buffer = copy; renderImageToCanvas(buffer, image, m.sx, m.sy, m.sw, m.sh, 0, 0, w, h); m.sx = m.sy = m.sw = m.sh = 0; } } canvas.width = (deg % 180) ? dh : dw; canvas.height = (deg % 180) ? dw : dh; canvas.type = m.type; canvas.quality = m.quality; ctx.rotate(deg * Math.PI / 180); renderImageToCanvas(ctx.canvas, buffer , m.sx, m.sy , m.sw || buffer.width , m.sh || buffer.height , (deg == 180 || deg == 270 ? -dw : 0) , (deg == 90 || deg == 180 ? -dh : 0) , dw, dh ); dw = canvas.width; dh = canvas.height; // Apply overlay overlay && api.each([].concat(overlay), function (over){ queue.inc(); // preload var img = new window.Image, fn = function (){ var x = over.x|0 , y = over.y|0 , w = over.w || img.width , h = over.h || img.height , rel = over.rel ; // center | right | left x = (rel == 1 || rel == 4 || rel == 7) ? (dw - w + x)/2 : (rel == 2 || rel == 5 || rel == 8 ? dw - (w + x) : x); // center | bottom | top y = (rel == 3 || rel == 4 || rel == 5) ? (dh - h + y)/2 : (rel >= 6 ? dh - (h + y) : y); api.event.off(img, 'error load abort', fn); try { ctx.globalAlpha = over.opacity || 1; ctx.drawImage(img, x, y, w, h); } catch (er){} queue.next(); }; api.event.on(img, 'error load abort', fn); img.src = over.src; if( img.complete ){ fn(); } }); if( filter ){ queue.inc(); Image.applyFilter(canvas, filter, queue.next); } queue.check(); }, getMatrix: function (image){ var m = api.extend({}, this.matrix) , sw = m.sw = m.sw || image.videoWidth || image.naturalWidth || image.width , sh = m.sh = m.sh || image.videoHeight || image.naturalHeight || image.height , dw = m.dw = m.dw || sw , dh = m.dh = m.dh || sh , sf = sw/sh, df = dw/dh , strategy = m.resize ; if( strategy == 'preview' ){ if( dw != sw || dh != sh ){ // Make preview var w, h; if( df >= sf ){ w = sw; h = w / df; } else { h = sh; w = h * df; } if( w != sw || h != sh ){ m.sx = ~~((sw - w)/2); m.sy = ~~((sh - h)/2); sw = w; sh = h; } } } else if( strategy ){ if( !(sw > dw || sh > dh) ){ dw = sw; dh = sh; } else if( strategy == 'min' ){ dw = round(sf < df ? min(sw, dw) : dh*sf); dh = round(sf < df ? dw/sf : min(sh, dh)); } else { dw = round(sf >= df ? min(sw, dw) : dh*sf); dh = round(sf >= df ? dw/sf : min(sh, dh)); } } m.sw = sw; m.sh = sh; m.dw = dw; m.dh = dh; m.multipass = api.multiPassResize; return m; }, _trans: function (fn){ this._load(this.file, function (err, image){ if( err ){ fn(err); } else { try { this._apply(image, fn); } catch (err){ api.log('[err] FileAPI.Image.fn._apply:', err); fn(err); } } }); }, get: function (fn){ if( api.support.transform ){ var _this = this, matrix = _this.matrix; if( matrix.deg == 'auto' ){ api.getInfo(_this.file, function (err, info){ // rotate by exif orientation matrix.deg = exifOrientation[info && info.exif && info.exif.Orientation] || 0; _this._trans(fn); }); } else { _this._trans(fn); } } else { fn('not_support_transform'); } return this; }, toData: function (fn){ return this.get(fn); } }; Image.exifOrientation = exifOrientation; Image.transform = function (file, transform, autoOrientation, fn){ function _transform(err, img){ // img -- info object var images = {} , queue = api.queue(function (err){ fn(err, images); }) ; if( !err ){ api.each(transform, function (params, name){ if( !queue.isFail() ){ var ImgTrans = new Image(img.nodeType ? img : file), isFn = typeof params == 'function'; if( isFn ){ params(img, ImgTrans); } else if( params.width ){ ImgTrans[params.preview ? 'preview' : 'resize'](params.width, params.height, params.strategy); } else { if( params.maxWidth && (img.width > params.maxWidth || img.height > params.maxHeight) ){ ImgTrans.resize(params.maxWidth, params.maxHeight, 'max'); } } if( params.crop ){ var crop = params.crop; ImgTrans.crop(crop.x|0, crop.y|0, crop.w || crop.width, crop.h || crop.height); } if( params.rotate === undef && autoOrientation ){ params.rotate = 'auto'; } ImgTrans.set({ type: ImgTrans.matrix.type || params.type || file.type || 'image/png' }); if( !isFn ){ ImgTrans.set({ deg: params.rotate , overlay: params.overlay , filter: params.filter , quality: params.quality || 1 }); } queue.inc(); ImgTrans.toData(function (err, image){ if( err ){ queue.fail(); } else { images[name] = image; queue.next(); } }); } }); } else { queue.fail(); } } // @todo: Оло-ло, нужно рефакторить это место if( file.width ){ _transform(false, file); } else { api.getInfo(file, _transform); } }; // @const api.each(['TOP', 'CENTER', 'BOTTOM'], function (x, i){ api.each(['LEFT', 'CENTER', 'RIGHT'], function (y, j){ Image[x+'_'+y] = i*3 + j; Image[y+'_'+x] = i*3 + j; }); }); /** * Trabsform element to canvas * * @param {Image|HTMLVideoElement} el * @returns {Canvas} */ Image.toCanvas = function(el){ var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = el.videoWidth || el.width; canvas.height = el.videoHeight || el.height; canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(el, 0, 0); return canvas; }; /** * Create image from DataURL * @param {String} dataURL * @param {Object} size * @param {Function} callback */ Image.fromDataURL = function (dataURL, size, callback){ var img = api.newImage(dataURL); api.extend(img, size); callback(img); }; /** * Apply filter (caman.js) * * @param {Canvas|Image} canvas * @param {String|Function} filter * @param {Function} doneFn */ Image.applyFilter = function (canvas, filter, doneFn){ if( typeof filter == 'function' ){ filter(canvas, doneFn); } else if( window.Caman ){ // http://camanjs.com/guides/ window.Caman(canvas.tagName == 'IMG' ? Image.toCanvas(canvas) : canvas, function (){ if( typeof filter == 'string' ){ this[filter](); } else { api.each(filter, function (val, method){ this[method](val); }, this); } this.render(doneFn); }); } }; /** * For load-image-ios.js */ api.renderImageToCanvas = function (canvas, img, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh){ try { return canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(img, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh); } catch (ex) { api.log('renderImageToCanvas failed'); throw ex; } }; // @export api.support.canvas = api.support.transform = support; api.Image = Image; })(FileAPI, document); /* * JavaScript Load Image iOS scaling fixes 1.0.3 * https://github.com/blueimp/JavaScript-Load-Image * * Copyright 2013, Sebastian Tschan * https://blueimp.net * * iOS image scaling fixes based on * https://github.com/stomita/ios-imagefile-megapixel * * Licensed under the MIT license: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT */ /*jslint nomen: true, bitwise: true */ /*global FileAPI, window, document */ (function (factory) { 'use strict'; factory(FileAPI); }(function (loadImage) { 'use strict'; // Only apply fixes on the iOS platform: if (!window.navigator || !window.navigator.platform || !(/iP(hone|od|ad)/).test(window.navigator.platform)) { return; } var originalRenderMethod = loadImage.renderImageToCanvas; // Detects subsampling in JPEG images: loadImage.detectSubsampling = function (img) { var canvas, context; if (img.width * img.height > 1024 * 1024) { // only consider mexapixel images canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = canvas.height = 1; context = canvas.getContext('2d'); context.drawImage(img, -img.width + 1, 0); // subsampled image becomes half smaller in rendering size. // check alpha channel value to confirm image is covering edge pixel or not. // if alpha value is 0 image is not covering, hence subsampled. return context.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1).data[3] === 0; } return false; }; // Detects vertical squash in JPEG images: loadImage.detectVerticalSquash = function (img, subsampled) { var naturalHeight = img.naturalHeight || img.height, canvas = document.createElement('canvas'), context = canvas.getContext('2d'), data, sy, ey, py, alpha; if (subsampled) { naturalHeight /= 2; } canvas.width = 1; canvas.height = naturalHeight; context.drawImage(img, 0, 0); data = context.getImageData(0, 0, 1, naturalHeight).data; // search image edge pixel position in case it is squashed vertically: sy = 0; ey = naturalHeight; py = naturalHeight; while (py > sy) { alpha = data[(py - 1) * 4 + 3]; if (alpha === 0) { ey = py; } else { sy = py; } py = (ey + sy) >> 1; } return (py / naturalHeight) || 1; }; // Renders image to canvas while working around iOS image scaling bugs: // https://github.com/blueimp/JavaScript-Load-Image/issues/13 loadImage.renderImageToCanvas = function ( canvas, img, sourceX, sourceY, sourceWidth, sourceHeight, destX, destY, destWidth, destHeight ) { if (img._type === 'image/jpeg') { var context = canvas.getContext('2d'), tmpCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'), tileSize = 1024, tmpContext = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d'), subsampled, vertSquashRatio, tileX, tileY; tmpCanvas.width = tileSize; tmpCanvas.height = tileSize; context.save(); subsampled = loadImage.detectSubsampling(img); if (subsampled) { sourceX /= 2; sourceY /= 2; sourceWidth /= 2; sourceHeight /= 2; } vertSquashRatio = loadImage.detectVerticalSquash(img, subsampled); if (subsampled || vertSquashRatio !== 1) { sourceY *= vertSquashRatio; destWidth = Math.ceil(tileSize * destWidth / sourceWidth); destHeight = Math.ceil( tileSize * destHeight / sourceHeight / vertSquashRatio ); destY = 0; tileY = 0; while (tileY < sourceHeight) { destX = 0; tileX = 0; while (tileX < sourceWidth) { tmpContext.clearRect(0, 0, tileSize, tileSize); tmpContext.drawImage( img, sourceX, sourceY, sourceWidth, sourceHeight, -tileX, -tileY, sourceWidth, sourceHeight ); context.drawImage( tmpCanvas, 0, 0, tileSize, tileSize, destX, destY, destWidth, destHeight ); tileX += tileSize; destX += destWidth; } tileY += tileSize; destY += destHeight; } context.restore(); return canvas; } } return originalRenderMethod( canvas, img, sourceX, sourceY, sourceWidth, sourceHeight, destX, destY, destWidth, destHeight ); }; })); /*global window, FileAPI */ (function (api, window){ "use strict"; var document = window.document , FormData = window.FormData , Form = function (){ this.items = []; } , encodeURIComponent = window.encodeURIComponent ; Form.prototype = { append: function (name, blob, file, type){ this.items.push({ name: name , blob: blob && blob.blob || (blob == void 0 ? '' : blob) , file: blob && (file || blob.name) , type: blob && (type || blob.type) }); }, each: function (fn){ var i = 0, n = this.items.length; for( ; i < n; i++ ){ fn.call(this, this.items[i]); } }, toData: function (fn, options){ // allow chunked transfer if we have only one file to send // flag is used below and in XHR._send options._chunked = api.support.chunked && options.chunkSize > 0 && api.filter(this.items, function (item){ return item.file; }).length == 1; if( !api.support.html5 ){ api.log('FileAPI.Form.toHtmlData'); this.toHtmlData(fn); } else if( !api.formData || this.multipart || !FormData ){ api.log('FileAPI.Form.toMultipartData'); this.toMultipartData(fn); } else if( options._chunked ){ api.log('FileAPI.Form.toPlainData'); this.toPlainData(fn); } else { api.log('FileAPI.Form.toFormData'); this.toFormData(fn); } }, _to: function (data, complete, next, arg){ var queue = api.queue(function (){ complete(data); }); this.each(function (file){ next(file, data, queue, arg); }); queue.check(); }, toHtmlData: function (fn){ this._to(document.createDocumentFragment(), fn, function (file, data/**DocumentFragment*/){ var blob = file.blob, hidden; if( file.file ){ api.reset(blob, true); // set new name blob.name = file.name; blob.disabled = false; data.appendChild(blob); } else { hidden = document.createElement('input'); hidden.name = file.name; hidden.type = 'hidden'; hidden.value = blob; data.appendChild(hidden); } }); }, toPlainData: function (fn){ this._to({}, fn, function (file, data, queue){ if( file.file ){ data.type = file.file; } if( file.blob.toBlob ){ // canvas queue.inc(); _convertFile(file, function (file, blob){ data.name = file.name; data.file = blob; data.size = blob.length; data.type = file.type; queue.next(); }); } else if( file.file ){ // file data.name = file.blob.name; data.file = file.blob; data.size = file.blob.size; data.type = file.type; } else { // additional data if( !data.params ){ data.params = []; } data.params.push(encodeURIComponent(file.name) +"="+ encodeURIComponent(file.blob)); } data.start = -1; data.end = data.file && data.file.FileAPIReadPosition || -1; data.retry = 0; }); }, toFormData: function (fn){ this._to(new FormData, fn, function (file, data, queue){ if( file.blob && file.blob.toBlob ){ queue.inc(); _convertFile(file, function (file, blob){ data.append(file.name, blob, file.file); queue.next(); }); } else if( file.file ){ data.append(file.name, file.blob, file.file); } else { data.append(file.name, file.blob); } if( file.file ){ data.append('_'+file.name, file.file); } }); }, toMultipartData: function (fn){ this._to([], fn, function (file, data, queue, boundary){ queue.inc(); _convertFile(file, function (file, blob){ data.push( '--_' + boundary + ('\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="'+ file.name +'"'+ (file.file ? '; filename="'+ encodeURIComponent(file.file) +'"' : '') + (file.file ? '\r\nContent-Type: '+ (file.type || 'application/octet-stream') : '') + '\r\n' + '\r\n'+ (file.file ? blob : encodeURIComponent(blob)) + '\r\n') ); queue.next(); }, true); }, api.expando); } }; function _convertFile(file, fn, useBinaryString){ var blob = file.blob, filename = file.file; if( filename ){ if( !blob.toDataURL ){ // The Blob is not an image. api.readAsBinaryString(blob, function (evt){ if( evt.type == 'load' ){ fn(file, evt.result); } }); return; } var mime = { 'image/jpeg': '.jpe?g', 'image/png': '.png' } , type = mime[file.type] ? file.type : 'image/png' , ext = mime[type] || '.png' , quality = blob.quality || 1 ; if( !filename.match(new RegExp(ext+'$', 'i')) ){ // Does not change the current extension, but add a new one. filename += ext.replace('?', ''); } file.file = filename; file.type = type; if( !useBinaryString && blob.toBlob ){ blob.toBlob(function (blob){ fn(file, blob); }, type, quality); } else { fn(file, api.toBinaryString(blob.toDataURL(type, quality))); } } else { fn(file, blob); } } // @export api.Form = Form; })(FileAPI, window); /*global window, FileAPI, Uint8Array */ (function (window, api){ "use strict"; var noop = function (){} , document = window.document , XHR = function (options){ this.uid = api.uid(); this.xhr = { abort: noop , getResponseHeader: noop , getAllResponseHeaders: noop }; this.options = options; }, _xhrResponsePostfix = { '': 1, XML: 1, Text: 1, Body: 1 } ; XHR.prototype = { status: 0, statusText: '', constructor: XHR, getResponseHeader: function (name){ return this.xhr.getResponseHeader(name); }, getAllResponseHeaders: function (){ return this.xhr.getAllResponseHeaders() || {}; }, end: function (status, statusText){ var _this = this, options = _this.options; _this.end = _this.abort = noop; _this.status = status; if( statusText ){ _this.statusText = statusText; } api.log('xhr.end:', status, statusText); options.complete(status == 200 || status == 201 ? false : _this.statusText || 'unknown', _this); if( _this.xhr && _this.xhr.node ){ setTimeout(function (){ var node = _this.xhr.node; try { node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } catch (e){} try { delete window[_this.uid]; } catch (e){} window[_this.uid] = _this.xhr.node = null; }, 9); } }, abort: function (){ this.end(0, 'abort'); if( this.xhr ){ this.xhr.aborted = true; this.xhr.abort(); } }, send: function (FormData){ var _this = this, options = this.options; FormData.toData(function (data){ // Start uploading options.upload(options, _this); _this._send.call(_this, options, data); }, options); }, _send: function (options, data){ var _this = this, xhr, uid = _this.uid, onloadFuncName = _this.uid + "Load", url = options.url; api.log('XHR._send:', data); if( !options.cache ){ // No cache url += (~url.indexOf('?') ? '&' : '?') + api.uid(); } if( data.nodeName ){ var jsonp = options.jsonp; // prepare callback in GET url = url.replace(/([a-z]+)=(\?)/i, '$1='+uid); // legacy options.upload(options, _this); var onPostMessage = function (evt){ if( ~url.indexOf(evt.origin) ){ try { var result = api.parseJSON(evt.data); if( result.id == uid ){ complete(result.status, result.statusText, result.response); } } catch( err ){ complete(0, err.message); } } }, // jsonp-callack complete = window[uid] = function (status, statusText, response){ _this.readyState = 4; _this.responseText = response; _this.end(status, statusText); api.event.off(window, 'message', onPostMessage); window[uid] = xhr = transport = window[onloadFuncName] = null; } ; _this.xhr.abort = function (){ try { if( transport.stop ){ transport.stop(); } else if( transport.contentWindow.stop ){ transport.contentWindow.stop(); } else { transport.contentWindow.document.execCommand('Stop'); } } catch (er) {} complete(0, "abort"); }; api.event.on(window, 'message', onPostMessage); window[onloadFuncName] = function (){ try { var win = transport.contentWindow , doc = win.document , result = win.result || api.parseJSON(doc.body.innerHTML) ; complete(result.status, result.statusText, result.response); } catch (e){ api.log('[transport.onload]', e); } }; xhr = document.createElement('div'); xhr.innerHTML = '
' ; // get form-data & transport var form = xhr.getElementsByTagName('form')[0] , transport = xhr.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0] ; form.appendChild(data); api.log(form.parentNode.innerHTML); // append to DOM document.body.appendChild(xhr); // keep a reference to node-transport _this.xhr.node = xhr; // send _this.readyState = 2; // loaded form.submit(); form = null; } else { // Clean url url = url.replace(/([a-z]+)=(\?)&?/i, ''); // html5 if (this.xhr && this.xhr.aborted) { api.log("Error: already aborted"); return; } xhr = _this.xhr = api.getXHR(); if (data.params) { url += (url.indexOf('?') < 0 ? "?" : "&") + data.params.join("&"); } xhr.open('POST', url, true); if( api.withCredentials ){ xhr.withCredentials = "true"; } if( !options.headers || !options.headers['X-Requested-With'] ){ xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest'); } api.each(options.headers, function (val, key){ xhr.setRequestHeader(key, val); }); if ( options._chunked ) { // chunked upload if( xhr.upload ){ xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', api.throttle(function (/**Event*/evt){ if (!data.retry) { // show progress only for correct chunk uploads options.progress({ type: evt.type , total: data.size , loaded: data.start + evt.loaded , totalSize: data.size }, _this, options); } }, 100), false); } xhr.onreadystatechange = function (){ var lkb = parseInt(xhr.getResponseHeader('X-Last-Known-Byte'), 10); _this.status = xhr.status; _this.statusText = xhr.statusText; _this.readyState = xhr.readyState; if( xhr.readyState == 4 ){ try { for( var k in _xhrResponsePostfix ){ _this['response'+k] = xhr['response'+k]; } }catch(_){} xhr.onreadystatechange = null; if (!xhr.status || xhr.status - 201 > 0) { api.log("Error: " + xhr.status); // some kind of error // 0 - connection fail or timeout, if xhr.aborted is true, then it's not recoverable user action // up - server error if (((!xhr.status && !xhr.aborted) || 500 == xhr.status || 416 == xhr.status) && ++data.retry <= options.chunkUploadRetry) { // let's try again the same chunk // only applicable for recoverable error codes 500 && 416 var delay = xhr.status ? 0 : api.chunkNetworkDownRetryTimeout; // inform about recoverable problems options.pause(data.file, options); // smart restart if server reports about the last known byte api.log("X-Last-Known-Byte: " + lkb); if (lkb) { data.end = lkb; } else { data.end = data.start - 1; if (416 == xhr.status) { data.end = data.end - options.chunkSize; } } setTimeout(function () { _this._send(options, data); }, delay); } else { // no mo retries _this.end(xhr.status); } } else { // success data.retry = 0; if (data.end == data.size - 1) { // finished _this.end(xhr.status); } else { // next chunk // shift position if server reports about the last known byte api.log("X-Last-Known-Byte: " + lkb); if (lkb) { data.end = lkb; } data.file.FileAPIReadPosition = data.end; setTimeout(function () { _this._send(options, data); }, 0); } } xhr = null; } }; data.start = data.end + 1; data.end = Math.max(Math.min(data.start + options.chunkSize, data.size) - 1, data.start); // Retrieve a slice of file var file = data.file , slice = (file.slice || file.mozSlice || file.webkitSlice).call(file, data.start, data.end + 1) ; if( data.size && !slice.size ){ setTimeout(function (){ _this.end(-1); }); } else { xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Range", "bytes " + data.start + "-" + data.end + "/" + data.size); xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Disposition", 'attachment; filename=' + encodeURIComponent(data.name)); xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", data.type || "application/octet-stream"); xhr.send(slice); } file = slice = null; } else { // single piece upload if( xhr.upload ){ // https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload/wiki/Fixing-Safari-hanging-on-very-high-speed-connections-%281Gbps%29 xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', api.throttle(function (/**Event*/evt){ options.progress(evt, _this, options); }, 100), false); } xhr.onreadystatechange = function (){ _this.status = xhr.status; _this.statusText = xhr.statusText; _this.readyState = xhr.readyState; if( xhr.readyState == 4 ){ for( var k in _xhrResponsePostfix ){ _this['response'+k] = xhr['response'+k]; } xhr.onreadystatechange = null; if (!xhr.status || xhr.status > 201) { api.log("Error: " + xhr.status); if (((!xhr.status && !xhr.aborted) || 500 == xhr.status) && (options.retry || 0) < options.uploadRetry) { options.retry = (options.retry || 0) + 1; var delay = api.networkDownRetryTimeout; // inform about recoverable problems options.pause(options.file, options); setTimeout(function () { _this._send(options, data); }, delay); } else { //success _this.end(xhr.status); } } else { //success _this.end(xhr.status); } xhr = null; } }; if( api.isArray(data) ){ // multipart xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'multipart/form-data; boundary=_'+api.expando); var rawData = data.join('') +'--_'+ api.expando +'--'; /** @namespace xhr.sendAsBinary https://developer.mozilla.org/ru/XMLHttpRequest#Sending_binary_content */ if( xhr.sendAsBinary ){ xhr.sendAsBinary(rawData); } else { var bytes = Array.prototype.map.call(rawData, function(c){ return c.charCodeAt(0) & 0xff; }); xhr.send(new Uint8Array(bytes).buffer); } } else { // FormData xhr.send(data); } } } } }; // @export api.XHR = XHR; })(window, FileAPI); /** * @class FileAPI.Camera * @author RubaXa