Feature: exit statuses In order to specify expected exit statuses As a developer using Cucumber I want to use the "the exit status should be" step Scenario: exit status of 0 When I run `ruby -h` Then the exit status should be 0 Scenario: exit status of 0 with ` When I run `ruby -h` Then the exit status should be 0 Scenario: Not explicitly exiting at all When I run `ruby -e '42'` Then the exit status should be 0 Scenario: non-zero exit status When I run `ruby -e 'exit 56'` Then the exit status should be 56 And the exit status should not be 0 Scenario: Successfully run something When I successfully run `ruby -e 'exit 0'` Scenario: run something somewhere not yet existing outside Aruba's scratch When I successfully run `pwd` in "/tmp/just/created" Then the output should contain: """ /tmp/just/created """ And I successfully run `rm -rf /tmp/just/created` Scenario: Successfully run something with ` When I successfully run `ruby -e 'exit 0'` Scenario: Unsuccessfully run something When I do aruba I successfully run `ruby -e 'exit 10'` Then aruba should fail with "Exit status was 10" Scenario: Try to run something that doesn't exist When I run `does_not_exist` Then the exit status should be 1 Scenario: Try to run something that doesn't exist somewhere that does not exist outside Aruba's scratch When I run `does_not_exist` in "/tmp/in/the/blue/moon" Then the exit status should be 1 And I successfully run `rm -rf /tmp/in/the/blue/moon`