class CandidateControl < ActiveRecordShared belongs_to :study_subject attr_protected :study_subject_id, :study_subject validates_presence_of :first_name validates_presence_of :last_name validates_presence_of :dob validates_inclusion_of :reject_candidate, :in => [true, false] validates_presence_of :rejection_reason, :if => :reject_candidate validates_length_of :related_patid, :is => 4, :allow_blank => true validates_length_of :state_registrar_no, :maximum => 25, :allow_blank => true validates_length_of :local_registrar_no, :maximum => 25, :allow_blank => true validates_length_of :first_name, :middle_name, :last_name, :birth_county, :birth_type, :mother_maiden_name, :rejection_reason, :maximum => 250, :allow_blank => true # validates_inclusion_of :sex, :in => %w( M F DK ) validates_inclusion_of :sex, :in => valid_sex_values validates_inclusion_of :mother_hispanicity_id, :father_hispanicity_id, :in => YNODK.valid_values, :allow_nil => true validates_inclusion_of :mom_is_biomom, :dad_is_biodad, :in => YNDK.valid_values, :allow_nil => true # Returns string containing candidates's first, middle and last name def full_name [first_name, middle_name, last_name].delete_if(&:blank?).join(' ') end # Returns string containing candidates's mother's first, middle and last name def mother_full_name [mother_first_name, mother_middle_name, mother_last_name].delete_if(&:blank?).join(' ') end def create_study_subjects(case_subject,grouping = '6') next_orderno = case_subject.next_control_orderno(grouping) CandidateControl.transaction do # Use a block so can assign all attributes without concern for attr_protected child = do |s| s.subject_type = SubjectType['Control'] s.vital_status = VitalStatus['living'] = sex s.mom_is_biomom = mom_is_biomom s.dad_is_biodad = dad_is_biodad s.mother_hispanicity_id = mother_hispanicity_id s.father_hispanicity_id = father_hispanicity_id s.birth_type = birth_type s.mother_yrs_educ = mother_yrs_educ s.father_yrs_educ = father_yrs_educ s.birth_county = birth_county s.hispanicity_id = ( ( [mother_hispanicity_id,father_hispanicity_id].include?(1) ) ? 1 : nil ) s.first_name = first_name s.middle_name = middle_name s.last_name = last_name s.dob = dob s.mother_first_name = mother_first_name s.mother_middle_name = mother_middle_name s.mother_last_name = mother_last_name s.mother_maiden_name = mother_maiden_name s.mother_race_id = mother_race_id s.father_race_id = father_race_id s.case_control_type = grouping s.state_registrar_no = state_registrar_no s.local_registrar_no = local_registrar_no s.orderno = next_orderno s.matchingid = case_subject.subjectid s.patid = case_subject.patid s.is_matched = true end! child.assign_icf_master_id # TODO May have to set is_matched for both the Case and Control here [#217] # We will default it to null and add logic to set it to true for both the new control and their related case when a new control is added to study_subjects from candidate_controls. case_subject.update_attributes!(:is_matched => true) # NOTE this may require passing info # that is in the candidate_control record, but not in the child subject # mother_hispanicity_id (actually this is now) # worst case scenario is just create the full mother here # rather than through the child. child.create_mother # ({ .... }) self.study_subject_id = self.assigned_on =! end self end end