package; import massive.munit.Assert; class BobTest { public function new() : Void {} public static inline var WHATEVER = "Whatever."; public static inline var SURE = "Sure."; public static inline var CHILL = "Whoa, chill out!"; public static inline var FINE = "Fine. Be that way!"; @Test public function testStateSomething() : Void { Assert.areEqual(WHATEVER, Bob.hey("Tom-ay-to, tom-aaaah-to.")); } @Test public function testShouting() : Void { Assert.areEqual(CHILL, Bob.hey("WHATCH OUT!")); } @Test public function testAskingAQuestion() : Void { Assert.areEqual(SURE, Bob.hey("Does this cryogenic chamber make me look fat?")); } @Test public function testTalkingForcefully() : Void { Assert.areEqual(WHATEVER, Bob.hey("Let's go make out behind the gym!")); } @Test public function testUsingAcronymsInRegularSpeech() : Void { Assert.areEqual(WHATEVER, Bob.hey("It's OK if you don't want to go to the DMV.")); } @Test public function testShoutingQuestion() : Void { Assert.areEqual(CHILL, Bob.hey("WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?")); } @Test public function testShoutingNumbers() : Void { Assert.areEqual(CHILL, Bob.hey("1, 2, 3 GO!")); } @Test public function testOnlyNumbers() : Void { Assert.areEqual(WHATEVER, Bob.hey("1, 2, 3")); } @Test public function testNumberQuestion() : Void { Assert.areEqual(SURE, Bob.hey("4?")); } @Test public function testShoutingWithSpecial() : Void { Assert.areEqual(CHILL, Bob.hey("ZOMG THE %^*@#$(*^ ZOMBIES ARE COMING!!11!!1!")); } @Test public function testShoutingWithoutExclamationMark() : Void { Assert.areEqual(CHILL, Bob.hey("I HATE YOU")); } @Test public function testStatementWithQuestionMark() : Void { Assert.areEqual(WHATEVER, Bob.hey("Ending with a ? means a question.")); } @Test public function testPrattling() : Void { Assert.areEqual(SURE, Bob.hey("Wait! Hang on. Are you going to be OK?")); } @Test public function testSilence() : Void { Assert.areEqual(FINE, Bob.hey("")); } @Test public function testProlongedSilence() : Void { Assert.areEqual(FINE, Bob.hey(" ")); } }