require "test_helper" =begin What's being tested here? - CRUD: Create, read, update, destroy - CRUD Extras: toggle - Filters - Forms - Overrides - Permissions - Roles - Views =end class Admin::PostsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase setup do @typus_user = Factory(:typus_user) @request.session[:typus_user_id] = @post = Factory(:post) end teardown do Post.delete_all TypusUser.delete_all end ############################################################################## # ############################################################################## context "CRUD" do should "render index" do get :index assert_response :success assert_template 'index' end context "new" do should "render" do get :new assert_response :success assert_template 'new' end should "reject params which are not included in" do %w(chunky_bacon).each do |param| get :new, {param => param} assert_response :success assert_template 'new' end end end should "create" do assert_difference('Post.count') do post :create, :post => @post.attributes assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to "/admin/posts/edit/#{}" end end should "render show" do get :show, :id => assert_response :success assert_template 'show' end should "render edit" do get :edit, :id => assert_response :success assert_template 'edit' end should "update" do post :update, :id =>, :post => { :title => 'Updated' } assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to "/admin/posts/edit/#{}" end end context "CRUD extras" do setup do @request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] = "/admin/posts" end context "toggle" do should "work" do assert !@post.published get :toggle, :id =>, :field => "published" assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to @request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] assert_equal "Post successfully updated.", flash[:notice] assert @post.reload.published end should "render edit post when validation fails" do @post.body = nil => false) get :toggle, :id =>, :field => "published" assert_response :success assert_template "admin/resources/edit" end end end context "Filters" do should "render index with accepted params" do @post.update_attributes(:published => true) get :index, :published => 'true' assert_response :success assert_template 'index' assert assigns(:items).size.eql?(1) get :index, :published => 'false' assert assigns(:items).size.eql?(0) end should "render index with accepted params - search" do @post.update_attributes(:title => "neinonon") get :index, :search => 'neinonon' assert_response :success assert_template 'index' assert assigns(:items).size.eql?(1) get :index, :search => 'unexisting' assert assigns(:items).size.eql?(0) end should "render index with non-accepted params" do get :index, :non_accepted_param => 'non_accepted_param' assert_response :success assert_template 'index' end end context "Filters" do should "be included in index" do get :index assert assigns(:predefined_filters).nil? end end context "Actions" do should "be edit and trash on index" do get :index expected = [["Edit", {"action"=>"edit"}, {}], ["Trash", {"action"=>"destroy"}, {"method"=>"delete", "confirm"=>"Trash?"}]] assert_equal expected, assigns(:resource_actions) end context "with overriden default action on item" do setup do Typus::Resources.expects(:default_action_on_item).at_least_once.returns('show') end should "be show and trash on index" do get :index expected = [["Show", {"action"=>"show"}, {}], ["Trash", {"action"=>"destroy"}, {"method"=>"delete", "confirm"=>"Trash?"}]] assert_equal expected, assigns(:resource_actions) end end end context "Forms" do setup do get :new end should "verify forms" do assert_select "form" end # We have 3 inputs: 1 hidden which is the UTF8 stuff, one which is the # Post#title and finally the submit button. should "have 3 inputs" do assert_select "form input", 3 # Post#title: Input assert_select 'label[for="post_title"]' assert_select 'input#post_title[type="text"]' end should "have 1 textarea" do assert_select "form textarea", 1 # Post#body: Text Area assert_select 'label[for="post_body"]' assert_select 'textarea#post_body' end should "have 6 selectors" do assert_select "form select", 6 # Post#created_at: Datetime assert_select 'label[for="post_created_at"]' assert_select 'select#post_created_at_1i' assert_select 'select#post_created_at_2i' assert_select 'select#post_created_at_3i' assert_select 'select#post_created_at_4i' assert_select 'select#post_created_at_5i' # Post#status: Selector assert_select 'label[for="post_status"]' assert_select 'select#post_status' end should "have 1 template" do assert_match "templates#datepicker_template_published_at", @response.body end end context "Overwrite action_after_save" do setup do Typus::Resources.expects(:action_after_save).returns("index") @post = Factory(:post) end should "create an item and redirect to index" do assert_difference('Post.count') do post :create, :post => @post.attributes assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to :action => 'index' end end should "update an item and redirect to index" do post :update, :id =>, :post => { :title => 'Updated' } assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to :action => 'index' end end context "Formats" do should "render index and return xml" do get :index, :format => "xml" assert_response :success assert_match %Q[], @response.body assert_match %Q[], @response.body assert_match "#{@post.status}", @response.body assert_match "#{@post.title}", @response.body end should "render index and return csv" do expected = <<-RAW title;status #{@post.title};#{@post.status} RAW get :index, :format => "csv" assert_response :success assert_equal expected, @response.body end should "not instantiate resource_actions" do get :index, :format => "xml" assert assigns(:resource_actions).nil? end should "not instantiate predefined_filters" do get :index, :format => "xml" assert assigns(:predefined_filters).nil? end end context "Permissions" do context "Root" do setup do @editor = Factory(:typus_user, :email => "", :role => "editor") @post = Factory(:post, :typus_user => @editor) end should "should list all posts no matter who is the owner" do Post.delete_all admin = TypusUser.where(:role => 'admin').first 2.times { Factory(:post, :typus_user => @editor) } 2.times { Factory(:post, :typus_user => @typus_user) } Typus::Resources.expects(:only_user_items).returns(true) get :index assert_equal 4, Post.count assert_equal 4, assigns(:items).size assert_equal [,,,], assigns(:items).map(&:typus_user_id) end should "be able to edit any record" do Post.all.each do |post| get :edit, :id => assert_response :success assert_template 'edit' end end should "verify_admin_updating_an_item_does_not_change_typus_user_id_if_not_defined" do _post = @post post :update, :id =>, :post => { :title => 'Updated by admin' } assert_equal _post.typus_user_id, @post.reload.typus_user_id end should "verify_admin_updating_an_item_does_change_typus_user_id_to_whatever_admin_wants" do post :update, :id =>, :post => { :title => 'Updated', :typus_user_id => 108 } assert_equal 108, @post.reload.typus_user_id end end context "No root" do setup do @typus_user = Factory(:typus_user, :email => "", :role => "editor") @request.session[:typus_user_id] = @request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] = '/admin/posts' end should "not be root" do assert @typus_user.is_not_root? end should "verify_editor_can_show_any_record" do Post.all.each do |post| get :show, :id => assert_response :success assert_template 'show' end end should "verify_editor_tried_to_edit_a_post_owned_by_himself" do get :edit, :id => Factory(:post, :typus_user => @typus_user).id assert_response :success end should "verify_editor_tries_to_edit_a_post_owned_by_the_admin" do get :edit, :id => Factory(:post).id assert_response :unprocessable_entity end should "verify_editor_tries_to_show_a_post_owned_by_the_admin" do get :show, :id => Factory(:post).id assert_response :success end should "only list editor posts" do Post.delete_all admin = TypusUser.where(:role => 'admin').first 2.times { Factory(:post, :typus_user => admin) } 2.times { Factory(:post, :typus_user => @typus_user) } Typus::Resources.expects(:only_user_items).returns(true) get :index assert_equal 4, Post.count assert_equal 2, assigns(:items).size assert_equal [,], assigns(:items).map(&:typus_user_id) end should "verify_editor_tries_to_show_a_post_owned_by_the_admin when only user items" do Typus::Resources.expects(:only_user_items).returns(true) post = Factory(:post) get :show, :id => assert_response :unprocessable_entity end should "verify_typus_user_id_of_item_when_creating_record" do assert_difference('Post.count') do post :create, :post => { :title => "Chunky Bacon", :body => "Lorem ipsum ..." } end assert_equal @request.session[:typus_user_id], assigns(:item).typus_user_id end should "verify_editor_updating_an_item_does_not_change_typus_user_id" do [ 108, nil ].each do |typus_user_id| post_ = Factory(:post, :typus_user => @typus_user) post :update, :id =>, :post => { :title => 'Updated', :typus_user_id => } post_updated = Post.find( assert_equal @request.session[:typus_user_id], post_updated.typus_user_id end end end end context "Roles" do setup do @request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] = '/admin/posts' end context "Admin" do should "be able to add posts" do assert @typus_user.can?("create", "Post") end should "be able to destroy posts" do get :destroy, :id => Factory(:post).id, :method => :delete assert_response :redirect assert_equal "Post successfully removed.", flash[:notice] assert_redirected_to :action => :index end end context "Designer" do setup do Typus.user_class.delete_all @designer = Factory(:typus_user, :role => "designer") @request.session[:typus_user_id] = @post = Factory(:post) end should "not be able to add posts" do get :new assert_response :unprocessable_entity end should "not be able to destroy posts" do assert_no_difference('Post.count') do get :destroy, :id =>, :method => :delete end assert_response :unprocessable_entity end end end context "Relationships (relate)" do setup do @post = Factory(:post) end should "relate comment to post (has_many)" do comment = Factory(:comment, :post => nil) @request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] = "/admin/posts/edit/#{}#comments" assert_difference('@post.comments.count') do post :relate, { :id =>, :related => { :model => 'Comment', :id =>, :association_name => 'comments' } } end assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to @request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] assert_equal "Post successfully updated.", flash[:notice] end should "return a message instead a 404 error if related_id is empty" do comment = Factory(:comment, :post => nil) @request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] = "/admin/posts/edit/#{}#comments" assert_no_difference('@post.comments.count') do post :relate, { :id =>, :related => { :model => 'Comment', :id => "", :association_name => 'comments' } } end assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to @request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] assert_equal "Please, select an option.", flash[:notice] end should "return a message instead a 404 error if related_id is nil" do comment = Factory(:comment, :post => nil) @request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] = "/admin/posts/edit/#{}#comments" assert_no_difference('@post.comments.count') do post :relate, { :id =>, :related => { :model => 'Comment', :id => nil, :association_name => 'comments' } } end assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to @request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] assert_equal "Please, select an option.", flash[:notice] end should "relate category to post (has_and_belongs_to_many)" do category = Factory(:category) @request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] = "/admin/posts/edit/#{}#categories" assert_difference('category.posts.count') do post :relate, { :id =>, :related => { :model => 'Category', :id =>, :association_name => 'categories' } } end assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to @request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] assert_equal "Post successfully updated.", flash[:notice] end end context "Views" do context "Index" do setup do get :index end should "render index and validates_presence_of_custom_partials" do assert_match "posts#_index.html.erb", @response.body end should "render_index_and_verify_page_title" do assert_select "title", "Typus — Posts" end should "render index_and_show_add_entry_link" do assert_select "#sidebar ul" do assert_select "li", "Add new" end end end context "New" do setup do get :new end should "render new and partials_on_new" do assert_match "posts#_new.html.erb", @response.body end should "render new and verify page title" do assert_select "title", "Typus — New Post" end end context "Edit" do setup do get :edit, :id => Factory(:post).id end should "render_edit_and_verify_presence_of_custom_partials" do assert_match "posts#_edit.html.erb", @response.body end should "render_edit_and_verify_page_title" do assert_select "title", "Typus — Edit Post" end end context "Show" do setup do get :show, :id => Factory(:post).id end should "render_show_and_verify_presence_of_custom_partials" do assert_match "posts#_show.html.erb", @response.body end should "render show and verify page title" do assert_select "title", "Typus — Show Post" end end should "get_index_and_render_edit_or_show_links" do %w(edit show).each do |action| Typus::Resources.expects(:default_action_on_item).at_least_once.returns(action) get :index Post.all.each do |post| assert_match "/posts/#{action}/#{}", @response.body end end end context "Designer" do setup do @typus_user = Factory(:typus_user, :email => "", :role => "designer") @request.session[:typus_user_id] = end should "render_index_and_not_show_add_entry_link" do get :index assert_response :success assert_no_match /Add Post/, @response.body end end context "Editor" do setup do @typus_user = Factory(:typus_user, :email => "", :role => "editor") @request.session[:typus_user_id] = end =begin ## # This feature is no longer available. I've to decide if I want to take # it back. # should "get_index_and_render_edit_or_show_links_on_owned_records" do get :index Post.all.each do |post| action = post.owned_by?(@typus_user) ? "edit" : "show" assert_match "/posts/#{action}/#{}", @response.body end end =end should "get_index_and_render_edit_or_show_on_only_user_items" do %w(edit show).each do |action| Typus::Resources.stubs(:only_user_items).returns(true) Typus::Resources.stubs(:default_action_on_item).returns(action) get :index Post.all.each do |post| if @typus_user.owns?(post) assert_match "/posts/#{action}/#{}", @response.body else assert_no_match /\/posts\/#{action}\/#{}/, @response.body end end end end end end ## # We are in a View and we want to create a new Post from there to be able # to assign it. There are two cases: # # - We are creating the view. # - We are editing the view. # context "create_with_back_to" do setup do @post = { :title => 'This is another title', :body => 'Body' } end context "when creating an item" do ## # We click on the "Add new" link and we are redirected to: # # /admin/posts/new # # With a collection of params which will be used to create the # association if everything works as expected. # # Once the association is created we are redirected back to where we # started with a param which selects the Post on the View form. # # /admin/views/new?post_id=1 # # So we end up having a new Post and if we save the form will be # assigned to the view. # should "create new post and redirect to view" do assert_difference('Post.count') do post :create, { :post => @post, :resource => "View" } end assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to "/admin/views/new?post_id=#{}" end end context "when editing an item" do ## # We click on the "Add new" link and we are redirected to: # # /admin/posts/new # # The important thing here is that we are passing the `resource_id` # because we will assign the newly created Post to the View. # # So we will end up having a new Post assigned to the View. # setup do @view = Factory(:view, :post => nil) end should "create new post and redirect to view" do assert_difference('Post.count') do post :create, { :post => @post, :resource => "View", :resource_id => } end assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to "/admin/views/edit/#{}" # Make sure the association is created! assert end end end context "autocomplete" do setup do 25.times { Factory(:post) } end should "work and return a json hash with ten items" do get :autocomplete, { :term => "Post" } assert_response :success assert_equal 20, assigns(:items).size end should "work and return json hash with one item" do post = Post.first post.update_attributes(:title => "fesplugas") get :autocomplete, { :term => "jmeiss" } assert_response :success assert_equal 0, assigns(:items).size get :autocomplete, { :term => "fesplugas" } assert_response :success assert_equal 1, assigns(:items).size end end end