require 'sinatra/base' require 'sendgrid-ruby' require 'redis' require 'json' require_relative 'models' require_relative 'akismet' module Cachai class Middleware < Sinatra::Base # set :database_file, "config/database.yml" # set :public_folder, File.join(settings.root, 'public') # set :protection, true # set :logging, nil # use Rack::CommonLogger, LOGGER # use Rack::Static, :urls => %w(/css /img /js /favicon.ico), :root => 'public' use ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionManagement CACHE_MINUTES = 10 * 60 # 10 minutes def initialize(app, opts = nil) opts = opts || {} domain = opts.delete(:domain) or raise 'Domain required.' redis_host = opts.delete(:redis_host) || 'localhost' Cachai.domain = domain Cachai.cache = => redis_host) Cachai.load_db! if key = opts.delete(:akismet_key) @akismet = => key, :blog => "http://#{domain}") else puts "No Akismet key found! Will not check comments for spam." end if sendgrid_opts = opts.delete(:sendgrid) @sendgrid = @recipient = opts.delete(:recipient) or raise "No recipient set!" end super(app) end get '/pingbacks.?:format?' do # TODO end post '/pingbacks.?:format?' do # TODO end get '/comments.?:format?' do check_domain!(params[:domain]) # puts "Comments for: #{params[:domain]}#{params[:path]}" json_list = get_comments(params[:path], params[:nocache]) if params[:callback] content_type 'application/javascript' "#{params[:callback]}(#{json_list});" else json(json_list) end end post '/comments.?:format?' do begin data = JSON.parse( check_domain!(data['domain']) halt(400, "Missing params") if data['protocol'].blank? or data['path'].blank? headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = data['protocol'] + '//' + data['domain'] permalink = 'http://' + data['domain'] + data['path'] halt(400, "No spam allowed") if is_spam?(data, permalink, request) attrs = { :content => data['content'], :author_name => data['author_name'], :author_email => data['author_email'], :author_url => data['author_url'], :parent_id => data['parent_id'].to_i, :author_ip => request.ip } post = Post.find_or_create_by_path(data['path']) response = Response.create!(attrs.merge(:post_id => Cachai.clear_cache(data['path']) notify_new_response(response, data['path']) json({ :status => 'ok', :comment => response }) rescue JSON::ParserError status 400 and json({ :error => 'Invalid JSON.' }) rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => e status 422 and json({ :error => e.message }) rescue => e puts e.message puts e.backtrace.join("\n") status 500 and "Something went wrong." end end private =begin def set_cache(timestamp) return if timestamp.nil? last_modified timestamp cache_control :public, :must_revalidate, :max_age => 60 end def prevent_cache cache_control :public, :no_cache, :no_store, :must_revalidate, :max_age => 0 # expires 1.year.ago end =end def check_domain!(domain) halt(400, 'Invalid domain.') unless domain == Cachai.domain end def not_found(message = nil) halt(404, message || 'Not found.') end def json(obj) content_type 'application/json' return obj.is_a?(String) ? obj : obj.to_json end def get_comments(path, nocache = false) key = Cachai.key_for(path) unless !nocache && json_list = Cachai.cache.get(key) puts "Not cached. Getting from DB: #{path}" if post = Post.find_by_path(path) json_list = get_and_sort_comments_for(post).to_json else json_list = '[]' end Cachai.cache.set(key, json_list) Cachai.cache.expire(key, CACHE_MINUTES) end json_list end def get_and_sort_comments_for(post) result = [] top_level = post.responses.comment.approved.top_level nested = post.responses.comment.approved.nested top_level.each_with_index do |comment, i| obj = comment.as_json children = do |nested| nested.parent_id == end obj.merge!(:children => children) if children.any? result.push(obj) end result end def is_spam?(data, link, request) return false unless @akismet # return true if blacklisted?(name, email, content) comment = { :user_ip => request.ip, :referrer => request.referrer, :user_agent => request.user_agent, :permalink => link, :comment_type => 'comment', :comment_content => data['content'], :comment_author => data['author_name'], :comment_author_url => data['author_url'], :comment_author_email => data['author_email'] } if resp = @akismet.check_comment(comment) # puts resp.inspect return resp[:spam] end false end def notify_new_response(response, path) mail = do |m| = @recipient m.from = 'comments@' + Cachai.domain m.reply_to = response.author_email m.subject = "New comment from #{response.author_name} at #{path}" m.text = "#{response.content}\n\n--\nhttp://#{Cachai.domain}/#{path}" end puts @sendgrid.send(mail) rescue SendGrid::Exception => e puts e.inspect end end end