require 'forwardable' module Numerals # Sequence of digit values, with an Array-compatible interface. # Having this encapsulated here allows changing the implementation # e.g. to an Integer or packed in a String, ... class Digits def initialize(*args) if Hash === args.last options = args.pop else options = {} end @radix = options[:base] || options[:radix] || 10 if args.size == 1 && Array === args.first @digits_array = args.first else @digits_array = args end if options[:value] self.value = options[:value] end end include ModalSupport::BracketConstructor attr_reader :digits_array, :radix extend Forwardable def_delegators :@digits_array, :size, :map, :pop, :push, :shift, :unshift, :empty?, :first, :last, :any?, :all?, :[]= # The [] operator with a Range argument or two arguments (index, length) # returns a Regular Array. def_delegators :@digits_array, :[], :replace include ModalSupport::StateEquivalent # maybe == with Arrays too? # This could be changed to have [] return a Digits object (except when a single index is passed). # In that case we would have to define replace, ==, != to accept either Array or Digits arguments # (and also possibly the constructor) # Integral coefficient def value if @radix == 10 @digits_array.join.to_i else @digits_array.inject(0){|x,y| x*@radix + y} end end def value=(v) raise "Invalid digits value" if v < 0 if @radix < 37 replace v.to_s(@radix){|c| c.to_i(@radix)} else if v == 0 replace [0] else while v > 0 v, r = v.divmod(@radix) unshift r end end end end def zero? # value == 0 !@digits_array || @digits_array.empty? || @digits_array.all?{|d| d==0 } end # Deep copy def dup Digits[@digits_array.dup, base: @radix] end def to_s args = "" if @digits_array.size > 0 args << @digits_array.to_s.unwrap('[]') args << ', ' end args << "base: #{radix}" "Digits[#{args}]" end def inspect to_s end def truncate!(n) @digits_array.slice! n..-1 end def valid? @digits_array.none? { |x| !x.kind_of?(Integer) || x < 0 || x >= @radix } end end end