require 'benchmark' require 'active_support/core_ext/string/inflections' # camelcase module LyberCore module Robot # Add the ClassMethods to the class this is being mixed into def self.included base base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods # Called by job-manager on derived-class # Instantiate the Robot and call #work with the passed in druid def perform(druid) # Get the name of the derived-class that was invoked klazz ='::').inject(Object) {|o,c| o.const_get c} bot = druid end end # Converts a given step to the Robot class name # Examples: # # - `dor:assemblyWF:jp2-create` into `Robots::DorRepo::Assembly::Jp2Create` # - `dor:gisAssemblyWF:start-assembly-workflow` into `Robots::DorRepo::GisAssembly::StartAssemblyWorkflow` # - `dor:etdSubmitWF:binder-transfer` into `Robots:DorRepo::EtdSubmit::BinderTransfer` # # @param [String] step. fully qualified step name, e.g., `dor:accessionWF:descriptive-metadata` # @param [Hash] opts # @option :repo_suffix defaults to `Repo` # @return [String] The class name for the robot, e.g., `Robots::DorRepo::Accession:DescriptiveMetadata` def self.step_to_classname step, opts = {} # generate the robot job class name opts[:repo_suffix] ||= 'Repo' r, w, s = step.split(/:/, 3) return [ 'Robots', r.camelcase + opts[:repo_suffix], # 'Dor' conflicts with dor-services w.sub('WF', '').camelcase, s.gsub('-', '_').camelcase ].join('::') end attr_accessor :check_queued_status attr_reader :workflow_service def initialize(repo, workflow_name, step_name, opts = {}) Signal.trap("QUIT") { puts "#{} ignoring SIGQUIT" } # SIGQUIT ignored to let the robot finish @repo = repo @workflow_name = workflow_name @step_name = step_name @check_queued_status = opts.fetch(:check_queued_status, true) @workflow_service = opts.fetch(:workflow_service, Dor::WorkflowService) end # Sets up logging, timing and error handling of the job # Calls the #perform method, then sets workflow to 'completed' or 'error' depending on success def work(druid) LyberCore::Log.set_logfile($stdout) # let process manager(bluepill) handle logging "#{druid} processing" return if @check_queued_status && !item_queued?(druid) result = nil elapsed = Benchmark.realtime do result = self.perform druid # implemented in the mixed-in robot class end # this is the default note to pass back to workflow service, but it can be overriden by a robot that uses the Lybercore::Robot::ReturnState object to return a status note = Socket.gethostname # the final workflow state is determined by the return value of the perform step, if it is a ReturnState object, # we will use the defined status, otherwise default to completed # if a note is passed back, we will also use that instead of the default if result.class == LyberCore::Robot::ReturnState workflow_state = result.status note = result.note unless result.note.blank? else workflow_state = 'completed' end # update the workflow status from its current state to the state returned by perform (or 'completed' as the default) workflow_service.update_workflow_status @repo, druid, @workflow_name, @step_name, workflow_state, :elapsed => elapsed, :note => note "Finished #{druid} in #{sprintf("%0.4f",elapsed)}s" rescue => e begin LyberCore::Log.error e.message + "\n" + e.backtrace.join("\n") workflow_service.update_workflow_error_status @repo, druid , @workflow_name, @step_name, e.message, :error_text => Socket.gethostname rescue => e2 LyberCore::Log.error "Cannot set #{druid} to status='error'\n" + e2.message + "\n" + e2.backtrace.join("\n") raise e2 # send exception to Resque failed queue end end private def item_queued?(druid) status = workflow_service.get_workflow_status(@repo, druid, @workflow_name, @step_name) if(status =~ /queued/i) return true else LyberCore::Log.warn "Item is not queued, but has status of '#{status}'. Will skip processing" return false end end end end