module Restcomm
module REST
# A class to wrap an instance resource (like a call or application) within
# the Restcomm API. All other instance resource classes within this library
# inherit from this class. You shouldn't need to instantiate this class
# directly. But reviewing the available methods is informative since they
# are rarely overridden in the inheriting class.
class InstanceResource
include Utils
# Instantiate a new instance resource object. You must pass the +path+ of
# the instance (e.g. /2010-04-01/Accounts/AC123/Calls/CA456) as well as a
# +client+ object that responds to #get #post and #delete. This client
# is meant to be an instance of Restcomm::REST::Client but could just as
# well be a mock object if you want to test the interface. The optional
# +params+ hash will be converted into attributes on the instantiated
# object.
def initialize(path, client, params = {})
@path, @client = path, client
set_up_properties_from params
def inspect # :nodoc:
"<#{self.class} @path=#{@path}>"
# Update the properties of this instance resource using the key/value
# pairs in +params+. This makes an HTTP POST request to @path
# to handle the update. For example, to update the +VoiceUrl+ of a Restcomm
# Application you could write:
# @app.update voice_url: ''
# After returning, the object will contain the most recent state of the
# instance resource, including the newly updated properties.
def update(params = {})
raise "Can't update a resource without a REST Client" unless @client
set_up_properties_from(, params))
# Refresh the attributes of this instance resource object by fetching it
# from Restcomm. Calling this makes an HTTP GET request to @path.
def refresh
raise "Can't refresh a resource without a REST Client" unless @client
@updated = false
# Delete an instance resource from Restcomm. This operation isn't always
# supported. For instance, you can't delete an SMS. Calling this method
# makes an HTTP DELETE request to @path.
def delete
raise "Can't delete a resource without a REST Client" unless @client
@client.delete @path
# Lazily load attributes of the instance resource by waiting to fetch it
# until an attempt is made to access an unknown attribute.
def method_missing(method, *args)
super if @updated
self.send method, *args
def set_up_properties_from(hash)
eigenclass = class << self; self; end
hash.each do |p,v|
property = derestify p
unless ['client', 'updated'].include? property
eigenclass.send :define_method, property.to_sym, &lambda { v }
@updated = !hash.keys.empty?