Mad Chatter Version 0.3.4 - Fixed a bug that broke the ability to create a new project. Version 0.3.1 - Fixed UI issues that caused the entire app to not work in 0.3.0 release. Version 0.3.0 - Major changes to underlying code. - New features include: - new look and feel using Twitter bootstrap - ability to create channels (more than one chat room) - Markdown processing has been re-written to only allow a limited set of parsing - This update also included a bug which caused the entire app to not work, so you should use the 0.3.1 and newer releases. Version 0.2.5 - Adjusted daemonization process Version 0.2.4 - Minor update (forgot I changed some filename) Version 0.2.3 - Finally got extensions working by refactoring a bunch of stuff Version 0.2.2 - Added daemonization so you can start, stop, restart Mad Chatter Version 0.2.1 - Realized the simple extensions aren't actually working. This is why we need tests. :( - Also, fixed some styles that weren't being applied. Version 0.2.0 - Added a '/clear' command to client-side javascript to be able to clear all chat messages - Fixed HTML injection vulnerability by adding markdown parsing and escaping all incoming html - Created a MacRuby application as a GUI wrapper (still need to add a link to the github repo) - Disabled extensions directory for now since example is no longer working. - Finally added /youtube example mentioned in the readme Version 0.1.1-3 - Added a 'preview' command to CLI to run both a web server and web socket server - Fixed bug where user leaving chatroom didn't notify other users Version 0.1.0 - Refactored extension architecture. Much nicer syntax now. - Moved some of the main configuration to a config.yml file (which is generated when you use the 'new' command) - Created skeleton classes for alternative web socket server implementations and moved the default implementation into its own class - Switched to using Bundler (instead of Jeweler) for gem deployments, thanks to this article: Versions < 0.1.0 - Some of the features were implemented, but there were many holes that needed to be filled