unless(defined?($__lockfile__) or defined?(Lockfile)) require 'socket' require 'timeout' require 'fileutils' class Lockfile #--{{{ VERSION = '1.4.3' def version() VERSION end class LockError < StandardError; end class StolenLockError < LockError; end class StackingLockError < LockError; end class StatLockError < LockError; end class MaxTriesLockError < LockError; end class TimeoutLockError < LockError; end class NFSLockError < LockError; end class UnLockError < LockError; end class SleepCycle < Array #--{{{ attr :min attr :max attr :range attr :inc def initialize min, max, inc #--{{{ @min, @max, @inc = Float(min), Float(max), Float(inc) @range = @max - @min raise RangeError, "max(#{ @max }) <= min(#{ @min })" if @max <= @min raise RangeError, "inc(#{ @inc }) > range(#{ @range })" if @inc > @range raise RangeError, "inc(#{ @inc }) <= 0" if @inc <= 0 raise RangeError, "range(#{ @range }) <= 0" if @range <= 0 s = @min push(s) and s += @inc while(s <= @max) self[-1] = @max if self[-1] < @max reset #--}}} end def next #--{{{ ret = self[@idx] @idx = ((@idx + 1) % self.size) ret #--}}} end def reset #--{{{ @idx = 0 #--}}} end #--}}} end HOSTNAME = Socket::gethostname DEFAULT_RETRIES = nil # maximum number of attempts DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = nil # the longest we will try DEFAULT_MAX_AGE = 3600 # lockfiles older than this are stale DEFAULT_SLEEP_INC = 2 # sleep cycle is this much longer each time DEFAULT_MIN_SLEEP = 2 # shortest sleep time DEFAULT_MAX_SLEEP = 32 # longest sleep time DEFAULT_SUSPEND = 1800 # iff we steal a lock wait this long before we go on DEFAULT_REFRESH = 8 # how often we touch/validate the lock DEFAULT_DONT_CLEAN = false # iff we leave lock files lying around DEFAULT_POLL_RETRIES = 16 # this many polls makes one 'try' DEFAULT_POLL_MAX_SLEEP = 0.08 # the longest we'll sleep between polls DEFAULT_DONT_SWEEP = false # if we cleanup after other process on our host DEFAULT_DONT_USE_LOCK_ID = false # if we dump lock info into lockfile DEFAULT_DEBUG = ENV['LOCKFILE_DEBUG'] || false class << self #--{{{ attr :retries, true attr :max_age, true attr :sleep_inc, true attr :min_sleep, true attr :max_sleep, true attr :suspend, true attr :timeout, true attr :refresh, true attr :debug, true attr :dont_clean, true attr :poll_retries, true attr :poll_max_sleep, true attr :dont_sweep, true attr :dont_use_lock_id, true def init #--{{{ @retries = DEFAULT_RETRIES @max_age = DEFAULT_MAX_AGE @sleep_inc = DEFAULT_SLEEP_INC @min_sleep = DEFAULT_MIN_SLEEP @max_sleep = DEFAULT_MAX_SLEEP @suspend = DEFAULT_SUSPEND @timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT @refresh = DEFAULT_REFRESH @dont_clean = DEFAULT_DONT_CLEAN @poll_retries = DEFAULT_POLL_RETRIES @poll_max_sleep = DEFAULT_POLL_MAX_SLEEP @dont_sweep = DEFAULT_DONT_SWEEP @dont_use_lock_id = DEFAULT_DONT_USE_LOCK_ID @debug = DEFAULT_DEBUG STDOUT.sync = true if @debug STDERR.sync = true if @debug #--}}} end #--}}} end self.init attr :klass attr :path attr :opts attr :locked attr :thief attr :dirname attr :basename attr :clean attr :retries attr :max_age attr :sleep_inc attr :min_sleep attr :max_sleep attr :suspend attr :refresh attr :timeout attr :dont_clean attr :poll_retries attr :poll_max_sleep attr :dont_sweep attr :dont_use_lock_id attr :debug, true alias thief? thief alias locked? locked alias debug? debug def self::create(path, *a, &b) #--{{{ opts = { 'retries' => 0, 'min_sleep' => 0, 'max_sleep' => 1, 'sleep_inc' => 1, 'max_age' => nil, 'suspend' => 0, 'refresh' => nil, 'timeout' => nil, 'poll_retries' => 0, 'dont_clean' => true, 'dont_sweep' => false, 'dont_use_lock_id' => true, } begin new(path, opts).lock rescue LockError raise Errno::EEXIST, path end open(path, *a, &b) #--}}} end def initialize(path, opts = {}, &block) #--{{{ @klass = self.class @path = path @opts = opts @retries = getopt 'retries' , @klass.retries @max_age = getopt 'max_age' , @klass.max_age @sleep_inc = getopt 'sleep_inc' , @klass.sleep_inc @min_sleep = getopt 'min_sleep' , @klass.min_sleep @max_sleep = getopt 'max_sleep' , @klass.max_sleep @suspend = getopt 'suspend' , @klass.suspend @timeout = getopt 'timeout' , @klass.timeout @refresh = getopt 'refresh' , @klass.refresh @dont_clean = getopt 'dont_clean' , @klass.dont_clean @poll_retries = getopt 'poll_retries' , @klass.poll_retries @poll_max_sleep = getopt 'poll_max_sleep' , @klass.poll_max_sleep @dont_sweep = getopt 'dont_sweep' , @klass.dont_sweep @dont_use_lock_id = getopt 'dont_use_lock_id' , @klass.dont_use_lock_id @debug = getopt 'debug' , @klass.debug @sleep_cycle = SleepCycle::new @min_sleep, @max_sleep, @sleep_inc @clean = @dont_clean ? nil : lambda{ File::unlink @path rescue nil } @dirname = File::dirname @path @basename = File::basename @path @thief = false @locked = false lock(&block) if block #--}}} end def lock #--{{{ raise StackingLockError, "<#{ @path }> is locked!" if @locked sweep unless @dont_sweep ret = nil attempt do begin @sleep_cycle.reset create_tmplock do |f| begin Timeout::timeout(@timeout) do tmp_path = f.path tmp_stat = f.lstat n_retries = 0 trace{ "attempting to lock <#{ @path }>..." } begin i = 0 begin trace{ "polling attempt <#{ i }>..." } begin File::link tmp_path, @path rescue Errno::ENOENT try_again! end lock_stat = File::lstat @path raise StatLockError, "stat's do not agree" unless tmp_stat.rdev == lock_stat.rdev and tmp_stat.ino == lock_stat.ino trace{ "aquired lock <#{ @path }>" } @locked = true rescue => e i += 1 unless i >= @poll_retries t = [rand(@poll_max_sleep), @poll_max_sleep].min trace{ "poll sleep <#{ t }>..." } sleep t retry end raise end rescue => e n_retries += 1 trace{ "n_retries <#{ n_retries }>" } case validlock? when true raise MaxTriesLockError, "surpased retries <#{ @retries }>" if @retries and n_retries >= @retries trace{ "found valid lock" } sleeptime = @sleep_cycle.next trace{ "sleep <#{ sleeptime }>..." } sleep sleeptime when false trace{ "found invalid lock and removing" } begin File::unlink @path @thief = true warn "<#{ @path }> stolen by <#{ Process.pid }> at <#{ timestamp }>" trace{ "i am a thief!" } rescue Errno::ENOENT end trace{ "suspending <#{ @suspend }>" } sleep @suspend when nil raise MaxTriesLockError, "surpased retries <#{ @retries }>" if @retries and n_retries >= @retries end retry end # begin end # timeout rescue Timeout::Error raise TimeoutLockError, "surpassed timeout <#{ @timeout }>" end # begin end # create_tmplock if block_given? stolen = false refresher = (@refresh ? new_refresher : nil) begin begin ret = yield @path rescue StolenLockError stolen = true raise end ensure begin refresher.kill if refresher and refresher.status ensure unlock unless stolen end end else ObjectSpace.define_finalizer self, @clean if @clean ret = self end rescue Errno::ESTALE, Errno::EIO => e raise(NFSLockError, errmsg(e)) end end return ret #--}}} end def sweep #----{{{ begin glob = File::join(@dirname, ".*lck") paths = Dir[glob] paths.each do |path| begin basename = File::basename path pat = %r/^\s*\.([^_]+)_([^_]+)/o if pat.match(basename) host, pid = $1, $2 else next end host.gsub!(%r/^\.+|\.+$/,'') quad = host.split %r/\./ host = quad.first pat = %r/^\s*#{ host }/i if pat.match(HOSTNAME) and %r/^\s*\d+\s*$/.match(pid) unless alive?(pid) trace{ "process <#{ pid }> on <#{ host }> is no longer alive" } trace{ "sweeping <#{ path }>" } FileUtils::rm_f path else trace{ "process <#{ pid }> on <#{ host }> is still alive" } trace{ "ignoring <#{ path }>" } end else trace{ "ignoring <#{ path }> generated by <#{ host }>" } end rescue next end end rescue => e warn(errmsg(e)) end #----}}} end def alive? pid #----{{{ pid = Integer("#{ pid }") begin Process::kill 0, pid true rescue Errno::ESRCH false end #----}}} end def unlock #--{{{ raise UnLockError, "<#{ @path }> is not locked!" unless @locked begin File::unlink @path rescue Errno::ENOENT raise StolenLockError, @path ensure @thief = false @locked = false ObjectSpace.undefine_finalizer self if @clean end #--}}} end def new_refresher #--{{{ Thread::new(Thread::current, @path, @refresh, @dont_use_lock_id) do |thread, path, refresh, dont_use_lock_id| loop do begin touch path trace{"touched <#{ path }> @ <#{ Time.now.to_f }>"} unless dont_use_lock_id loaded = load_lock_id(IO.read(path)) trace{"loaded <\n#{ loaded.inspect }\n>"} raise unless loaded == @lock_id end sleep refresh rescue Exception => e trace{errmsg e} thread.raise StolenLockError Thread::exit end end end #--}}} end def validlock? #--{{{ if @max_age uncache @path rescue nil begin return((Time.now - File::stat(@path).mtime) < @max_age) rescue Errno::ENOENT return nil end else exist = File::exist?(@path) return(exist ? true : nil) end #--}}} end def uncache file #--{{{ refresh = nil begin is_a_file = File === file path = (is_a_file ? file.path : file.to_s) stat = (is_a_file ? file.stat : File::stat(file.to_s)) refresh = tmpnam(File::dirname(path)) File::link path, refresh File::chmod stat.mode, path File::utime stat.atime, stat.mtime, path ensure begin File::unlink refresh if refresh rescue Errno::ENOENT end end #--}}} end def create_tmplock #--{{{ tmplock = tmpnam @dirname begin create(tmplock) do |f| unless dont_use_lock_id @lock_id = gen_lock_id dumped = dump_lock_id trace{"lock_id <\n#{ @lock_id.inspect }\n>"} f.write dumped f.flush end yield f end ensure begin; File::unlink tmplock; rescue Errno::ENOENT; end if tmplock end #--}}} end def gen_lock_id #--{{{ Hash[ 'host' => "#{ HOSTNAME }", 'pid' => "#{ Process.pid }", 'ppid' => "#{ Process.ppid }", 'time' => timestamp, ] #--}}} end def timestamp #--{{{ time = Time.now usec = time.usec.to_s usec << '0' while usec.size < 6 "#{ time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') }.#{ usec }" #--}}} end def dump_lock_id lock_id = @lock_id #--{{{ "host: %s\npid: %s\nppid: %s\ntime: %s\n" % lock_id.values_at('host','pid','ppid','time') #--}}} end def load_lock_id buf #--{{{ lock_id = {} kv = %r/([^:]+):(.*)/o buf.each do |line| m = kv.match line k, v = m[1], m[2] next unless m and k and v lock_id[k.strip] = v.strip end lock_id #--}}} end def tmpnam dir, seed = File::basename($0) #--{{{ pid = Process.pid time = Time.now sec = time.to_i usec = time.usec "%s%s.%s_%d_%s_%d_%d_%d.lck" % [dir, File::SEPARATOR, HOSTNAME, pid, seed, sec, usec, rand(sec)] #--}}} end def create path #--{{{ umask = nil f = nil begin umask = File::umask 022 f = open path, File::WRONLY|File::CREAT|File::EXCL, 0644 ensure File::umask umask if umask end return(block_given? ? begin; yield f; ensure; f.close; end : f) #--}}} end def touch path #--{{{ FileUtils.touch path #--}}} end def getopt key, default = nil #--{{{ [ key, key.to_s, key.to_s.intern ].each do |k| return @opts[k] if @opts.has_key?(k) end return default #--}}} end def to_str #--{{{ @path #--}}} end alias to_s to_str def trace s = nil #--{{{ STDERR.puts((s ? s : yield)) if @debug #--}}} end def errmsg e #--{{{ "%s (%s)\n%s\n" % [e.class, e.message, e.backtrace.join("\n")] #--}}} end def attempt #----{{{ ret = nil loop{ break unless catch('attempt'){ ret = yield } == 'try_again' } ret #----}}} end def try_again! #----{{{ throw 'attempt', 'try_again' #----}}} end alias again! try_again! def give_up! #----{{{ throw 'attempt', 'give_up' #----}}} end #--}}} end def Lockfile path, *a, &b #--{{{ Lockfile.new(path, *a, &b) #--}}} end $__lockfile__ = __FILE__ end