module Sorcery module TestHelpers module Internal module Rails include ::Sorcery::TestHelpers::Rails SUBMODUELS_AUTO_ADDED_CONTROLLER_FILTERS = [ :register_last_activity_time_to_db, :deny_banned_user, :validate_session ] def sorcery_reload!(submodules = [], options = {}) reload_user_class # return to no-module configuration ::Sorcery::Controller::Config.init! ::Sorcery::Controller::Config.reset! # remove all plugin before_filters so they won't fail other tests. # I don't like this way, but I didn't find another. # hopefully it won't break until Rails 4. SorceryController._process_action_callbacks.delete_if {|c| SUBMODUELS_AUTO_ADDED_CONTROLLER_FILTERS.include?(c.filter) } # configure ::Sorcery::Controller::Config.submodules = submodules ::Sorcery::Controller::Config.user_class = nil ActionController::Base.send(:include,::Sorcery::Controller) ::Sorcery::Controller::Config.user_class = "User" ::Sorcery::Controller::Config.user_config do |user| options.each do |property,value| user.send(:"#{property}=", value) end end User.authenticates_with_sorcery! end def sorcery_controller_property_set(property, value) ::Sorcery::Controller::Config.send(:"#{property}=", value) end def sorcery_controller_external_property_set(provider, property, value) ::Sorcery::Controller::Config.send(provider).send(:"#{property}=", value) end # This helper is used to fake multiple users signing in in tests. # It does so by clearing @current_user, thus allowing a new user to login, # all this without calling the :logout action explicitly. # A dirty dirty hack. def clear_user_without_logout subject.instance_variable_set(:@current_user,nil) end end end end end