require 'rack/utils' module ForemanOpenscap class Policy < ApplicationRecord include Authorizable include Taxonomix attr_writer :current_step, :wizard_initiated audited belongs_to :scap_content belongs_to :scap_content_profile belongs_to :tailoring_file belongs_to :tailoring_file_profile, :class_name => ForemanOpenscap::ScapContentProfile has_many :policy_arf_reports has_many :arf_reports, :through => :policy_arf_reports, :dependent => :destroy has_many :asset_policies has_many :assets, :through => :asset_policies, :as => :assetable, :dependent => :destroy scoped_search :on => :name, :complete_value => true SCAP_PUPPET_CLASS = 'foreman_scap_client'.freeze POLICIES_CLASS_PARAMETER = 'policies'.freeze SERVER_CLASS_PARAMETER = 'server'.freeze PORT_CLASS_PARAMETER = 'port'.freeze before_validation :update_period_attrs validates :name, :presence => true, :uniqueness => true, :length => { :maximum => 255 } validate :ensure_needed_puppetclasses validates :period, :inclusion => { :in => %w[weekly monthly custom], :message => _('is not a valid value') }, :if => { |policy| policy.should_validate?('Schedule') } validates :scap_content_id, presence: true, if: { |policy| policy.should_validate?('SCAP Content') } validate :matching_content_profile, if: { |policy| policy.should_validate?('SCAP Content') } validate :valid_cron_line, :valid_weekday, :valid_day_of_month, :valid_tailoring, :valid_tailoring_profile after_save :assign_policy_to_hostgroups # before_destroy - ensure that the policy has no hostgroups, or classes default_scope do with_taxonomy_scope do order("") end end def assign_assets(a) self.asset_ids = (self.asset_ids + a.collect(&:id)).uniq end def to_html if scap_content.nil? return html_error_message(_('Cannot generate HTML guide, scap content is missing.')) end if (proxy = scap_content.proxy_url) api = => proxy) else return html_error_message(_('Cannot generate HTML guide, no valid OpenSCAP proxy server found.')) end api.policy_html_guide(scap_content.scap_file, scap_content_profile.try(:profile_id)) end def hostgroup_ids assets.where(:assetable_type => 'Hostgroup').pluck(:assetable_id) end def hostgroup_ids=(ids) hostgroup_assets = [] ids.reject { |id| id.respond_to?(:empty?) && id.empty? }.map do |id| hostgroup_assets << assets.where(:assetable_type => 'Hostgroup', :assetable_id => id).first_or_initialize end existing_host_assets = self.assets.where(:assetable_type => 'Host::Base') self.assets = existing_host_assets + hostgroup_assets end def hostgroups Hostgroup.find(hostgroup_ids) end def hostgroups=(hostgroups) hostgroup_ids = end def host_ids assets.where(:assetable_type => 'Host::Base').pluck(:assetable_id) end def hosts Host.where(:id => host_ids) end def hosts=(hosts) host_ids = end def step_to_i(step_name) steps.index(step_name) + 1 end def steps base_steps = [N_('Create policy'), N_('SCAP Content'), N_('Schedule')] base_steps << N_('Locations') if SETTINGS[:locations_enabled] base_steps << N_('Organizations') if SETTINGS[:organizations_enabled] base_steps << N_('Hostgroups') # always be last. end def current_step @current_step || steps.first end def previous_step steps[steps.index(current_step) - 1] end def next_step steps[steps.index(current_step) + 1] end def rewind_step @current_step = previous_step end def first_step? current_step == steps.first end def last_step? current_step == steps.last end def wizard_completed? new_record? && current_step.blank? end def step_index wizard_completed? ? steps.index(steps.last) : steps.index(current_step) + 1 end def scan_name name end def used_location_ids Location.joins(:taxable_taxonomies).where( 'taxable_taxonomies.taxable_type' => 'ForemanOpenscap::Policy', 'taxable_taxonomies.taxable_id' => id ).pluck("#{}.id") end def used_organization_ids Organization.joins(:taxable_taxonomies).where( 'taxable_taxonomies.taxable_type' => 'ForemanOpenscap::Policy', 'taxable_taxonomies.taxable_id' => id ).pluck("#{}.id") end def used_hostgroup_ids [] end def assign_hosts(hosts) assign_assets &:get_asset end def unassign_hosts(hosts) host_asset_ids = ForemanOpenscap::Asset.where(:assetable_type => 'Host::Base', :assetable_id => self.asset_ids = self.asset_ids - host_asset_ids end def to_enc { 'id' =>, 'profile_id' => profile_for_scan, 'content_path' => "/var/lib/openscap/content/#{self.scap_content.digest}.xml", 'tailoring_path' => tailoring_file ? "/var/lib/openscap/tailoring/#{self.tailoring_file.digest}.xml" : '', 'download_path' => "/compliance/policies/#{}/content/#{scap_content.digest}", 'tailoring_download_path' => tailoring_file ? "/compliance/policies/#{}/tailoring/#{tailoring_file.digest}" : '' }.merge(period_enc) end def to_enc_legacy to_enc.tap { |hash| hash['download_path'] = "/compliance/policies/#{}/content" } end def should_validate?(step_name) if new_record? && wizard_initiated? step_index > step_to_i(step_name) elsif new_record? && !wizard_initiated? true else persisted? end end def wizard_initiated? @wizard_initiated end def update_period_attrs case period when 'monthly' erase_period_attrs(%w[cron_line weekday]) when 'weekly' erase_period_attrs(%w[cron_line day_of_month]) when 'custom' erase_period_attrs(%w[weekday day_of_month]) end end private def html_error_message(message) error_message = '