#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true # This is a benchmark for HTTPS traffic. # To run against a local server: # docker run --rm --detach --name httpbin -v /tmp:/tmp -v $PWD/tests/data:/data -e HTTPS_CERT_FILE='/data/' -e HTTPS_KEY_FILE='/data/' -e PORT='8443' -p 8443:8443 mccutchen/go-httpbin # Then, run the benchmark: # benchmarks/httpbin.rb --uri='https://localhost:8443/stream-bytes/102400?chunk_size=1024' # Finally, stop the server with: # docker kill httpbin #require 'bundler/inline' #gemfile do # source 'https://rubygems.org' # gem 'benchmark-ips', require: 'benchmark/ips' # gem 'ruby-prof', '1.6.3' # gem 'excon' #end require File.expand_path('../test_helper', __FILE__) require 'openssl' require 'optparse' require 'uri' require 'excon' require 'benchmark' require 'benchmark/ips' Options = Struct.new(:uri, :profile, :time, :warmup, :iterations, :status) options = Options.new( URI.parse('https://httpbingo.org/stream-bytes/102400?chunk_size=1024'), false, 10, 5, 2, 200 ) OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: ruby #{__FILE__} [options]" opts.on('-u URI', '--uri=URI', String, "URI to send requests to (default: #{options.uri})") do |uri| options.uri = URI.parse(uri) end opts.on('-p', '--[no-]profile', 'Profile the benchmark using Ruby-Prof (defaults to no profiling)') do |profile| options.profile = profile end opts.on('-t TIME', '--time=TIME', Float, "The number of seconds to run the benchmark to measure performance (default: #{options.time})") do |time| options.time = time end opts.on('-w WARMUP', '--warmup=WARMUP', Float, "The number of seconds to warmup the benchmark for before measuring (default: #{options.warmup})") do |warmup| options.warmup = warmup end opts.on('-i ITERATIONS', '--iterations=ITERATIONS', Integer, "The number of iterations to run the benchmark for (default: #{options.iterations})") do |iterations| options.iterations = iterations end opts.on('-s STATUS', '--status=STATUS', Integer, "The HTTP status expected from a request to the given URI (default: #{options.status})") do |status| options.status = status end opts.on('-h', '--help', 'print options') do puts opts exit end end.parse! # Enable and start GC before each job run. Disable GC afterwards. # # Inspired by https://www.omniref.com/ruby/2.2.1/symbols/Benchmark/bm?#annotation=4095926&line=182 class GCSuite def warming(*) run_gc end def running(*) run_gc end def warmup_stats(*); end def add_report(*); end private def run_gc GC.enable GC.start GC.compact GC.disable end end profile = nil if options.profile profile = RubyProf::Profile.new(track_allocations: true, measure_mode: RubyProf::MEMORY) profile.start profile.pause end excerpt = ['Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.'] data = (excerpt * 3).join(' ') client = ::Excon.new(options.uri.to_s, ssl_verify_peer: false, ssl_verify_peer_host: false, persistent: true, retry_errors: [Excon::Error::Socket], idempotent: true) Benchmark.ips do |x| x.time = options.time x.warmup = options.warmup x.suite = GCSuite.new x.iterations = options.iterations x.report(options.uri.to_s) do profile&.resume response = client.request(method: :get, headers: { data: data }) response.body response.status profile&.pause raise "Invalid status: expected #{options.status}, actual is #{response.status}" unless response.status == options.status end x.compare! end if options.profile result = profile.stop File.open("excon-#{Excon::VERSION}.html", 'w') do |output| printer = RubyProf::GraphHtmlPrinter.new(result) printer.print(output) end end