## v1.5.2 Improvements - [`include_recipe 'plugin_name'` loads `itamae/plugin/recipe/plugin_name/default.rb` too](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/pull/162) ## v1.5.1 Improvements - [Logger can be injected one which doesn't have `color` method.](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/commit/7c50f376f69029836047f26ab0a46b41b928c0d3) ## v1.5.0 Improvements - [Make a logger injectable from outside of Itamae.](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/pull/160) ## v1.4.5 Improvements - [Load `default.rb` if `include_recipe` is called with directory path. (by @Rudolph-Miller)](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/pull/156) ## v1.4.4 Features - `--shell` option for `local`, `ssh` and `docker` subcommands. If it is set, it will be used instead of /bin/sh ## v1.4.3 Bugfixes - [Restore original attributes of a resource after each action.](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/commit/28d33da3cb67c6a7635e47845b0055cb17df53a8) ## v1.4.2 Improvements - [Load plugin gems that is not managed by bundler. (by @KitaitiMakoto)](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/pull/151) ## v1.4.1 Improvements - [`gem_binary` of `gem_package` resource accepts an Array too. (by @eagletmt)](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/pull/149) - [`git` resource executes `git clone` if the destination directory is empty (by @tacahilo)](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/pull/150) ## v1.4.0 Improvements - Make `cwd` a common attribute. (idea by @tacahilo) - It was an attribute for execute resource - When `user` attribute is set, change directory to the user's home directory. (idea by @tacahilo) - even if cd command fail, it will be ignored - directory specified by cwd will take precedence over this ## v1.3.6 Bugfixes - `create` action of `file` resource without `content` attribute changes mode and owner without touching the content of the file ## v1.3.5 Improvements - [`create` action of `file` resource without `content` attribute changes mode and owner without touching the content of the file](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/compare/itamae-kitchen:d4a0abc...itamae-kitchen:3eae144) Bugfixes - [Edit action of file resource should set owner and mode if specified (by @eagletmt)](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/pull/143) ## v1.3.4 Improvements - [Output stdout/err logs during command execution](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/commit/24f140dd9744f30c645422959a6a72b6e31eacc4) ## v1.3.3 Improvements - [Add `container` option to `docker` subcommand (by @marcy-terui)](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/pull/142) ## v1.3.2 Features - [Add `recursive` attribute to `git` resource (by @mmasaki)](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/pull/140) ## v1.3.1 Features - [Add `delete` action to `directory` resource (by @rrreeeyyy)](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/pull/139) ## v1.3.0 Improvements - Update `HOME` environment variable when `user` attribute is specified. (incompatible change) ## v1.2.21 Improvements - [Show error message when specified action is unavailable in dry_run mode (by @eagletmt)](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/pull/137) - [Fix deprecation warnings in unit tests (by @eagletmt)](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/pull/138) ## v1.2.20 Improvements - [Wrap host inventory value with Hashie::Mash to access it by a method call](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/pull/135) ## v1.2.19 Features - [`create_home` attribute of user resource (by @xibbar)](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/pull/131) ## v1.2.18 Features - `run_command` method in a recipe, definition and resource ## v1.2.17 Features - [Support provider for service resource (by @sonots)](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/pull/134) ## v1.2.16 Improvements - [`force` option for `link` resource (by @mikeda)](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/pull/128) ## v1.2.15 Bugfixes - [Fix --no-sudo to work properly (by @evalphobia)](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/pull/126) - [Fix a glitch on raising exception when source doesn't exist (by @mozamimy)](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/pull/125) ## v1.2.14 Features - "edit" action of "file" resource ## v1.2.13 Features - [Add "shell" attribute to user resource (by @toritori0318)](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/pull/120) ## v1.2.12 Bugfixes - Run delayed notifications created by a delayed notification. - Set updated false after executing resources. ## v1.2.11 Bugfixes - [Show difference of user resource when it is created. by @gongo](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/pull/118) ## v1.2.10 Bugfixes - [Use given attribute value even if it's falsey (by @sorah)](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/pull/117) ## v1.2.9 Bugfixes - Do not use local variable named `variables`. If `variables` is used as local variable's name, the following causes a syntax error. ``` template "..." do variables foo: bar # variables(foo: bar) # This never cause a syntax error end ``` See also: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/11016 ## v1.2.8 Improvements - [Load ~/.ssh/config (by @maruware)](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/pull/115) ## v1.2.7 Bugfixes - Backend::Docker#finalize should be public. (by @mizzy) ## v1.2.6 - Remove code for debugging... ## v1.2.5 Bugfixes - Bugs in definition feature. ## v1.2.4 Improvements - Use specinfra/core instead of specinfra. ## v1.2.3 Bugfixes - Bugs in Node class ## v1.2.2 Improvements - Refactor Backend and Runner class for multi backends. ## v1.2.1 (yanked) ## v1.2.0 Feature - Docker backend - This backend builds a Docker image. - Usage: `itamae docker --image baseimage recipe.rb` - NOTE: This feature is experimental. ## v1.1.26 Bugfix - Always outdent. ## v1.1.25 Improvements - Make logging less verbose by default. (by @eagletmt) - Change indent width from 3 to 2. ## v1.1.24 Bugfixes - Make `node` accessible from define block. ## v1.1.23 Feature - Validate node attributes by `Node#validate!` ## v1.1.22 Improvements - `source :auto` accepts a template without .erb extention. ## v1.1.21 Bugfixes - Ignore CommandExecutionError during listing installed gems. (by @eagletmt) - because `gem` command may not be installed in dry-run mode ## v1.1.20 Features - `source :auto` of remote_file and template resources. - details: https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/issues/94 ## v1.1.19 Features - `verify` attribute - command will be executed after running resource action. - If it fails, Itamae will abort (notifications will not be executed) Improvements - [`--vagrant` option without `--host` assumes the VM name `default` (by @muratayusuke)](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/pull/91) - `delayed` is a valid notification timing. - same as Chef - If invalid notification timing is provided, an error will be raised. ## v1.1.18 Improvements - [Add remove action to package resource (by @eagletmt)](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/pull/92) - Colorize diff output of file resource - removed lines in red - inserted lines in green ## v1.1.17 Bugfixes - Do not remove space char in output of diff. ## v1.1.16 Features - `source` attribute of `gem_package` resource. ## v1.1.15 Features - Implement `gem_package` resource. ## v1.1.14 Improvements - Start a service only if the service is not running. - Stop a service only if the service is running. ## v1.1.13 Improvements - [Set executed attr of execute resource for logging purpose.](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/pull/86) - [Colorize diff output of file resource green.](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/pull/87) ## v1.1.12 Bugfixes - [Update home directory of user resource if changed.](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/commit/0b5ad5245af8a7849d36d0598f06b7adb9ac025a) ## v1.1.11 Bugfixes - [Do not include recipes which are already included.](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/pull/85) - This may break backward compatibility. ## v1.1.10 Feature - `--dot` option to write dependency graph of recipes (Experimental) ## v1.1.9 Improvements - Show template file path when rendering the template fails. ## v1.1.8 Improvements - [Show differences in green (by @mizzy)](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/pull/82) ## v1.1.7 Bugfixes - Fix a typo bug ## v1.1.6 (yanked) Improvements - [Normalize mode value of file resource by prepending '0' (by @sorah)](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/pull/76) Bugfixes - [Fix a problem that occurs when the current value is false. (by @mizzy)](https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/pull/75) ## v1.1.5 Bugfixes - Clear current attributes before each action. - Turn on updated-flag after each action. ## v1.1.4 Bugfixes - `Node#[]` with unknown key returns nil. (by @nownabe) - https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/pull/71 ## v1.1.3 Features - `group` resource (Thanks to @a2ikm) - https://github.com/itamae-kitchen/itamae/pull/70 ## v1.1.2 Features - `user` resource accepts group name (String) as its `gid`. ## v1.1.1 Features - New resource `remote_directory` which transfers a directory from local to remote like `remote_file` resource. (Thanks to @k0kubun) - https://github.com/ryotarai/itamae/pull/66 ## v1.1.0 Incompatible changes - `uid` and `gid` attributes of `user` resource accept only Integer. (https://github.com/ryotarai/itamae/pull/65)