require 'spec_helper' describe "MonkeyPatches" do it "ellipsizes" do "short thing".ellipsize.should == "short thing" "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJ".ellipsize(:max => 9).should == "0123...GHIJ" "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJ".ellipsize(:max => 10, :delimiter => "|").should == "01234|FGHIJ" end it "permalinkifies" do "zeke".permalinkify.should == "zeke" "Dog Breath".permalinkify.should == "dog-breath" "Shit for @@@ BRAINS!".permalinkify.should == "shit-for-brains" " A REal Doozi\"e? \' ".permalinkify.should == "a-real-doozie" end it "prepends http only if needed" do "".add_http.should == "" "dog".add_http.should == "http://dog" "".add_http.should == "" "".add_http.should == "" end it "removes http and www" do "".remove_http_and_www.should == "" "".remove_http_and_www.should == "" "".remove_http_and_www.should == "" "".remove_http_and_www.should == "" "".remove_http_and_www.should == "" "".remove_http_and_www.should == "" end it "truncates by words" do #012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 "this is short. should be fine.".truncate_preserving_words.should == "this is short. should be fine." "this is longer. will cut if we leave the default max_chars in place".truncate_preserving_words.should == "this is longer. will cut if we leave the default max_chars ..." "this will get cut".truncate_preserving_words(:max_chars => 15, :end_string => "..").should == "this will get .." "this doesn't have too many words".truncate_preserving_words(:max_words => 10).should == "this doesn't have too many words" "this has too many words".truncate_preserving_words(:max_words => 3).should == "this has too ..." end it "replaces wonky characters with ascii" do "\“Ulysses\”".replace_wonky_characters_with_ascii.should == "\"Ulysses\"" "We ‘are’ single".replace_wonky_characters_with_ascii.should == "We 'are' single" "We ‘are’ single".replace_wonky_characters_with_ascii.should == "We 'are' single" end it "strips tags" do "whoa".strip_tags.should == "whoa" "click".strip_tags.should == "click" "this is bold and emphatic".strip_tags.should == "this is bold and emphatic" end it "nixes" do "this thing that thing".nix("thing").should == "this that thing" end it "nixes globally" do "this thing that thing".gnix("thing").should == "this that " end it "pollutes and sanitizes" do s = "test" s.pollute.should == "t^--^--^e^--^--^s^--^--^t^--^--^" s.sanitize.should == s s.pollute.sanitize.should == s s.pollute("-").should == "t-e-s-t-" s.sanitize("-").should == s s.pollute("-").sanitize("-").should == s end it "extracts domain from a string" do "".domain.should == "" "".domain_without_www.should == "" "".domain_without_www.should == "" "not a url".domain.should == "not a url" end it "validates urls" do "".valid_url?.should == true "".valid_url?.should == true "".valid_url?.should == false "".valid_url?.should == false end it "validates emails" do ["", "", ""].all?{|e| e.valid_email? }.should == true ["test@foo", "text", ""].any?{|e| e.valid_email? }.should == false end it "removes whitespace" do "this is a test".remove_whitespace.should == "this is a test" " this \t is also a test ".remove_whitespace.should == "this is also a test" end it "determines capitalization" do "This is mixed case".upcase?.should == false "ALL CAPS DUDE".upcase?.should == true "ALL-CAPS, WITH! EXTRA.. CHARS & STUFF/SYMBOLS?".upcase?.should == true end # Array specs it "removes blank elements from an array" do "this is a test".split(" ").remove_blanks.should == %w(this is a test) ["this", "", "that", nil].remove_blanks.should == %w(this that) end it "removes first element" do %w(1 2 3).remove_first_element.should == %w(2 3) end it "removes last element" do %w(1 2 3).remove_last_element.should == %w(1 2) end end