require 'find' require 'fileutils' require 'yaml' require 'ostruct' require 'zlib' class MiqFsUtil attr_accessor :verbose, :fromFs, :toFs def initialize(fromFs, toFs, us = nil) setUpdateSpec(us) @fromFs = fromFs @toFs = toFs @verbose = false end def updateSpec=(us) setUpdateSpec(us) end def setUpdateSpec(us) if us @csa = us @csa = YAML.load_file(us) if @csa.kind_of? String @csa = [@csa] if @csa.kind_of? Hash raise "Invalid collection spec" unless @csa.kind_of? Array else @csa = nil end end # # Load the update spec from a file in the fromFs. # def loadUpdateSpec(path) @fromFs.fileOpen(path) { |fo| @csa = YAML.load( } end def update raise "MiqFsUpdate.update: no current update spec" unless @csa @csa.each { |cs| doUpdate( } end def dumpSpec(specFile) raise "MiqFsUpdate.dumpSpec: no current update spec" unless @csa YAML.dump(@csa,, "w")) end # # Copy files and directories from fromFs to the toFs. # # FILE -> FILE # FILE -> DIR # DIR -> DIR (recursive = true) # def copy(from, to, recursive = false) allTargets = [] from = [from] unless from.kind_of?(Array) from.each { |t| allTargets.concat(dirGlob(t)) } raise "copy: no source files matched" if allTargets.length == 0 if allTargets.length > 1 || recursive raise "copy: destination directory does not exist" unless @toFs.fileExists?(to) raise "copy: destination must be a directory for multi-file copy" unless @toFs.fileDirectory?(to) end allTargets.each do |f| owd = @fromFs.pwd @fromFs.chdir(File.dirname(f)) f = File.basename(f) # # Copy plain files. # if @fromFs.fileFile?(f) if @toFs.fileDirectory?(to) tf = File.join(to, File.basename(f)) else tf = to end copySingle(f, tf) next end # # If the recursive flag is not set, skip directories. # next unless recursive # # Recursively copy directory sub-tree. # @fromFs.chdir(f) td = File.join(to, f) @toFs.dirMkdir(td) unless @toFs.fileExists?(td) @fromFs.findEach('.') do |ff| tf = File.join(td, ff) if @fromFs.fileDirectory?(ff) @toFs.dirMkdir(tf) elsif @fromFs.fileFile?(ff) copySingle(ff, tf) end end # findEach @fromFs.chdir(owd) end # allTargets.each end private def log_puts(str = "") if $log $ str else puts str end end GLOB_CHARS = '*?[{' def isGlob?(str) str.count(GLOB_CHARS) != 0 end def dirGlob(glb, *flags, &block) return([glb]) unless isGlob?(glb) if glb[0, 1] == '/' dir = '/' glb = glb[1..-1] else dir = @fromFs.pwd end matches = doGlob(glb.split('/'), dir, flags) return(matches) unless block_given? matches.each do |e| end (false) end def doGlob(glbArr, dir, flags) return [] if !glbArr || glbArr.length == 0 retArr = [] glb = glbArr[0] dirForeach(dir) do |e| if flags.length == 0 match = File.fnmatch(glb, e) else match = File.fnmatch(glb, e, flags) end if match if glbArr.length == 1 retArr << File.join(dir, e) else next unless @fromFs.fileDirectory?(nf = File.join(dir, e)) retArr.concat(doGlob(glbArr[1..-1], nf, flags)) end end end (retArr) end def copySingle(ff, tf) if @verbose log_puts "Copying: #{ff}" log_puts " to: #{tf}" end @fromFs.fileOpen(ff) do |ffo| tfo = @toFs.fileOpen(tf, "wb") while (buf = tfo.write(buf) end tfo.close end end def doUpdate(cs) # # The directory where the collection will be created. # destDir = cs.todir # # Save the current directory. # fowd = @fromFs.pwd towd = @toFs.pwd begin # # The directory relative to which the files will be collected. # @fromFs.chdir(cs.basedir) # # Loop through the files and directories that are to be included in the collection. # cs.include.each do |i| raise "File: #{i} does not exist" unless @fromFs.fileExists? i # # If this is a plain file, then include it in the collection. # unless @fromFs.fileDirectory? i toFile = File.join(destDir, i) makePath(File.dirname(toFile)) # # If the file path matches an encrypt RE and doesn't # match a noencrypt RE, then encrypt the contents of # the file before copying it to the collection. # if cs.encrypt && cs.encrypt.detect { |e| i =~ e } if !cs.noencrypt || !cs.noencrypt.detect { |ne| i =~ ne } compressFile(i, toFile) next end end # # If the file path matches an compress RE and doesn't # match a nocompress RE, then compress the contents of # the file before copying it to the collection. # if cs.compress && cs.compress.detect { |e| i =~ e } if !cs.nocompress || !cs.nocompress.detect { |ne| i =~ ne } compressFile(i, toFile) next end end copyFile(i, toFile) next end # # If this is a directory, then recursively copy its contents # to the collection directory. # @fromFs.findEach(i) do |path| # # Prune directories that match an exclude RE. # if @fromFs.fileDirectory? path @fromFs.findEachPrune if cs.exclude && cs.exclude.detect { |e| path =~ e } next end # # Skip files that match an exclude RE. # next if cs.exclude && cs.exclude.detect { |e| path =~ e } toFile = File.join(destDir, path) makePath(File.dirname(toFile)) # # If the file path matches an encrypt RE and doesn't # match a noencrypt RE, then encrypt the contents of # the file before copying it to the collection. # if cs.encrypt && cs.encrypt.detect { |e| path =~ e } if !cs.noencrypt || !cs.noencrypt.detect { |ne| path =~ ne } compressFile(path, toFile) next end end # # If the file path matches an compress RE and doesn't # match a nocompress RE, then compress the contents of # the file before copying it to the collection. # if cs.compress && cs.compress.detect { |e| path =~ e } if !cs.nocompress || !cs.nocompress.detect { |ne| path =~ ne } compressFile(path, toFile) next end end copyFile(path, toFile) end end if cs.include # # Remove files from the destination fs. # @toFs.chdir(destDir) cs.remove.each do |r| if r.kind_of? Regexp # # If the entry is a RE, then remove all files and directories in # the destination directory that match the RE> # @toFs.findEach(".") do |p| next unless r.match(p) log_puts "\tRemoving: #{p}" if @verbose if !@toFs.fileDirectory? p @toFs.fileDelete(p) else @toFs.rmBranch(p) @toFs.findEachPrune end end else # # If the entry is a string, then it should be the path to the file # or directory to be removed. # unless @toFs.exists? r log_puts "Remove file: #{i} does not exist" if @verbose next end log_puts "\tRemoving: #{r}" if @verbose if !@toFs.fileDirectory? r @toFs.fileDelete(r) else @toFs.rmBranch(r) end end end if cs.remove ensure @fromFs.chdir(fowd) @toFs.chdir(towd) end end def makePath(path) return if @toFs.fileExists? path parentDir = @toFs.fileDirname(path) makePath(parentDir) unless @toFs.fileExists? parentDir @toFs.dirMkdir(path) end def copyFile(src, dest) if @fromFs.respond_to?(:hasTag?) && @fromFs.hasTag?(src, "compressed") decompressFile(src, dest) return end if @verbose log_puts "\t COPY: #{src}" log_puts "\t TO: #{dest}" end @fromFs.fileOpen(src) do |ffo| tfo = @toFs.fileOpen(dest, "wb") while (buf = tfo.write(buf, buf.length) end tfo.close end end def compressFile(src, dest) if @verbose log_puts "\tCOMPRESS: #{src}" log_puts "\t TO: #{dest}" end @fromFs.fileOpen(src) do |ffo| tfo = @toFs.fileOpen(dest, "wb") zipper = while (buf = zipper << buf end tfo.write(zipper.deflate(nil, Zlib::FINISH)) tfo.addTag("compressed") if tfo.respond_to?(:addTag) tfo.close end end def decompressFile(src, dest) if @verbose log_puts "\tDECOMPRESS: #{src}" log_puts "\t TO: #{dest}" end @fromFs.fileOpen(src) do |ffo| tfo = @toFs.fileOpen(dest, "wb") unzipper = while (buf = unzipper << buf end tfo.write(unzipper.inflate(nil)) tfo.close end end end # class MiqFsUpdate