# -*- ruby -*- require 'rubygems' require "rake/testtask" require 'rcov/rcovtask' $: << File.dirname(__FILE__) require 'lib/right_aws.rb' testglobs = ["test/ts_right_aws.rb"] begin require 'jeweler' Jeweler::Tasks.new do |gemspec| gemspec.name = 'right_aws' gemspec.summary = 'Interface classes for the Amazon EC2/EBS, SQS, S3, SDB, and ACF Web Services' gemspec.email = 'boss@airbladesoftware.com' gemspec.homepage = 'http://rightaws.rubyforge.org' gemspec.authors = 'RightScale, Inc.' gemspec.add_dependency('right_http_connection', '>= 1.2.4') end rescue LoadError puts 'Jeweler not available. Install it with: sudo gem install technicalpickles-jeweler -s http://gems.github.com' end desc "Analyze code coverage of the unit tests." Rcov::RcovTask.new do |t| t.test_files = FileList[testglobs] #t.verbose = true # uncomment to see the executed command end desc "Test just the SQS interface" task :testsqs do require 'test/test_credentials' require 'test/http_connection' TestCredentials.get_credentials require 'test/sqs/test_right_sqs.rb' end desc "Test just the second generation SQS interface" task :testsqs2 do require 'test/test_credentials' require 'test/http_connection' TestCredentials.get_credentials require 'test/sqs/test_right_sqs_gen2.rb' end desc "Test just the S3 interface" task :tests3 do require 'test/test_credentials' require 'test/http_connection' TestCredentials.get_credentials require 'test/s3/test_right_s3.rb' end desc "Test just the S3 interface using local stubs" task :tests3local do require 'test/test_credentials' require 'test/http_connection' TestCredentials.get_credentials require 'test/s3/test_right_s3_stubbed.rb' end desc "Test just the EC2 interface" task :testec2 do require 'test/test_credentials' TestCredentials.get_credentials require 'test/ec2/test_right_ec2.rb' end desc "Test just the SDB interface" task :testsdb do require 'test/test_credentials' TestCredentials.get_credentials require 'test/sdb/test_right_sdb.rb' end desc "Test active SDB interface" task :testactivesdb do require 'test/test_credentials' TestCredentials.get_credentials require 'test/sdb/test_active_sdb.rb' end desc "Test CloudFront interface" task :testacf do require 'test/test_credentials' TestCredentials.get_credentials require 'test/acf/test_right_acf.rb' end # vim: syntax=Ruby