// ======================================================================== // SproutCore // copyright 2006-2008 Sprout Systems, Inc. // ======================================================================== require('models/record') ; require('models/store') ; // A collection holds a set of records matching the specified conditions. You // can set the data source used to find the objects matching the conditions // to create collections pulled from the local set of objects or pulled // from the server. // // Collection's automatically update their contents based on the conditions // settings you provide as the state of loaded records change. // SC.Collection = SC.Object.extend({ // ........................................ // CONFIGURABLE PROPERTIES // // Set these properties to control the records that will be in this list. // indicates the keys to use to order the records. If you want the records // ordered by descending order, use a string like 'guid DESC'. orderBy: ['guid'], // set this to the range of records you are interested in seeing or null if // you want to see all records. Note that collection actually retrieves // a list of records slightly larger than what you pass here to allow for // members to be added and removed. offset: 0, limit: 0, // set this to a hash with conditions options. e.g. { active: true }. If you // don't set this property, then all records of the given type will be // used. conditions: {}, // this is the actual array of records in the current collection. This // property will change anytime the record members change (but not when // the member record properties change) records: function() { if (this._changedRecords) this._flushChangedRecords() ; return this._records ; }.property(), // the total count of records matching the conditions settings. The contents // of the records array will be clipped to the range value. count: function(key, value) { if (value !== undefined) { this._count = value ; } else if (this._changedRecords) this._flushChangedRecords() ; return this._count || 0 ; }.property(), // set to true when the collection is destroyed isDeleted: false, // RO // set this to the data source you want to use to get the records. Use // either SC.Store or SC.Server. If you use SC.Server, your recordType // must have a resourceURL property. // NC dataSource: SC.Store, // set this to the type of record you want in the collection. This should // be set when the collection is created and not changed later. recordType: SC.Record, // NC // set to true while a refresh is in progress. isLoading: false, // RO // set to true if records have changed in a way that might leave the records out // of date. isDirty: false, // RO // ........................................ // ACTIONS // // call this to force the list to refresh. The refresh may not happen // right away, depending on the dataSource. refresh: function() { var recordType = this.get('recordType') || SC.Record ; var offset = (this._limit > 0) ? this._offset : 0 ; if (!this._boundRefreshFunc) { this._boundRefreshFunc = this._refreshDidComplete.bind(this) ; } // start refresh if (!this.dataSource) throw "collection does not have dataSource" ; this.beginPropertyChanges(); if (!this.isLoading) this.set('isLoading',true) ; this._refreshing = true ; var order = this.get('orderBy') ; if (order && !(order instanceof Array)) order = [order] ; this.dataSource.listFor({ recordType: recordType, offset: offset, limit: this._limit, conditions: this.get('conditions'), order: order, callback: this._boundRefreshFunc, cacheCode: this._cacheCode }) ; this.endPropertyChanges() ; return this; }, // call this method when you are done with a collection. This will remove // it as an observer to changes in the SC.Store so that it can be reclaimed. // isDeleted will also be set to true. destroy: function() { SC.Store.removeCollection(this); return this; }, newRecord: function(settings) { if (!settings) settings = {} ; settings.newRecord = true ; settings.dataSource = this.get('dataSource') ; var ret = this.recordType.create(settings); SC.Store.addRecord(ret) ; // this will add the record to the collection. return ret; }, // ........................................ // INTERNAL // // this is the real offset, limit, and records used by the collection. // this can be a superset of the actual limits seen by outsiders. _offset: 0, _limit: 0, _records: null, _members: null, _store: null, init: function() { arguments.callee.base.call(this) ; SC.Store.addCollection(this) ; // get notified of changes. this._computeInteralOffsetAndLimit() ; }, // This is the callback executed when the data source has found the records // matching the passed parameters. The count is the total count of records // matching the conditions, ignoring the offset and limit. _refreshDidComplete: function(records,count,cacheCode) { if (cacheCode) this._cacheCode = cacheCode; if (records) { this.beginPropertyChanges() ; // update count if (this.get('count') != count) this.set('count',count) ; // update the record store and reslice. this.propertyWillChange('records') ; records = this._store = records.slice() ; this._reslice() ; this.propertyDidChange('records') ; this.endPropertyChanges(); } this._refreshing = false ; // only one refresh at a time. }, // called by SC.Store whenever an locally stored record has changed state. // This method simply indicates that the records property has changed and saved // the record for later processing. recordDidChange: function(rec) { if (!rec && !rec._guid) return ; // probably an error, but recover anyway. if (!this._changedRecords) this._changedRecords = {} ; this._changedRecords[rec._guid] = rec ; this.propertyWillChange('records') ; this.propertyDidChange('records') ; this.propertyWillChange('count') ; this.propertyDidChange('count') ; }, // this method gets called just before the records property is returned. If // there are any changed records queued up, the record changes will be // integrated. _flushChangedRecords: function() { if (!this._changedRecords) return ; // nothing to do. if (this.dataSource != SC.Store) throw "non-local data source is not supported" ; var current = this._store || [] ; var order = this.get('orderBy') || [this.recordType.primaryKey()] ; if (!(order instanceof Array)) order = [order] ; var conditions = this.get('conditions') ; // get the sorted set of changed records, both sorted and as a hash. var records = [] ; var changed = this._changedRecords ; for(var guid in changed) { if (!changed.hasOwnProperty(guid)) continue ; records.push(changed[guid]) ; } records = records.sort(function(a,b){ return a.compareTo(b,order); }) ; this._changedRecords = null ; // step through the current set of records. Interpolate changed records, remove records // that don't belong. var loc = 0 ; while(loc < current.length) { var working = current[loc] ; var compareToPrev, compareToNext ; // is this record one of the changed? // if so, then the record may need to be removed from its current position if it is deleted, // no longer belongs to the group, or is out of order. if (changed[working._guid]) { var belongs = (!working.get('isDeleted')) && working.matchConditions(conditions) ; if (belongs) { // comes after prev? if (loc>0) { belongs = (working.compareTo(current[loc-1],order) >= 0) ; } // comes before next? if (belongs && (loc+1 < current.length)) { belongs = (working.compareTo(current[loc+1],order) <= 0) ; } } if (!belongs) { current.splice(loc,1); continue; } } // if we get here, then the current record belongs where it is. next see if any of the changed // records need to be inserted here. var goAgain = true ; while ((records.length > 0) && goAgain) { var rec = records[0] ; if ((rec != working) && !rec.get('isDeleted') && rec.matchConditions(conditions)) { if ((rec == working) || (rec.compareTo(working,order) <= 0)) { if (rec != working) current.splice(loc,0,rec) ; // insert only if not the same. loc++ ; } else goAgain = false ; } if (goAgain) records.shift() ; } // move on to the next record. loc++ ; } // if we get to the end and there are changed records left to process, // they probably need to be added. while(records.length > 0) { var rec = records.shift() ; if (!rec.get('isDeleted') && rec.matchConditions(conditions)) { current.push(rec) ; } } // if ((this == window.tphotos) && (current.length != this._count)) debugger ; // update the count as well. this._store = current ; this._count = current.length ; this._reslice() ; }, /// SAVED FOR POSTERITY _oldRecordsDidChange: function() { var state = ((!rec.isDeleted) && rec.matchConditions(this.get('conditions'))) ? 'in' : 'out'; var records = this._records ; // see if this comes before or after if ((this._limit > 0) && (state == "in") && records && (records.length > 0)) { var order = this.get('orderBy') ; if (rec.compareTo(records[0],order) < 0) { state = "before" ; } else if (rec.compareTo(records[records.length-1],order) > 0) { state = "after" ; } } // does this currently belong to the collection. var belongs = records.include(rec) ; var reslice = false ; var refresh = false ; // now adjust appropriately switch(state) { case 'before': // note: this is technically incorrect. If the record comes before // that might actually shift everything forward. But there is no // way to really tell if the rec is just now being added or not. // // We let this go since this will only be temporarily wrong as the // list will get refreshed. // if (belongs) { records = records.without(rec) ; reslice = true; } refresh = true ; break ; case 'after': case 'out': if (belongs) { records = records.without(rec) ; reslice = refresh = true ; } break ; case 'in': // resort records if (!belongs) { records = records.slice(); records.push(rec) ; } records = records.sort(function(a,b){ return a.compareTo(b,order); }); if (!records.isEqual(this._records)) reslice = refresh = true ; break; } if (reslice) { this._records = records ; if (this._limit > 0) { var start = this.get('offset') - this._offset ; var end = start + this.get('limit') ; records = records.slice(start,end) ; } this.set('records',records) ; } //if (refresh && !this._refreshing) { // this._refreshing = true ; // this.invokeLater(this.refresh, 1) ; //} }, // Anytime the properties used to filter the collection change, reslice if possible // then refresh from the data source. propertyObserver: function(observing,target,key,value) { if (target != this) return ; // update the internal properties then refresh. var needsRefresh = false ; var nv ; value = this.get(key) ; switch(key) { case 'offset': case 'limit': var oldOffset = this._offset ; var oldLimit = this._limit ; this._computeInteralOffsetAndLimit() ; if ((this._offset == oldOffset) && (this._limit == oldLimit)) { this.propertyWillChange('records') ; this._reslice(); this.propertyDidChange('records') ; } else needsRefresh = true ; break ; case 'conditions': case 'orderBy': needsRefresh = true ; break ; default: break ; } // refresh only once per loop. We don't want to refresh multiple times // if the user makes changes to multiple settings. if (needsRefresh && !this._refreshing) { this._refreshing = true ; this._cacheCode = null ; this.set('isLoading',true) ; this.invokeLater(this.refresh) ; } }, // using the current offset and limit properties, compute the internal offset and limit used for // records. _computeInteralOffsetAndLimit: function() { if (this.dataSource != SC.Store) { var v ; this._offset = ((v=this.get('offset')) > this.MARGIN) ? (v-this.MARGIN) : 0 ; this._limit = ((v=this.get('limit')) > 0) ? (v + this.MARGIN) : 0 ; } else this._offset = this._limit = 0 ; }, // This method will slice the _store records based on the current offset and limit. // Is it used internally and thus does not indicate that the computed records // property has changed. _reslice: function() { var offset = this.get('offset') ; var limit = this.get('limit') ; if ((offset > 0) || (limit > 0)) { var start = offset - this._offset ; var end = start + ((limit <= 0) ? (this._store || []).length : limit) ; this._records = this._store.slice(start,end) ; } else this._records = this._store ; }, MARGIN: 10 }) ;