![logo](http://i.imgur.com/i2fElxx.png) __`xcpretty` is a fast and flexible formatter for `xcodebuild`__.
It does one thing, and it should do it well. [![Gem version](http://img.shields.io/gem/v/xcpretty.svg)](http://rubygems.org/gems/xcpretty) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/supermarin/xcpretty.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/supermarin/xcpretty) [![Code Climate](http://img.shields.io/codeclimate/github/supermarin/xcpretty.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/supermarin/xcpretty) ## Installation ``` bash $ gem install xcpretty ``` ## Usage ``` bash $ xcodebuild [flags] | xcpretty ``` `xcpretty` is designed to be piped with `xcodebuild` and thus keeping 100% compatibility with it. It's even a bit faster than `xcodebuild` itself, since it saves your terminal some prints. __Important:__ If you're running `xcpretty` on a CI like Travis or Jenkins, you may want to exit with same status code as `xcodebuild`. CI systems usually use status codes to determine if the build has failed. ``` bash $ set -o pipefail && xcodebuild [flags] | xcpretty # # OR # $ xcodebuild [flags] | xcpretty && exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]} ``` ## Raw xcodebuild output You might want to use `xcpretty` together with `tee` to store the raw log in a file, and get the pretty output in the terminal. This might be useful if you want to inspect a failure in detail and aren't able to tell from the pretty output. Here's a way of doing it: ``` bash $ xcodebuild [flags] | tee xcodebuild.log | xcpretty ``` ## Formats - `--simple`, `-s` (default) ![xcpretty --simple](http://i.imgur.com/LdmozBS.gif) - `--test`, `-t` (RSpec style) ![xcpretty alpha](http://i.imgur.com/VeTQQub.gif) - `--tap` ([Test Anything Protocol](http://testanything.org)-compatible output) - `--knock`, `-k` (a [simplified version](https://github.com/chneukirchen/knock) of the Test Anything Protocol) ## ANSI / UTF-8 - `--[no-]color`: Show build icons in color. (you can add it to `--simple` or `--test` format). Defaults to auto-detecting color availability. - `--[no-]utf`: Use unicode characters in build output or only ASCII. Defaults to auto-detecting the current locale. ## Reporters - `--report junit`, `-r junit`: Creates a JUnit-style XML report at `build/reports/junit.xml`, compatible with Jenkins and TeamCity CI. - `--report html`, `-r html`: Creates a simple HTML report at `build/reports/tests.html`. ![xcpretty html](http://i.imgur.com/0Rnux3v.gif) - `--report json-compilation-database`, `-r json-compilation-database`: Creates a [JSON compilation database](http://clang.llvm.org/docs/JSONCompilationDatabase.html) at `build/reports/compilation_db.json`. This is a format to replay single compilations independently of the build system. Writing a report to a custom path can be specified using `--output PATH`. ## Extensions `xcpretty` supports custom formatters through the use of the `--formatter` flag, which takes a path to a file as an argument. The file must contain a Ruby subclass of `XCPretty::Formatter`, and return that class at the end of the file. The class can override the `format_*` methods to hook into output parsing events. ### Known extensions * [xcpretty-travis-formatter](https://github.com/kattrali/xcpretty-travis-formatter): support for cleaner output in TravisCI using code folding The recommended format is a gem containing the formatter and named with an `xcpretty-` prefix, for easier discovery. ## Team - [Marin Usalj](http://github.com/supermarin) http://supermar.in - [Delisa Mason](http://github.com/kattrali) http://delisa.me