# -*- encoding: utf-8; frozen_string_literal: true -*- # #-- # This file is part of HexaPDF. # # HexaPDF - A Versatile PDF Creation and Manipulation Library For Ruby # Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Thomas Leitner # # HexaPDF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as # published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the # following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): # FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY # THOMAS LEITNER, THOMAS LEITNER DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY OF NON # INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. # # HexaPDF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public # License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with HexaPDF. If not, see . # # The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code # versions of HexaPDF must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required # under Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. # # In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public # License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that # is created or manipulated using HexaPDF. #++ require 'zlib' require 'hexapdf/error' require 'hexapdf/stream' require 'hexapdf/image_loader' module HexaPDF module Type # Represents an image XObject of a PDF document. # # See: PDF1.7 s8.8 class Image < Stream # The structure that is returned by the Image#info method. Info = Struct.new(:type, :width, :height, :color_space, :indexed, :components, :bits_per_component, :writable, :extension) define_type :XObject define_field :Type, type: Symbol, default: type define_field :Subtype, type: Symbol, required: true, default: :Image define_field :Width, type: Integer, required: true define_field :Height, type: Integer, required: true define_field :ColorSpace, type: [Symbol, Array] define_field :BitsPerComponent, type: Integer define_field :Intent, type: Symbol, version: '1.1' define_field :ImageMask, type: Boolean, default: false define_field :Mask, type: [Stream, Array], version: '1.3' define_field :Decode, type: Array define_field :Interpolate, type: Boolean, default: false define_field :Alternates, type: Array, version: '1.3' define_field :SMask, type: Stream, version: '1.4' define_field :SMaskInData, type: Integer, version: '1.5' define_field :StructParent, type: Integer, version: '1.3' define_field :ID, type: PDFByteString, version: '1.3' define_field :OPI, type: Dictionary, version: '1.2' define_field :Metadata, type: Stream, version: '1.4' define_field :OC, type: Dictionary, version: '1.5' # Returns the source path that was used when creating the image object. # # This value is only set when the image object was created by using the image loading # facility and not when the image is part of a loaded PDF file. attr_accessor :source_path # Returns an Info structure with information about the image. # # Available accessors: # # type:: # The type of the image. Either :jpeg, :jp2, :jbig2, :ccitt or :png. # width:: # The width of the image. # height:: # The height of the image. # color_space:: # The color space the image uses. Either :rgb, :cmyk, :gray or :other. # indexed:: # Whether the image uses an indexed color space or not. # components:: # The number of color components of the color space, or -1 if the number couldn't be # determined. # bits_per_component:: # The number of bits per color component. # writable:: # Whether the image can be written by HexaPDF. # extension:: # The file extension that would be used when writing the file. Either jpg, jpx or png. Only # meaningful when writable is true. def info result = Info.new result.width = self[:Width] result.height = self[:Height] result.bits_per_component = self[:BitsPerComponent] result.indexed = false result.writable = true filter, rest = *self[:Filter] case filter when :DCTDecode result.type = :jpeg result.extension = 'jpg' when :JPXDecode result.type = :jp2 result.extension = 'jpx' when :JBIG2Decode result.type = :jbig2 when :CCITTFaxDecode result.type = :ccitt else result.type = :png result.extension = 'png' end if rest || ![:FlateDecode, :DCTDecode, :JPXDecode, nil].include?(filter) result.writable = false end color_space, = *self[:ColorSpace] if color_space == :Indexed result.indexed = true color_space, = *document.deref(self[:ColorSpace][1]) end case color_space when :DeviceRGB, :CalRGB result.color_space = :rgb result.components = 3 when :DeviceGray, :CalGray result.color_space = :gray result.components = 1 when :DeviceCMYK result.color_space = :cmyk result.components = 4 result.writable = false if result.type == :png else result.color_space = :other result.components = -1 result.writable = false if result.type == :png end result end # :call-seq: # image.write(basename) # image.write(io) # # Saves this image XObject to the file with the given name and appends the correct extension # (if the name already contains this extension, the name is used as is), or the given IO # object. # # Raises an error if the image format is not supported. # # The output format and extension depends on the image type as returned by the #info method: # # :jpeg:: Saved as a JPEG file with the extension '.jpg' # :jp2:: Saved as a JPEG2000 file with the extension '.jpx' # :png:: Saved as a PNG file with the extension '.png' def write(name_or_io) info = self.info unless info.writable raise HexaPDF::Error, "PDF image format not supported for writing" end io = if name_or_io.kind_of?(String) File.open(name_or_io.sub(/\.#{info.extension}\z/, '') << "." << info.extension, "wb") else name_or_io end if info.type == :jpeg || info.type == :jp2 source = stream_source while source.alive? && (chunk = source.resume) io << chunk end else write_png(io, info) end ensure io.close if io && name_or_io.kind_of?(String) end private # Writes the image as PNG to the given IO stream. def write_png(io, info) io << ImageLoader::PNG::MAGIC_FILE_MARKER color_type = if info.indexed ImageLoader::PNG::INDEXED elsif info.color_space == :rgb ImageLoader::PNG::TRUECOLOR else ImageLoader::PNG::GREYSCALE end io << png_chunk('IHDR', [info.width, info.height, info.bits_per_component, color_type, 0, 0, 0].pack('N2C5')) if key?(:Intent) # PNG s11.3.3.5 intent = ImageLoader::PNG::RENDERING_INTENT_MAP.rassoc(self[:Intent]).first io << png_chunk('sRGB', intent.chr) << png_chunk('gAMA', [45455].pack('N')) << png_chunk('cHRM', [31270, 32900, 64000, 33000, 30000, 60000, 15000, 6000].pack('N8')) end if color_type == ImageLoader::PNG::INDEXED palette_data = document.deref(self[:ColorSpace][3]) palette_data = palette_data.stream unless palette_data.kind_of?(String) palette = ''.b if info.color_space == :rgb palette = palette_data[0, palette_data.length - palette_data.length % 3] else palette_data.each_byte {|byte| palette << byte << byte << byte } end io << png_chunk('PLTE', palette) end if self[:Mask].kind_of?(Array) && self[:Mask].each_slice(2).all? {|a, b| a == b } && (color_type == ImageLoader::PNG::TRUECOLOR || color_type == ImageLoader::PNG::GREYSCALE) io << png_chunk('tRNS', self[:Mask].each_slice(2).map {|a, _| a }.pack('n*')) end filter, = *self[:Filter] if filter == :FlateDecode && self[:DecodeParms] && self[:DecodeParms][:Predictor].to_i >= 10 data = stream_source else flate_decode = config.constantize('filter.map', :FlateDecode) data = flate_decode.encoder(stream_decoder, Predictor: 15, Colors: 1, Columns: info.width, BitsPerComponent: info.bits_per_component) end io << png_chunk('IDAT', Filter.string_from_source(data)) io << png_chunk('IEND') end # Returns the binary representation of the PNG chunk for the given chunk type and data. def png_chunk(type, data = '') [data.length].pack("N") << type << data << [Zlib.crc32(data, Zlib.crc32(type))].pack("N") end end end end