require 'net/http' require 'fileutils' if Redcar.platform == :windows require "rubygems" require "zip/zipfilesystem" end module Redcar class Installer def initialize if ENV['http_proxy'] proxy = URI.parse(ENV['http_proxy']) @connection = Net::HTTP::Proxy(, proxy.port, proxy.user, proxy.password) else @connection = Net::HTTP end puts "found latest XULRunner release version: #{xulrunner_version}" if Redcar.platform == :windows end def install unless File.writable?(JRUBY_JAR_DIR) puts "Don't have permission to write to #{JRUBY_JAR_DIR}. Please rerun with sudo." exit 1 end Redcar.environment = :user puts "Downloading >10MB of jar files. This may take a while." grab_jruby grab_common_jars grab_platform_dependencies grab_redcar_jars puts "Building textmate bundle cache" s = load_textmate_bundles puts "... took #{ - s}s" fix_user_dir_permissions puts puts "Done! You're ready to run Redcar." end def associate_with_any_right_click raise 'this is currently only for windows' unless Redcar.platform == :windows require 'rbconfig' require 'win32/registry' # associate it with the current rubyw.exe rubyw_bin = File.join([Config::CONFIG['bindir'], Config::CONFIG['ruby_install_name']]) << 'w' << Config::CONFIG['EXEEXT'] if rubyw_bin.include? 'file' raise 'this must be run from a ruby exe, not a java -cpjruby.jar command' end rubyw_bin.gsub!('/', '\\') # executable names wants back slashes for type, english_text in {'*' => 'Open with Redcar', 'Directory' => 'Open with Redcar (dir)'} name = Win32::Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.create "Software\\classes\\#{type}\\shell\\open_with_redcar" name.write_s nil, english_text dir = Win32::Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.create "Software\\classes\\#{type}\\shell\\open_with_redcar\\command" command = %!"#{rubyw_bin}" "#{File.expand_path($0)}" "%1"! dir.write_s nil, command end puts 'Associated.' end def plugins_dir File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w(.. .. plugins))) end ASSET_HOST = "" JFACE = %w( /jface/org.eclipse.core.commands.jar /jface/org.eclipse.core.runtime_3.5.0.v20090525.jar /jface/org.eclipse.equinox.common.jar /jface/org.eclipse.jface.databinding_1.3.0.I20090525-2000.jar /jface/org.eclipse.jface.jar /jface/org.eclipse.jface.text_3.5.0.jar /jface/org.eclipse.osgi.jar /jface/org.eclipse.text_3.5.0.v20090513-2000.jar /jface/org.eclipse.core.resources.jar /jface/ ) def redcar_jars_dir File.expand_path(File.join(Redcar.user_dir, "jars")) end JRUBY_JAR_DIR = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..")) JRUBY = [ "/jruby/jcodings.jar", "/jruby/jdom.jar", "/jruby/joni.jar" ] JRUBY << "" JOPENSSL_DIR = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "openssl/lib/")) JOPENSSL = { "/jruby/bcmail-jdk14-139-redcar1.jar" => "bcmail-jdk14-139.jar", "/jruby/bcprov-jdk14-139-redcar1.jar" => "bcprov-jdk14-139.jar", "/jruby/jopenssl-redcar1.jar" => "jopenssl.jar", } REDCAR_JARS = { "/java-mateview-#{Redcar::VERSION}.jar" => "plugins/edit_view_swt/vendor/java-mateview.jar", "/application_swt-#{Redcar::VERSION}.jar" => "plugins/application_swt/lib/dist/application_swt.jar", "/clojure-1.2beta1.jar" => "plugins/repl/vendor/clojure.jar", "/clojure-contrib-1.2beta1.jar" => "plugins/repl/vendor/clojure-contrib.jar", "/org-enclojure-repl-server.jar" => "plugins/repl/vendor/org-enclojure-repl-server.jar" } def xulrunner_uri "{xulrunner_version}/runtimes/xulrunner-#{xulrunner_version}" end SWT_JARS = { :osx => { "/swt/osx.jar" => "osx/swt.jar", "/swt/osx64.jar" => "osx64/swt.jar" }, :linux => { "/swt/linux.jar" => "linux/swt.jar", "/swt/linux64.jar" => "linux64/swt.jar" }, :windows => { "/swt/win32.jar" => "win32/swt.jar", } } def grab_jruby puts "* Checking JRuby dependencies" setup "jruby", :resources => JRUBY, :path => JRUBY_JAR_DIR setup "jopenssl", :resources => JOPENSSL, :path => JOPENSSL_DIR end def grab_common_jars puts "* Checking common jars" setup "jface", :resources => JFACE, :path => File.join(plugins_dir, %w(application_swt vendor jface)) end def grab_platform_dependencies puts "* Checking platform-specific SWT jars" case Config::CONFIG["host_os"] when /darwin/i setup "swt", :resources => SWT_JARS[:osx], :path => File.join(plugins_dir, %w(application_swt vendor swt)) when /linux/i setup "swt", :resources => SWT_JARS[:linux], :path => File.join(plugins_dir, %w(application_swt vendor swt)) when /windows|mswin|mingw/i setup "swt", :resources => SWT_JARS[:windows], :path => File.join(plugins_dir, %w(application_swt vendor swt)) setup "swt", :resources => [xulrunner_uri], :path => File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w(.. .. vendor))) link( File.join(redcar_jars_dir, "xulrunner"), File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w(.. .. vendor xulrunner)))) end end def grab_redcar_jars puts "* Checking Redcar jars" setup "redcar", :resources => REDCAR_JARS, :path => File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..") end def download(uri, path) if uri =~ /^\// uri = ASSET_HOST + uri end print " downloading #{uri}... "; $stdout.flush FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(path)), "wb") do |write_out| write_out.print @connection.get(URI.parse(uri)) end if =~ /Access Denied/ puts "\n\n*** Error downloading #{uri}, got Access Denied from S3." exit end if path =~ /.*\.zip$/ print "done!\n unzipping #{path}..."; $stdout.flush Installer.unzip_file(path) end puts "done!" end def setup(name, options) resources = options.delete(:resources) target_dir = options.delete(:path) if resources.is_a?(Array) resources.each do |resource| setup_resource(name, target_dir, resource, File.basename(resource)) end else resources.each do |url_path, target_path| setup_resource(name, target_dir, url_path, target_path) end end end def setup_resource(name, target_dir, url_path, target_path) target_file = File.join(target_dir, target_path) return if File.exist?(target_file) cached = File.join(redcar_jars_dir, File.basename(url_path)) unless File.exists?(cached) download(url_path, cached) end FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(target_file) link(cached, target_file) end def link(cached, target) # Windoze doesn't support FileUtils.ln_sf, so we copy the files if Config::CONFIG["host_os"] =~ /windows|mswin|mingw/i print " copying #{File.basename(cached)}... " $stdout.flush FileUtils.cp_r cached, target puts "done" else print " linking #{File.basename(cached)}... " $stdout.flush FileUtils.ln_sf cached, target puts "done" end end # unzip a .zip file into the directory it is located def self.unzip_file(source) source = File.expand_path(source) Dir.chdir(File.dirname(source)) do do |zipfile| zipfile.entries.each do |entry| FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname( begin entry.extract rescue Zip::ZipDestinationFileExistsError end end end end end def load_textmate_bundles $:.unshift("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../plugins/core/lib") $:.unshift("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../plugins/textmate/lib") require 'core' Redcar.environment = :user Core.loaded require 'textmate' Redcar::Textmate.all_bundles end def fix_user_dir_permissions desired_uid = File.stat(Redcar.home_dir).uid desired_gid = File.stat(Redcar.home_dir).gid FileUtils.chown_R(desired_uid, desired_gid.to_s, Redcar.user_dir) end def xulrunner_version @xulrunner_version ||= begin html = @connection.get(URI.parse("")) html.scan(/\d\.\d\.\d\.\d+/).sort.reverse.first end end end end