module Mastermind class Message attr_reader :message, :status def initialize(input = nil) if input set_attr input else start end end def set_attr(input) @message = input[:message] @status = input[:status] self end def cheat(color) set_attr(message: "Hmm! You just cheated. The colors generated were: #{color}.", status: :cheated) end def won(tries, time={}) set_attr(message: "#{'Congratulations!'.colorize(:green)}\nYou won the game in #{(tries.to_s + ' try'.pluralize(tries)).colorize(:blue)} and #{(time[:mins].to_s + 'm' + time[:secs].to_s + 's').colorize(:blue)}.\nDo you want to (p)lay again or (q)uit or (t)op_players?", status: :won) end def instructions(colors = ['(r)ed', '(g)reen', '(b)lue', '(y)ellow']) color_count = colors.length colors_generated_to_word = turn_array_to_string_list(colors, color_count) example_gameplay = sample_instructions_arrangement(colors) set_attr(message: "I have generated a beginner sequence with #{color_count.humanize + ' element'.pluralize(color_count)} made up of:\n#{colors_generated_to_word}. You are to guess the sequence in which these colors appeared e.g #{example_gameplay.colorize(:white)} for #{colors_generated_to_word}. You have #{Game::ALLOWED_TRIALS} guesses to get these colors or you lose the game. Use #{'(q)uit'.colorize(:red)} at any time to end the game.\nReady to play? \nWhat's your guess? ", status: :instructions) end # def instructions # set_attr(message: "I have generated a beginner sequence with four elements made up of:\n#{'(r)ed'.colorize(:red)}, #{'(g)reen'.colorize(:green)}, #{'(b)lue'.colorize(:blue)}, and #{'(y)ellow'.colorize(:yellow)}. Use #{'(q)uit'.colorize(:red)} at any time to end the game.\nWhat's your guess? ", status: :instructions) # end def shorter_input set_attr(message: "Your input is too short.".colorize(:red), status: :shorter_input) end def longer_input set_attr(message: "Your input is too long.".colorize(:red), status: :longer_input) end def start set_attr(message: "Welcome to MASTERMIND!\nWould you like to #{'(p)lay'.colorize(:green)}, read the #{'(i)nstructions'.colorize(:blue)}, read a little #{'(b)ackground'.colorize(:yellow)} on Mastermind or #{'(q)uit'.colorize(:red)}?", status: :main_start) end def exit_game set_attr(message: "Thank you for playing Mastermind!\nGoodbye!".colorize(:red), status: :quitted) end def unsupported_game_action(message: nil, status: nil) set_attr( message: message || "You entered an unsupported action, try again! ".colorize(:red), status: status || :unsupported_action ) end def wrong_guess set_attr(message: "Your guess was wrong! Guess again: ".colorize(:red), status: :wrong) end def analyzed_guess(matched_position, included) set_attr(message: "You had #{(matched_position.to_s + ' position'.pluralize(matched_position)).colorize(:green)} exactly matched and #{(included.to_s + ' near match'.pluralize(included)).colorize(:blue)}", status: :running) end def trial_count(trial_count, correct_sequence, colors = nil) remaining_trials = Game::ALLOWED_TRIALS - trial_count if trial_count == 0 instructions(colors) elsif(trial_count < Game::ALLOWED_TRIALS) set_attr(message: "You have tried #{trial_count.to_s + ' time'.pluralize(trial_count)}. You have #{remaining_trials.to_s + ' attempt'.pluralize(remaining_trials)} left.\nTry again: ", status: :wrong_guess) else set_attr(message: "You tried, but lost.\nThe colors generated were #{correct_sequence}.\nWant to try again? (p)lay to start again or (q)uit to exit or (t)op_players to view the top ten players. ".colorize(:red), status: :lost) end end def player set_attr(message: "So you would like to play!\nStart by telling me your name: ".colorize(:green), status: :player_name) end def gameplay_instructions(color_count = 4) set_attr(message: "Enter a sequence of #{color_count} colors containing the generated colors e.g RYBG or YGRB.\nIf you enter fewer than #{color_count} or more than #{color_count} colors, you would receive an error message", status: :main_instructions) end def main_message message = <<-EOS #{%q{Just a little background on MASTERMIND}.colorize(:red)} Mastermind is a board game with an interesting history (or rather a legend?). Some game books report that it was invented in 1971 by Mordecai Meirowitz, an Israeli postmaster and telecommunications expert. After many rejections by leading toy companies, the rights were obtained by a small British firm, Invicta Plastics Ltd. The firm originally manufactured the game itself, though it has since licensed its manufacture to Hasbro in most of the world. However, Mastermind is just a clever readaptation of an old similar game called 'Bulls and cows' in English, and 'Numerello' in Italian... Actually, the old British game 'Bulls and cows' was somewhat different from the commercial version. It was played on paper, not on a board... Over 50 million copies later, Mastermind is still marketed today! The idea of the game is for one player (the code-breaker) to guess the secret code chosen by the other player (the code-maker). The code is a sequence of 4 colored pegs chosen from six colors available. The code-breaker makes a serie of pattern guesses - after each guess the code-maker gives feedback in the form of 2 numbers, the number of pegs that are of the right color and in the correct position, and the number of pegs that are of the correct color but not in the correct position - these numbers are usually represented by small black and white pegs. In 1977, the mathematician Donald Knuth demonstrated that the code-breaker can solve the pattern in five moves or less, using an algorithm that progressively reduced the number of possible patterns. EOS set_attr(message: message, status: :background_message) end def winner(winner, trials, time_taken) set_attr(message: "#{winner} completed mastermind in #{trials} #{'guess'.pluralize(trials)} and #{time_taken}", status: :top_players) end private def turn_array_to_string_list colors, array_count if array_count >= 2 string_list = '' string_list << colors[0..-2].map{|c| c.colorize(c.scan(/([[:alpha:]]+)/).join.to_sym)}.join(', ') string_list << " and #{colors[-1].colorize(colors[-1].scan(/([[:alpha:]]+)/).join.to_sym)}" string_list else colors.join end end def sample_instructions_arrangement colors{|c| c[1]}.join.upcase end end end