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Check file manually! Auto beam settings must now specify each interesting moment in a measure explicitly; 1/4 is no longer multiplied to cover moments 1/2 and 3/4 too. Effective prefix: '%s' GregorianTranscriptionStaff now engraves \divisioMinima, \divisioMaior, and \divisioMaxima as BarLine grobs using Bar_engraver, and engraves \caesura and \virgula as Divisio grobs using Divisio_engraver. Previously, GregorianTranscriptionVoice used Breathing_sign_engraver to engrave these as BreathingSign grobs. Because of the new names and the move from Voice to Staff, layout adjustments for the old scheme are not effective for the new. If you are not content with the new default layout, deal with BarLine, Bar_engraver, Divisio, and Divisio_engraver in GregorianTranscriptionStaff context. \EnableGregorianDivisiones may also be used to switch to engraving Divisio grobs instead of BarLine grobs. MensuralStaff and VaticanaStaff now use Divisio_engraver to engrave divisiones as Divisio grobs. Previously, the respective Voice-aliased contexts used Breathing_sign_engraver to engrave divisiones as BreathingSign grobs. Because of the new names and the move from Voice to Staff, layout adjustments for the old scheme are not effective for the new. If you are not content with the new default layout, deal with Divisio and Divisio_engraver in the appropriate Staff-aliased context. Note: compilation failed and \version outdated, did you update input syntax with convert-ly? https://lilypond.org/doc/v~a.~a/Documentation/usage/updating-files-with-convert_002dly Relocation The barAlways property has been removed. Instead, use forbidBreakBetweenBarLines. Warning: Your score contains a setting of barNumberVisibility to #all-bar-numbers-visible and a setting of BarNumber.break-visibility, but not \bar "" command. This likely means that you have been using \set Score.barNumberVisibility = #all-bar-numbers-visible \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible in order to print bar numbers in the middle of systems in addition to bar numbers at the beginning of systems. In 2.23.7 and later, this will print the first bar number too, which has always been the intended effect of #all-bar-numbers-visible, but did not work without \bar "" for technical reasons. If you do not want the first bar number, remove the command \set Score.barNumberVisibility = #all-bar-numbers-visible Warning: \fine no longer enforces the end of the music. If your piece has music following \fine that you want to exclude when it is unfolded, use \volta to exclude it. Autobeam settings are now overriden with \overrideBeamSettings. Autobeam settings are now reverted with \revertBeamSettings. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. beatGrouping with a specified context must now be accomplished with \overrideBeamSettings. Absolute file name of LilyPond binary computed from PATH: PATH=%s argv0=%s Found %s environment variable, setting %s to '%s' LilyPond binary has absolute file name: %s LilyPond binary has relative file name: %s Prepending '%s' to %s Relocation file '%s' Using compile-time value for %s, setting it to '%s' Using run-time value for %s, setting it to '%s' "%s" is not a valid outside-staff-placement-directive%s %s (running Guile %s)%s [OPTION]... ETF-FILE%s [OPTION]... FILE%s has been replaced by %s%s in fret-diagram properties%s is up to date.%s misspelling%s output to `%s'...%s property names%s without a cause%s%s not overwritten %s: Invalid version string `%s' Valid version strings consist of three numbers, separated by dots, e.g. `2.8.12'%s: Unable to determine version. Skipping%s: Unable to open file%s: duplicate filename but different contents of converted lilypond file, printing diff against existing file.%s: duplicate filename but different contents of original file, printing diff against existing file.%s:EOF%sSetting %s to '%s' %zu expected warning(s) not encountered: 'around' pitch not in scale; ignoring'from' pitch not in scale; ignoring'to' pitch not in scale; ignoring(ignored)(load path: `%s', cwd: `%s')(primitive-load-path lily): %.2f seconds(search path: `%s')A page layout problem has been initiated that cannot accommodate footnotes.ALT[:MINOR]ANSI sizesAbortingAdd @var{octave-shift} to the octave of @var{pitch}.Adding font directory: %sAdding font file: %sAdding fontconfig configuration file: %sAdditional format for use in Southeast Asia and AustraliaAdjust settings for last-bottom-spacing instead. Adjust settings for top-system-spacing instead. All snippets are up to date...Already listening to dispatcher, ignoring requestAmbiguous use of dots in ligature: there are multiple dotted notes with the same pitch. The ligature should be split.Annotation '~a' is allowed in the first argument of a bar line definition only.Applies pitch-invert to all pitches in @var{music}.Applying conversion: Asking for broken bound padding at a non-broken bound.Attempting conversion from `latin1'...Attempting to remove nonexisting listener.Autobeaming rules have changed. override-auto-beam-setting and revert-auto-beam-setting have been eliminated. \overrideBeamSettings has been added. beatGrouping has been eliminated. Different settings for vertical layout. ly:system-start-text::print -> system-start-text::print Beam #'thickness -> Beam #'beam-thickness ly:note-head::brew-ez-stencil -> note-head::brew-ez-stencil ly:ambitus::print -> ambitus::print Explicit dynamics context definition from `Piano centered dynamics' template replaced by new `Dynamics' context.Axis and direction now come before markups: Axis_group_engraver: vertical group already has a parentBEATS/BEATTYPEBOOKBad chord repetitionBad voice id: ~aBar glyph ~a not known. Ignoring.Beam end fits no patternBoth angle-increments and radial-increments must be positive numbers.Building font database...CFF font `~a' already embedded, skipping.CFF name for font %s is the same.CIDFont directory `~a' already exists.COMMANDCairo context status '%s'Cairo surface status '%s'Cairo too old for PDF metadataCalculating line breaks...Calculating page and line breaks (%zu possible page breaks)...Calculating page breaks...Can't print a line - setting on/off to defaultCannot add a fingering without a direction.Cannot determine contexts to modifyCannot find context-def \~aCannot have a slur inside another slurCannot have negative horizon padding. Junking.Cannot have two simultaneous (closing) slursCannot have two simultaneous slursCannot redefine event class `~S'Cannot set outside-staff-priority for element and elements' Y parent.Change in internal property for MultiMeasureRestChange stringTunings from a list of semitones to a list of pitches. Change tenor and baritone ukulele names in string tunings. Generate messages for manual conversion of vertical spacing if required.Changing working directory to: `%s'Children ~a exited with errors.Clarinet fingering changed to reflect actual anatomy of instrument. Coherent_ligature_engraver: setting `spacing-increment=0.01': ptr=%ulCompilation completed with warnings or errorsCompiling `%s'...Convert %s to LilyPond input. Convert MusicXML from FILE.xml to LilyPond input. If the given filename is -, musicxml2ly reads from the command line. Converting MusicXML file `%s'...Converting to LilyPond expressions...Converting to `~a'... Converting to current version (%s) notations ...Converting to ~a...Copying to `~a'... Copyright (c) %s byCopyright (c) %s by %s and others.Copyright (c) 2005--2022 by Han-Wen Nienhuys , Jan Nieuwenhuizen and Reinhold Kainhofer Patrick L. Schmidt This program is free software. It is covered by the GNU General Public License and you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions. Invoke as `%s --warranty' for more information.Could not find language `~a'. Ignoring.Could not find ottavation markup for %d octaves up.Could not overwrite file %sCould not start GhostScript instance!Couldn't find translator type %s (should be Engraver_group, Performer_group, Score_engraver or Score_performer)Creation of a Flag grob and moving of certain Stem properties to this grobDIRDURDUR*NUM/DENDangling tie in \retrogradeDash parameters for slurs and ties are now in 'dash-definition. Defaulting to 'any-octave.Different CFF fonts which have the same name `~a' has been detected. The font cannot be embedded.Directly parsing 'CFF' table of font.Dissecting...Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License.Do something like: %sDrawing systems...Dropping surplus alteration symbols for bass figure.Dropping unattachable %sDrum notationDrum notation changes, Removing \chordmodifiers, \notenames. Harmonic notes. Thread context removed. Lyrics context removed.Drums found. Enclose drum notes in \drummodeEOF found inside a commentEOF found inside stringEXPRElement count %zuElement count %zu (spanners %zu) Eliminate beamSettings, beatLength, \setBeatGrouping, \overrideBeamSettings and \revertBeamSettings. "accordion.accEtcbase" -> "accordion.etcbass"Embedding CFF font `~a'.Encountered closing slur, but no slur is openEncountered file created by %s, containing wrong beaming information. All beaming information in the MusicXML file will be ignoredEncountered note at %s without type and duration(=%s)Encountered rational duration with denominator %s, unable to convert to lilypond durationEncountered unprocessed marker %s Enigma Transport Format is a format used by Coda Music Technology's Finale product. etf2ly converts a subset of ETF to a ready-to-use LilyPond file. Error in beam quanting. Expected (~S,~S) found ~S.Error in beam quanting. Expected ~S 0, found ~S.Error when running GhostScript command!Error while convertingEvent class should be a listExamplesExamples:Exiting (%d)...Exiting current GhostScript instance... Exporting font file `~a'.FIELDFILEFILTERFORMATFORMATsFT_Get_CID_From_Glyph_Index () error: %s Skipping glyph U+%04X, file %sFT_Get_Glyph_Name () Freetype error: %sFT_Get_Glyph_Name () error: %sFactor ~a needs to be an integer value.Failed octave check, got: File `~a' already exists, skipping...Find the index between @var{start} and @var{end} (an integer) which produces the closest match to @var{target-val} if applied to function @var{getter}.Finding the ideal number of pages...Fitting music on %zu or %zu pages...Fitting music on %zu pages...Fitting music on 1 page...Flag.transparent and Flag.color inherit from StemFont directory `~a' already exists.Font export directory `~a' already exists.Font file `~a' already exists, skipping...Font ~a cannot be loaded via Ghostscript because it is an OpenType/CFF Collection (OTC) font.Font ~a cannot be loaded via Ghostscript because its font-index (~a) is not zero.Font ~a cannot be used in PostScript resource directory because it is unknown format.Font ~a cannot be used via Ghostscript because it is a TrueType font that does not have glyph names.Font ~a is TrueType font, skipping...For more information, see %sFound infinity or nan in output. Substituting 0.0FreeType error: %sFreeType face has no PostScript font nameGlyph has no name, but font supports glyph naming. Skipping glyph U+%04X, file %sGlyph must have a unicode valueGrace note with no following music: %sGrob `%s' has no interface for property `%s'Grob count %zuGuile signaled an error for the expression beginning hereHandling of non-automatic footnotes.Harmonic parentheses are part of the TabNoteHead grob. HarmonicParenthesesItem has been eliminated. Harp pedal diagram contains dividers at positions ~a. Normally, there is only one divider after the third pedal.Harp pedal diagram contains ~a pedals rather than the usual 7.Harp pedal diagram does not contain a divider (usually after third pedal).ISO 216, A seriesISO 216, B seriesISO 269, C seriesIf @var{music} is a single pitch, inverts it about @var{around} and transposes from @var{around} to @var{to}.If FILE is `-', read from standard input.If independent mark sequences are desired, use multiple Mark_tracking_translators.If you are using non-automatic footnotes, make sure to set footnote-auto-numbering = ##f in the paper block. Ignoring Vertical_align_engraver in VerticalAxisGroupIgnoring grob for slur: %s. avoid-slur not set?Ignoring non-music expressionIgnoring note in tablature.Ignoring string request and recalculating.Incomplete keyAlterationOrder for key signatureInitializing FontConfig...Initializing embedded CFF font list.Input file %s is compressed, extracting raw MusicXML dataInput is compressed, extracting raw MusicXML data from stdinInterpreting music...Invalid octave shift size found: %s. Using no shift.Invalid version string "~a"Invoking `%s'Invoking `~a'...It comes with NO WARRANTY.KEYKey alteration octave given for a non-existing alteration nr. %s, available numbers: %s!LANGLILYPONDPREFIX is obsolete, use LILYPOND_DATADIRLOGLEVELLanguage does not support microtones contained in the pieceLayout output to `%s'... Layout output to `~a'...LilyPond produces beautiful music notation.LilyPond source must be UTF-8Linking files...Log level set to %d MIDI channel wrapped aroundMIDI output to `%s'...Making CIDFont directory `~a'.Making Font directory `~a'.Making PostScript resource directory `~a'.Making font export directory `~a'.Malformed path for path stencil.Markup depth exceeds maximal value of %zu; Markup: %sMetronome marks with complex relations ( in MusicXML) are not yet implemented.Mismatch of GhostScript arguments! Missing files: %sMissing fret for pitch ~a on string ~aMissing music in \scoreMore Scheme function renamingMore alternatives than repeats. Junking excess alternativesMove size, thickness, and graphic to properties. Argument should be just the key list. Music font has not been installed properly.Music unsuitable for context-modMusic unsuitable for output-defMust be footnote-event.Must use #(set-paper-size .. ) within \paper { ... }Negative fret for pitch ~a on string ~aNegative skip %s (from position %s to %s)Negative skip found: from %s to %s, difference is %sNew relative mode, Postfix articulations, new text markup syntax, new chord syntax.No glyph found for alteration: %sNo grob definition found for `%s'.No label for fret ~a (on string ~a); only ~a fret labels providedNo notes found to start from, ignoring. If you want to bend an open string, consider to override/tweak the 'bend-me property.No open string for pitch ~aNo relocation config directory '%s'No span bar glyph defined for bar glyph '~a'; ignoring.No string for pitch ~a (given frets ~a)No such directory '%s' for %sNo such file '%s' for %sNo tremolo to endNo tuplet to endNonMusicalPaperColumn #'line-break-system-details North American architectural sizesNorth American paper sizesNot a markup command: ~ANot a markup functionNot drawing a box with negative dimension, %.2f by %.2f.Not enough space to print a nice arrow. Please consider to increase 'minimum-length or decrease 'arrow-length.Not smart enough to convert %s.NoteEvent without pitchNow "output-attributes" (association list) is used instead.Open fret on string ~a has finger of ~aOptions:Or save as UTF-8 in your editorOther sizes, including antique sizes still used in the United KingdomOutput function not implementedOutput to `%s'Output would overwrite input file; use --output.PA4-based sizesPADPROGPS backend does not support SVG formatPage layout has been changed, using paper size and margins. textheight is no longer used. Paper_outputter elapsed time: %.2f secondsParsing...Please consider to increase 'minimum-lengthPlease refer to the manual for details, and update manually.Possible typo in fret-diagram '~a'PostScript resource directory `~a' already exists.Preparing Ghostscript command to `~a': ~aPreparing font ~a in PostScript resource directory for subfont ~a of file `~a'...Preprocessing graphical objects...Previously the "id" grob property (string) was used for SVG output.Print log messages according to LOGLEVEL (NONE, ERROR, WARNING, PROGRESS (default), DEBUG)Process LilyPond snippets in hybrid HTML, LaTeX, texinfo or DocBook document.Processing %s.lyProcessing `%s'Processing `%s'... Processing `~a' Processing include `%s'Processing ~S...Processing...Property setting syntax in \translator{ }Re-defining dash%s using a string is deprecated. Please try replacing "%s" by \%s or run convert-ly.Reading MusicXML from %s ...Reading MusicXML from Standard input ...Reading `%s'Remove - before articulationRemove \paper variables head-separation and foot-separation.Remove callbacks property, deprecate XY-extent-callback.Remove context from overrideTimeSignatureSettings and revertTimeSignatureSettings. Remove obsolete engravers/translators: Note_swallow_translator, Rest_swallow_translator, Skip_event_swallow_translator, Swallow_engraver, Swallow_performer and String_number_engraver. New vertical spacing variables.Remove oldaddlyricsRemoving `%s'Rename accidental glyphs, use glyph-name-alist.Rename space to basic-distance in various spacing alists. Remove HarmonicParenthesesItem grob.Rename vertical spacing grob properties.Rename vertical spacing variables. Add fretboard-table argument to savePredefinedFretboard.Renaming input to: `%s'Replace bar-size with bar-extent.Replacement '~a' is allowed in the last argument of a bar line definition only.Report bugs via %sRequested color '~a' is not defined!Requested string for pitch requires negative fret: string ~a pitch ~aRunning %s...Running GhostScript command: %s Running `%s' on file `%s' to detect default page settings. Running texi2pdf on file %s to detect default page settings. Running through filter `%s'SYM[=VAL]Scheme grob function renamingSearch path `%s'Segment header of the Type 1 (PFB) font is broken.Segment length of the Type 1 (PFB) font is too long.Segment type of the Type 1 (PFB) font is unknown.Select note names language.Senza-misura time signatures are not yet supported!Setting LilyPond's loglevel to %sSetting LilyPond's loglevel to %s (from environment variable LILYPOND_LOGLEVEL)Setting LilyPond's output to --verbose, implied by lilypond-book's settingSetting loglevel to %sSizes by IEEE Printer Working Group, for children's writingSkipping UTF-8 BOMSpurious expression in \scoreSpurious garbage following chord: ~AStaff-padding now controls the distance to the baseline, not the nearest point.Staff_margin_engraver deprecated, use Instrument_name_engraverStarting GhostScript instance with arguments: %s Stopping at last successful ruleString ~a out of range 1-~a, ignoringSubsitute font name: %s => %sSuccess: compilation successfully completedSwap < > and << >>Syntax changes for \addChordShape and \chord-shapeTABCLEFNAMETOPITCHThe --relocate option is no longer relevant.The alist for Staff.keySignature is no longer in reversed order. The alteration field of Scheme pitches was multiplied by 2 to support quarter tone accidentals. You must update the following constructs manually: * calls of ly:make-pitch and ly:pitch-alteration * keySignature settings made with \property The function assigned to Score.metronomeMarkFunction now uses the signature %sThe ly.error log is as follows:There was %d error.There were %d errors.This internal property has been replaced by round-up-to-longer-rest, round-up-exceptions and usable-duration-logs. This is not a \layout {} object, ~SThis ligature has a dotted head followed by a non-dotted head. The ligature should be split after the last dotted head before this head.This program is free software. It is covered by the GNU General Public License and you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions. Invoke as `%s --warranty' for more information. Time signature with more than 255 beats. TruncatingTo use grob debug callbacks, configure with --enable-checkingTrack...Transpose a note (numbered as @var{n}) in @var{direction}. @var{n} is zero-based and can be negative to count from the end.Try the texstrings backendTuplet brackets of curved shape are not correctly implementedTwo extended sizes as defined in DIN 476Typeset music and/or produce MIDI from FILE.USER,GROUP,JAIL,DIRUnable to auto-detect default settings: Unable to auto-detect default settings: %sUnable to convert alteration %s to a lilypond expressionUnable to convert chord type %s to lilypond.Unable to extract key signature!Unable to find input file %sUnable to find instrument for ID=%s Unable to interpret time signature! Falling back to 4/4.Unattached %sUnbound BendSpanner, ignoringUndefined parent event class `~S'Unfinished main inputUnhandled entry in harp-pedal: ~aUnify fetaNumber and fetaDynamic encodingsUninitialized variable `%s' in module (%s)Unknown interface `%s'Unknown metronome mark, ignoringUnknown octaveness type: ~S Unknown or invalid loglevel '%s'Unknown paper size: ~aUnknown pixmap format ~aUnknown relocation command '%s'Unprocessed PartGroupInfo %s encounteredUpdate LilyPond input to newer version. By default, update from the version taken from the \version command, to the current LilyPond version.Updating font into: ~aUsage: %sUsage: %s [OPTION]... FILE...Usage: lilypond-invoke-editor textedit://FILE:LINE:CHAR:COLUMN Visit a file and position the cursor. Options: -h, --help show this help -v, --version show version Use %sUse #'style not #'dash-fraction to select solid/dashed lines.Use %s Use Scheme code to construct arbitrary note events.Use \override ... #'style = #'line for solid lines and Use \set beamExceptions or \overrideTimeSignatureSettings. Use \set beamExceptions or \revertTimeSignatureSettings. Use baseMoment and beatStructure. Use baseMoment, beatStructure, and beamExceptions. Use grob closures iso. XY-offset-callbacks.Use the `alignment-offsets' sub-property of Using `~a' note names...VERSIONVertical spacing changes might affect user-defined contexts.Vertical spacing no longer depends on the Y-extent of a VerticalAxisGroup. Whole-note tremolo may collide with simultaneous notes.Woodwind diagrams: Changes to the clarinet diagram.Woodwind diagrams: Move size, thickness, and graphic from argument list to properties. Deprecate negative dash-period for hidden lines: use #'style = #'none instead.Writing `%s'...Writing graph to `~a'... Writing header field `~a' to `~a'...Writing snippets...Writing ~S...Writing ~a...You found a bug? Please read %s\%s ignored\RemoveEmpty*StaffContext -> \*Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves\applycontext argument is not a procedure\bar "." now produces a thick barline ly:hairpin::after-line-breaking -> ly:spanner::kill-zero-spanned-time Dash parameters for slurs and ties are now in dash-definition\bar "." now produces a thick barline. \cresc etc. are now postfix operators\encoding: smart recode latin1..utf-8. Remove ly:point-and-click\foo -> \foomode (for chords, notes, etc.) fold \new FooContext \foomode into \foo.\header { key = concat + with + operator }\maininput not allowed outside init files\outputproperty found, Please hand-edit, using \applyoutput #(outputproperty-compatibility %s '%s ) as a substitution text.\paper cannot be used in \score, use \layout instead\partcombine syntax change to \newpartcombine\put-adjacent argument order\put-adjacent axis dir markup markup.\repeat NUM Music Alternative -> \repeat FOLDSTR Music Alternative\translator syntax\voices needs more ids`%s' failed (%d)`anti-alias-factor' must be a positive integer <= 8`~a' failed (~a) abc2ly converts ABC music files (see %s) to LilyPond input. accidental typesetting list must begin with context-name: %sactivate midi-block in .ly fileadd DIR to include pathadd-bar-glyph-print-procedure: glyph '~a' has to be a single ASCII character.adding note head to incompatible stem (type = %d/%d)additional bass strings are not supported by FretBoardsalignAboveContext not found: %salignBelowContext not found: %salignment-offsets has been changed to alignment-distances: you must now specify the distances between staves rather than the offset of staves. all settings related to dashed linesallow tuplet durations DUR*NUM/DENalready have %salready have a beamalready have a ligaturealready have a text spanneralready have a volta spanner, ending that one prematurelyalready have an episemaalready have music in scorealso already have an ended spanneralteration not foundalternative music expectedan outside-staff object should have a direction, defaulting to upappend DIR to search pathare there two Axis_group_engravers?argument of \lyricsto should contain Lyrics contextascending vaticana style flexaasked to compute volume at %f for dynamic span of duration %f starting at %sasked to compute volume at +%f for dynamic span of duration %f starting at %sassertion failed: ~Sattempting automatic \figures conversion. Check results!auto beam settingsautomaticMelismata is turned on by default since 1.5.67.automaticMelismata turned on by defaultbad baseMoment/beatStructure for MIDI time signaturebad context property pathbad context property ~abad expression typebad grob property pathbad grob property path ~abad make-music argument: ~Sbad music property ~abadly placed octave marksbarcheck failed at: %sbass number expectedbe strict about successbe verbosebe verbose (equivalent to --loglevel=DEBUG)beam was started herebeamExceptions controls whole-measure beaming.best score for this sys-count: %fbreak starting at page %dbump version for releasecall-after-session used after session startcan't create temp file in ~a after ~a timescannot add text scripts to individual note headscannot allocate %lu bytescannot apply `\~' on first head of ligaturecannot apply `\~' on heads with identical pitchcannot change group id to: %d: %scannot change user id to: %d: %scannot change working directory to: %s: %scannot chroot to: %s: %scannot create context: %scannot create default child context: %scannot create temp file: %s: %scannot decypher Pango description: ~acannot detect textwidth from LaTeXcannot determine format for: %scannot determine music lengthcannot determine pitch of ligature primitive -> skippingcannot embed ~S=~Scannot end %scannot end volta spannercannot extract file matching ~a from ~acannot find SVG font ~Scannot find \begin{document} in LaTeX documentcannot find `%s'cannot find context to change from: %scannot find context to change to: %scannot find context: %scannot find description for property `~S' (~S)cannot find description for property ~S (~S)cannot find file: `%s'cannot find font: `%s'cannot find fontconfig default config, skipping.cannot find glyph %scannot find init file: `%s'cannot find interface for property: ~Scannot find line breaking that satisfies constraintscannot find music object: ~Scannot find or create context: %scannot find property type-check for `%s' (%s).cannot find quoted music: `~S'cannot find start of episemacannot find start of ligaturecannot find start of measure spannercannot find start of piano pedalcannot find start of piano pedal bracket: `%s'cannot find start of piano pedal: `%s'cannot find start of text spannercannot find suitable eventcannot find: `%s'cannot find: ~Acannot fit the first page turn onto a single page. Consider setting first-page-number to an even number.cannot get CFF namecannot get CFF name from font %scannot get font %s formatcannot get group id from group name: %s: %scannot get postscript namecannot get user id from user name: %s: %scannot have note heads and rests together on a stemcannot initialize FreeTypecannot load font table: %scannot open file '%s', ignoredcannot open file: `%s'cannot open font filename `%s'cannot read %s of `%s'cannot read CFF: %scannot rename `%s' to `%s'cannot resolve rest collision: rest direction not setcannot write to file: `%s': %schange property definition case (eg. onevoice -> oneVoice)change the length|duration of notes as a function of a given time signature to make the score look faster or slower, (eg. '4/4' or '2/2')chroot to JAIL, become USER:GROUP and cd into DIRclef `%s' not foundcluster syntaxcompatibility mode translation: %scompatibility mode translation: %s=%scompressing over-full page by %.1f staff-spacesconflict with event: `%s'conflict with event: `~a'conflicting note group eventsconflicting tag group ~aconsistent-broken-slope is now handled through the positions callback. context modification `~a' not documented.continuing, cross fingersconvert pitches in absolute modeconvert pitches in relative mode (default)convert to VERSION [default: %s]converts '' events to a separate FretBoards voice instead of markupscould not satisfy systems-per-page and page-count at the same time, ignoring systems-per-pagecount not ended before another beguncreate PDF files for use with pdftexcustos `%s' not founddeactivate string number stencil with --string-numbers f[alse]. Default is t[rue]debug printingdecrescendo too smalldefault '~a of ~a is ~a and can't be offsetdefault child context begins a cycle: %sdefine-session used after session startdeprecate %sdeprecate %s deprecate \tempo in \midideprecate cautionary-style. Use AccidentalCautionary propertiesdeprecated %sdeprecated \textstyle, new \key syntaxdeprecated ly-option used: %sdeprecated ly-option used: %s=%sdeprecated: missing `.' in property path %sdirection of %s invalid: %ddirection of grob %s must be UP or DOWN; using UPdiscarding event: `%s'discarding event: `~a'do not add \version command if missingdo not convert beaming information, use lilypond's automatic beaming insteaddo not convert directions (^, _ or -) for articulations, dynamics, etc.do not convert exact vertical positions of restsdo not convert the exact page layout and breaks (shortcut for "--nsb --npb --npm" options)do not fail if no PNG images are found for EPS filesdo not fail if no lilypond output is founddo not have that many bracketsdo not know how to embed font ~s ~s ~sdo not know how to embed ~S=~Sdo not know how to interpret articulation: %sdo not know how to interpret breath type: %sdot glyph ~s not founddump FORMAT,... Also as separate options:dump \header field FIELD to file named BASENAME.FIELDedge-text settings for TextSpanneredit in placeelapsed time: %.2f secondsembedded-ps only supported for PS/EPS. Use Ghostscript to create output in other formatsembedding EPS only supported for PS/EPS output. Use Ghostscript to create other output formats.encountered repeat without bodyend moment (%s) < start moment (%s)end quote missingepisema was started hereerror in #{ ... #}error reading font file %s: %serror writing %serror writing MIDI file: %serror: error: %serrors found, ignoring music expressionevaluate scheme codeexpect 3 strings for piano pedals, found: %ldexpected %d arguments with jail, found: %zuexpected to read %zu characters, got %zuexpecting post-event as script definitionfailed adding font directory: %sfailed adding font file: %sfailed files: ~Sfailed redirecting stderrfailed redirecting stderr to `%s'failed to add fontconfig configuration file `%s'failed to get file size: `%s'failed to invoke editor:fatal error: %sfile not found: %sflag `%s' not foundflag stroke `%s' not foundflag stroke `~a' or `~a' not foundflag ~a not foundflexa-height undefined; assuming 0font `%s' index %d does not have `CFF' tablefont `%s': cannot open for readingfont `%s': cannot read field `%s'font `%s': cannot read field `%s' for table %u of subfont %dfont `%s': cannot read field `%s' for table `%s' of subfont %dfont `%s': cannot read field `%s' of subfont %dfont `%s': cannot read offset of subfont %dfont `%s': cannot read table `%s' of subfont %dfont `%s': index %d is too large, using index 0font `%s': invalid TTC header versionfont `%s': invalid field `sfntVersion' in subfont %dfont `%s': not a font collectionfont index %d too large for font `%s', using index 0font index must be non-negative, using index 0foobar -> foo-bar for \paper, \layoutforce updating \version number to %sformat Texinfo output so that Info will look for images of music in DIRfound more than 5 voices on a staff, expect bad outputfound music after \fineg_spawn_sync failed (%d): %s: %sgenerate Encapsulated PostScript filesgenerate PDF files (default)generate PNG files generate PostScript filesgenerate SVG files giving upgiving up on cloned grob transformgrob %s created with disallowed class %s (expected any class in the list %s)grob class should be 'Item, 'Spanner or 'Paper_column, found %shairpin: '%f' is not a valid direction for property 'endpoint-alignments', setting to '%d'have to be in Chord mode for chordshave to be in Lyric mode for lyricshave to be in Note mode for noteshelpidentifier name is a keyword: `%s'identifier names: %signore page breaksignore page marginsignore stem directions from MusicXML, use lilypond's automatic stemming insteadignore system breaksignored infinite %s-offsetignored prefix(es) `%s' of this head according to restrictions of the selected ligature styleignoring invalid option %s=%signoring min-systems-per-page and max-systems-per-page because systems-per-page was setignoring out-of-range value change for MIDI property `%s'ignoring rest: ligature may not contain restignoring unknown ly option: %signoring unsupported formats ~aimplied \%s addedinput file is a compressed MusicXML file (by default, activate if file extension is .mxl)input/regression/beam-broken-classic.ly shows how broken beams are now handled. integer expected after \sourcefilelineinvalid argument `%s' to option `%s'invalid character: `%s'invalid ligatura ending: when the last note is a descending brevis, the penultimate note must be another one, or the ligatura must be LB or SSBinvalid sequence %c%c in color (characters should be in one of ranges 0-9, a-f, A-F)invalid start volume: %finvalid target volume: %finvalid tremolo repeat count: ~ajob ~a terminated with signal: ~ajump text must be a markup objectjunking empty clusterkeySignature property not reversed any more MIDI 47: orchestral strings -> orchestral harplibpng error, no details given.libpng error: '%s'ligature was started hereligature with less than 2 heads -> skippinglinked against Ghostscript:logfile ~a (exit ~a): ~alonely tiely:grob-list->grob-array encountered a non-grob objectly:grob-list->grob-array expected a listly:parse-string-expression is only valid with a new parser. Use ly:parser-include-string instead.ly:parser-parse-string is only valid with a new parser. Use ly:parser-include-string instead.make a numbered backup [default: filename.ext~]margins do not fit with line-width, setting default valuesmark label must be a markup objectmarkup expectedmarkup outside of text script or \lyricmodemaybe input should specify polyphonic voicesmeasure count left unfinishedmensural ligature: duration none of Mx, L, B, S -> skippingmeta.classes must be non-empty list, found %smetronomeMarkFormatter got an additional text argument. metronomeMarkFormatter uses text markup as second argument, fret diagram properties moved to fret-diagram-details.mid-measure time signature without \partialmin-systems-per-page is larger than max-systems-per-page, ignoring both valuesmissing volta specification on alternative elementmore than one child of class %s, all but the first will be ignoredmulti-page output not supported by backend `%s'music expectedmusic expected: ~Smusic function `~a' not documented.music is shorter than anticipatedmusicxml2ly [OPTION]... FILE.xmlmust have only one element in meta.classes to create a grob without specifying the classnatural alteration glyph not foundneed \paper for paper blocknegative replication count; ignoringnew Pedal style syntaxnew \header formatnew \notenames formatnew \textscript markup textnew syntax for property settings:new tremolo formatno PostScript font name for font `%s'no \version statement found, please add~afor future compatibilityno accidental glyph found for alteration ~ano entry in measure-division-chord-placement-alist for measure division ~ano entry in measure-division-lines-alist for measure division ~ano files specified on command line.no glyph for character U+%04X in font `%s'no glyph name for alteration ~a in alteration-glyph-name-alist; try defining one in alterationGlyphsno heads for arpeggio found?no highlight to endno left boundno placement found for fingeringsno progress, only error messages (equivalent to --loglevel=ERROR)no right boundno side-axis setting found for grob %s.no stem attachment found in font for glyph %sno such MIDI instrument: `%s'no such group: %sno such internal option: %sno such user: %sno systems found in \score markup, does it have a \layout block?no viable initial configuration found: may not find good beam slopeno viable slur configuration foundno-SYMnon-UTF-8 inputnone of note heads `%s' or `%s' foundnot a context modnot a durationnot a grob name, `%s'not a keynot a markupnot a multipliernot a note name: %snot a rhythmic eventnot a symbol list: ~anot an articulationnot an unsigned integeroctave check failed; expected "%s", found: "%s"octave marks must precede durationoldaddlyrics is no longer supported. Use addlyrics or lyricsto instead. omitting tuplet bracket with neither left nor right boundonly \consists and \remove take non-string argument.only update \version number if file is modifiedoption `%s' does not allow an argumentoption `%s' requires an argumentpad left side of music to align music in spite of uneven bar numbers (in mm) [default: %default]page %d has been compressedpage-count must be positivepage-turn-page-breaking: breaking from %zu to %zupercent repeat started while another already in progressperhaps a typing error?pipe snippets through FILTER [default: `convert-ly -n -']pitch to be inverted not in scale; ignoringpitch to be transposed not in scale; ignoringplacing belowpoint-and-click argument changed to procedure.position unknownpost-event expectedprepend FILE to outputpreserve ABC's notion of beamspreview of first 4 barsprime interval within ligature -> skippingprint absolute pitchesprint explicit durationsprint lilypond log messages according to LOGLEVEL [default: %default]print log messages according to LOGLEVEL (NONE, ERROR, WARNING, PROGRESS [default], DEBUG)print log messages according to LOGLEVEL, which is either NONE, ERROR, WARNING, BASIC, PROGRESS, INFO (default), or DEBUGprocedure or context-name expected for accidental rule, found %sprocess ly_files using COMMAND FILE...program option -dclip-systems/-dcrop/-dpreview not supported by backend `%s'program too old: ~a (file requires: ~a)programming error: %squantise note durations on DURquantise note starts on DURquoted music `~a' is emptyquoted string expected after \sourcefilenamequoted string expected after \versionragged-bottom was specified, but page must be compressedre-definition of InnerChoirStaffre-definition of InnerStaffGroupredirect the lilypond outputrefusing to create a grob sticking to Paper_column grob %s; paper columns should not be created from custom engravers.refusing to create a grob sticking to a System grob; systems should not be created from custom engravers.regularize other identifiersremapping modulo 16removal of automaticMelismata; use melismaBusyProperties instead.remove %sremoved; using this option results in an errorremoving beam with no stemsremoving this vertical groupremoving unterminated hyphenrest `%s' not foundrun executable PROG instead of latex or, in case --pdf option is set, instead of pdflatexrun executable PROG instead of texi2pdfscript needs an explicit direction specifier to disambiguate between different glyphsscript-stencil property must be pair: %ssemibreves can only appear at the beginning of a ligature, and there may be only zero or two of themsemibrevis must be followed by another one -> skippingsemicolons removedset Scheme option SYM to '#f'set Scheme option SYM to VAL (default: '#t')set key: ALT=+sharps|-flats; MINOR=1set output filename to FILE, stdout if -set pitch to transpose by the interval between pitch 'c' and TOPITCHset ps/pdf optimization to KEY, which is either 'size' (default), 'TeX', or 'TeX-GS'set-global-staff-size: not in toplevel scopeshow help for Scheme optionsshow rules [default: -f 0, -t %s]show this help and exitshow version number and exitshow warranty and copyrightsimple string expectedsingle note ligature - skippingskipping assignmentskipping zero-duration scoreslur trying to encompass an empty note column.staff size should be changed at top-level with #(set-global-staff-size ) staff-affinities should only decreasestart from VERSION [default: \version found in file]stem does not fit in beamstem must have Rhythmic structurestem tremolo has no note headssticky grob %s created with a type that does not have the sticky-grob-interfacestrange time signature found: %d/%dstray UTF-8 BOM encounteredstring expected after \includestring outside of text script or \lyricmodestringTuning must be added to addChordShape call. stringTuning must be added to chord-shape call. subfont `%s': cannot open for writingsubfont `%s': cannot write field `%s'subfont `%s': cannot write field `%s' for table `%s'subfont `%s': cannot write table `%s'supported clefs: ~asuppress progress messagessuppress progress messages and warnings about excess voicessuppressed error: %ssuppressed programming error: %ssuppressed warning: %sswitch between two versions of tab clefs ("tab" and "moderntab")symbol expectedsymbol expected: ~Ssymbol ~S redefinedsystems run off the page due to improper paper settings, setting default valuest[rue]/f[alse]text spanner was started herethe property '~a of ~a cannot be offsetthis Voice needs a \voiceXx or \shiftXx settingthis is the previous musicto set fixed distances between staves. to suppress this, consider adding a spacer resttoo few pages: %ld (should have at least %ld)too many MIDI tracks: %zutoo many colliding reststoo many pages: %ld (should have at most %ld)total length of sequential music elements is different than anticipatedtreat every text as a lyrictremolo duration is too longtried to space systems on a bad number of pagestrying %zu systemstype check for `%s' failed; value `%s' must be of type `%s'typecheck failedunable to change directory to: `%s'unable to set the music %(music)s for the repeat %(repeat)sundefined character or shorthand: %sunexpected %s; expected %s or %s or %sunexpected case fall-throughunknown Grob interface: ~Sunknown accidental style: ~Sunknown clef type `~a'unknown cluster style `%s'unknown crescendo style: %s defaulting to hairpin.unknown escaped string: `\%s'unknown line-cap-style: %sunknown line-cap-style: ~Sunknown line-join-style: ~Sunknown log level `%s', using default (INFO)unknown mode %s, expecting 'major' or 'minor' or a church mode!unknown output format %sunknown parent class `~a'unknown part in part-list: %sunknown remove-layer value `%s'unknown repeat type `~S': must be volta, unfold, percent, or tremolounknown repeat-type ~a, ignoring.unknown span event %sunknown span type %s for %sunknown translator: `%s'unknown unit: ~Sunrecognised percussion sign: "%s"unrecognized option: `%s'unsupported font format: %sunterminated %sunterminated DurationLineunterminated beamunterminated chord tremolounterminated episemaunterminated extenderunterminated glissandounterminated hyphen; removingunterminated ligatureunterminated measure for chord squareunterminated measure spannerunterminated text spannerunterminated tieusable-duration-logs must be a non-empty list. Falling back to whole rests.use FILE as init fileuse LANG for pitch names, e.g. 'deutsch' for note names in Germanuse lxml.etree; uses less memory and cpu timeuse output format FORMAT (texi [default], texi-html, latex, html, docbook)use s instead of r for restsuse symbolic constants for alterations, remove \outputproperty, move ly:verbose into ly:get-optionversion with third number omitted is only allowed for stable releases (when the second number is even)verticalAlignmentChildCallback has been deprecatedwarn about auto beam settingswarning: %sweird stem size, check for narrow beamswoodwind markup error - invalid key or hole requestedwrite lily-XXX files to DIR, link into --output dirwrite output to DIRwrite output to FILEwrite output to FILE (suffix will be added) or to FOLDER, in which case the file name will be taken from the input file.write snippet output files with the same base name as their source filewrong or undefined identifier: `%s'wrong type for argument ~a. Expecting ~a, found ~s~A: Invalid argument in position ~A. Expect: ~A, found: ~S.~A: Not a markup (list) function: ~S~A: Wrong number of arguments. Expect: ~A, found ~A: ~S~a function cannot return ~a~a is not a valid woodwind instrument.~a with two line-breaks is not yet supportedProject-Id-Version: lilypond 2.23.80 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-lilypond POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-22 17:37+0200 PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-21 13:26+0800 Last-Translator: Tianze Wang Language-Team: Chinese (simplified) Language: zh_CN MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Bugs: Report translation errors to the Language-Team address. Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.1 \override ... #'style = #'dashed-line 来设置虚线。 缺少:%f 页数:%zu 上一个换页符:%zu 谱表组数:%zu 使用重分配配置目录“%s” 发现了 %s。请手动检查文件! 如要使用自动符尾设置,必须明确地在每个乐章的相应小节里指定; 不再自动转换 1/4 拍以匹配 1/2 和 3/4 拍的乐章。 有效的前缀:“%s” GregorianTranscriptionStaff已使用Bar_engraver将\divisioMinima、\divisioMaior 和\divisioMaxima翻译为BarLine图形对象,并使用Divisio_engraver将\caesura和\virgula 翻译为Divisio图形对象。 在之前的版本中,GregorianTranscriptionVoice使用Breathing_sign_engraver 将上述命令记为BreathingSign图形对象。由于对象名称和记号所属层次的变化 (音色->谱表),针对旧的布局方案的调整可能部适用于新版本。 如果您对新的默认布局不满意,请在GregorianTranscriptionStaff这一上下文 中调整BarLine、Bar_engraver、Divisio和Divisio_engraver的属性。您也可以 用\EnableGregorianDivisiones命令从BarLine图形对象切换至Divisio图形对象。 MensuralStaff和VaticanaStaff已改用Divisio_engraver,并将音符分割翻译 为Divisio图形对象。 在之前的版本中,相应的Voice-aliased上下文会使用Breathing_sign_engraver 将音符分割翻译为BreathingSign图形对象。由于对象名称和记号所属层次的变化 (音色->谱表),针对旧的布局方案的调整可能部适用于新版本。 如果您对新的默认布局不满意,请在相应的Staff-alised上下文中调整Divisio和 Divisio_engraver的属性。 注意:编译失败,且\version太旧。您是否已经使用convert-ly 更新了输入文件的语法? https://lilypond.org/doc/v~a.~a/Documentation/usage/updating-files-with-convert_002dly 重分配 barAlways属性已被移除。请使用forbidBreakBetweenBarLines。 警告: 您的乐谱中barNumberVisibility属性为 #all-bar-numbers-visible, 并且设置了BarNumber.break-visibility,但乐谱中并没有 \bar"" 命令。 这说明您使用了以下命令来强制在谱表中间显示小节编号。 \set Score.barNumberVisibility = #all-bar-numbers-visible \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible 在Lilypond 2.23.7版本之前,由于技术原因,缺少 \bar "" 命令的谱表中无法显示第一个小节的编号,但在2.23.7及之后 的版本中此问题已被修正。如果您不需要显示第一个小节的编号, 请删除命令 \set Score.barNumberVisibility = #all-bar-numbers-visible 警告:\fine不再强制结束乐谱。如果您希望(在乐谱展开后)排除\fine后面 的乐谱,请改用\volta命令。 自动符尾设置将被 \overrideBeamSettings 命令覆盖。 自动符尾设置将被 \revertBeamSettings 命令反转。 该程序为自由软件,你可以在自由软件基金会发布的 GNU 通用公共许可证(GPL)第3版或以后版本下修改和/或重新发布。 该程序之所以被发布是因为希望他能对您有所用处,但我们不作任何担保。 这包含但不限于任何商业适售性以及针对特定目的的适用性的担保。 详情参见 GNU 通用公共许可证(GPL)。 您应当已经收到了程序附带的一份 GNU 通用公共许可证(GPL)。 如果没有收到,请写信至以下地址: the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. 与特定上下文关联的节拍组合必须与 \overrideBeamSettings 联用。 根据 PATH 变量计算的 LilyPond 绝对文件名: PATH=%s argv0=%s 检测到环境变量 %s, 将 %s 设置为“%s” LilyPond 程序的绝对文件名: %s LilyPond 程序的相对文件名: %s 将“%s”添加至 %s 开头 重分配文件“%s” 使用 %s 的编译时值, 将其设为“%s” 使用 %s 的运行时值, 将其设为“%s” “%s不是有效的谱表外定位记号%s %s(运行Guile %s)%s [选项]... ETF文件名%s [选项]... 文件%s 已被 %s 替换音品图属性中的 %s%s 已被更新。%s 拼写错误%s 输出到“%s”...%s 属性名称%s, 原因未知未覆盖 %s%s %s:版本字符串“%s”无效 有效的版本号由点分隔的三组数字构成,例如“2.8.12”%s:无法判断版本号。跳过%s:无法打开文件%s:具有相同文件名的文件已存在,但转换后的 lilypond 文件内容不同, 程序将显示二者的不同之处。%s:具有相同文件名的文件已存在,但文件内容不同, 程序将显示二者的不同之处。%s:达到文件末尾%s设置 %s 为“%s” 未出现 %zu 预期的警告: 中心音高不在范围内;将其忽略起始音高不在范围内;将其忽略终止音高不在范围内;将其忽略(已忽略)(加载路径:“%s”,当前工作路径:“%s”)(primitive-load-path lily):%.2f 秒(搜索路径:“%s”)出现页面布局错误:无法容纳尾注。ALT[:MINOR]ANSI尺寸终止操作添加 @var{octave-shift} 至 @var{pitch} 的八度。添加字体目录:%s添加字体文件:%s添加 fontconfig 配置文件:%s南亚和澳大利亚部分地区使用的标准如果需要,请调整 last-bottom-spacing 的设置。 如果需要,请调整 top-system-spacing 的设置。 所有片段都已被更新...已经监听了分发器,因此忽略请求连结线中的附点有歧义:同一音高的音符具有多个附点。连结线应当被分割开来。注释“~a”只能出现在小节线定义的第一个参数中。对 @var{music} 中的所有音高应用 pitch-invert 变换。应用转换: 试图在非中断边界应用中断边界填充。尝试转换自“latin1”...试图移除不存在的监听器。修改了自动符尾规则。 删除了 override-auto-beam-setting 和 revert-auto-beam-setting。 添加了 \overrideBeamSettings。 删除了 beatGrouping。 用于垂直布局的不同设置。 ly:system-start-text::print -> system-start-text::print Beam #'thickness -> Beam #'beam-thickness ly:note-head::brew-ez-stencil -> note-head::brew-ez-stencil ly:ambitus::print -> ambitus::print 在“以钢琴为主的力度”模版中,将显式的力度上下文定义变更为新的“力度”上下文。轴和方向参数位于标记参数之后,形如: Axis_group_engraver:垂直谱表组已经有父对象节拍/节拍类型文集和弦重复的方式有误音色 ID 有误:~a小节线字形 ~a 未知,将其忽略。没有匹配的符尾结束规则angle-increments 和 radial-increments 必须都为正数。构建字体数据库...已嵌入 CFF 字体“~a”,跳过...字体 %s 的CFF 名称是相同的。CIDFont 目录“~a”已存在。命令Cairo上下文状态“%s”Cairo界面状态“%s”Cairo版本号过低,不支持PDF元数据计算换行符...计算页面和换行符(共有 %zu 个可能的换行处)...计算换页符...无法打印任何内容 - 将开关参数设为默认值无法添加一个不含方向的指法。无法确定要修改的上下文找不到 context-def \~a无法在一个连音中嵌套另一个连音水平填充不能为负值。将其忽略。无法处理两个同时出现的连音终止记号无法处理两个同时出现的连音无法重定义事件类“~S”无法为元素和元素的 Y 方向父对象设置 outside-staff-priority。改变 MultiMeasureRest 中的内部属性将 stringTunings 从半音列表变更为音高列表。 改变调弦列表中高音和中音尤克里里的名称。 根据情况,提示用户进行手动垂直间距转换。改变工作目录:“%s”子进程 ~a 出错并退出。改变单簧管指法以反映实际的乐器结构。 Coherent_ligature_engraver:设置 `spacing-increment=0.01': ptr=%ul编译时出现警告或错误编译“%s”...将 %s 转换为 LilyPond 输入。 将 MusicXML 文件(文件名.xml)转换为 LilyPond 输入文件。 如果指定文件名为“-”,music2ly 将会从命令行(标准输入)中读取内容。 转换 MusicXML 文件“%s”...转换为 LilyPond 表达式...转换为“~a”... 转换为当前版本(%s)的记号...转换为 ~a...复制到“~a”... Copyright (C) %s版权所有© %s,作者为 %s 等。版权所有 © 2005--2022,作者为 Han-Wen Nienhuys , Jan Nieuwenhuizen , Reinhold Kainhofer 和 Patrick L. Schmidt 本程序为自由软件,使用 GNU 通用公共许可证授权。 您可以在特定条件下对其进行更改和/或分发软件副本。 请运行“%s --warranty”命令来了解更多信息。找不到语言“~a”,将其忽略。找不到可以表示上移%d度的八度记号。无法覆盖文件 %s无法启动 GhostScript 实例!找不到类型为%s的翻译器(应当为Engraver_group、Performer_group、Score_engraver或Score_performer之一)创建一个 Flag grob,并将部分符干属性移至此 grob 内文件夹时长时长*数量/分母\retrograde 中有孤立的延音线用于连音和延音的 dash 参数已被移至 dash-definition 中。 使用默认值 'any-octave。发现多个 CFF 字体具有相同名称“~a”,因此无法嵌入该字体。直接解析字体的“CFF”表。解析中...本软件使用“GNU 通用公共许可证”协议授权并分发。执行命令:%s绘制谱表组...忽略低音音符中的多余符号。忽略孤立的 %s鼓点记号鼓点记号变更,删除了 \chordmodifiers 和 \notenames。 和声音符。删除了话题上下文。删除了歌词上下文。发现了鼓组。请将鼓点音符包含在 \drummode 记号中读取评论时遇到文件结尾(EOF)读取字符串时遇到文件结尾(EOF)表达式元素数 %zu元素数 %zu (成组元素 %zu 组) 删除 beamSettings、beatLength、\setBeatGrouping、\overrideBeamSettings 和 \revertBeamSettings。 "accordion.accEtcbase" -> "accordion.etcbass"嵌入 CFF 字体“~a”。遇到连音终止记号,但之前缺少连音起始记号遇到由 %s 生成的文件,其中包含错误的符尾信息。MusicXML 文件中所有的符尾信息都将被忽略在 %s 处遇到了未指定类型和时常(=%s)的音符无法将分母为 %s 的时长转换为 Lilypond 时长遇到未处理的记号 %s Enigma 转换格式是 Coda Music Technology 的产品 Finale 使用的文件格式。 etf2ly 可以将 ETF 的一部分内容转换为可用的 LilyPond 文件。 量化符尾时出错。应当为 (~S,~S),实际为 ~S。量化符尾时出错。应当为 ~S 0,实际为 ~S。运行 GhostScript 命令时出错!转换时出错事件类型应当为一个列表示例示例:退出(状态号 %d)...退出当前的 GhostScript 程序... 导出字体文件“~a”。字段文件筛选程序格式格式FT_Get_CID_From_Glyph_Index () 函数出错:%s 跳过字形 U+%04X,文件 %sFT_Get_Glyph_Name () Freetype 错误:%sFT_Get_Glyph_Name () 错误:%s因子~a必须为整数。八度检查失败: 文件“~a”已存在,跳过...查找介于 @var{start} 和 @var{end} 之间的索引(整数), 使得调用函数 @var{getter} 之后的结果最接近于 @var{target-val}。计算合适的页数...将乐曲内容调整至 %zu 或 %zu 页...将乐曲内容调整至 %zu 页...将乐曲内容调整至 1 页...Flag.transparent 和 Flag.color 设置将继承自 Stem字体目录“~a”已存在。字体导出目录“~a”已存在。字体文件“~a”已存在,跳过...无法通过 Ghostscript 加载字体 ~a,因为它是 OpenType/CFF 集合(OTC)字体。无法通过 Ghostscript 加载字体 ~a,因为它的字体索引(~a)不为 0。字体 ~a 无法被用在 PostScript 资源目录中,因为它的格式未知。无法在 Ghostscript 中使用字体 ~a,因为它是不含字形名称的 TrueType 字体。字体 ~a 是 TrueType 字体,跳过...更多信息请参考 %s在输出内容中发现无穷大或非数字值(NaN),将用 0.0 替换它们FreeType 错误:%sFreeType 字体缺少 PostScript 字体名字形缺少名称,但该字体支持字形名称。 跳过文件 %2$s 中的字形 U+%1$04X字形必须有相应的 Unicode 编码值装饰音后缺少内容:%s图形对象“%s”没有适合属性“%s”的接口图形对象数 %zuGuile 提示此处的表达式有误处理非自动脚注。将和声括号纳入 TabNoteHead grob。 删除 HarmonicParenthesesItem。 竖琴踏板图中的分割标识位于第 ~a 个踏板。一般情况下,分割标识只有一个,且位于第三个踏板之后。竖琴踏板图中含有 ~a 个踏板,而非常见的 7 个踏板。竖琴踏板图中没有分割标识(一般位于第三个踏板之后)。ISO 216, A 系列ISO 216, B 系列ISO 216, C 系列如果 @var{music} 是单个音高,就以 @var{aounrd} 为中心将其翻转, 然后将其从 @var{around} 转调至 @var{to}。如果文件名为“-”,将从标准输入读取内容。如果需要多个独立的标记,请使用 Mark_tracking_translators。如果您使用了非自动脚注,请确保您同时在 paper 代码块中设置了 footnote-auto-numbering = ##f 。 在 VerticalAxisGroup 中忽略 Vertical_align_engraver忽略连音内的图形对象:%s。您是否忘记设置 avoid slur?忽略非音乐表达式忽略指法谱中的音符。忽略指定的弦号并重新计算。用于调号的 keyAlterationOrder 不完整初始化 FontConfig...初始化内嵌 CFF 字体列表。输入文件 %s 为压缩文件,正在解压原始 MusicXML 数据输入文件为压缩文件,将会从标准输入中解压原始 MusicXML 数据解析乐谱中...八度移位的大小无效:%s。将不会执行移位。版本字符串“~a”有误调用“%s”调用“~a”...不提供任何担保。优化模式八度转调的变化量 %s 不存在,可用的变化量为 %s!语言LILYPONDPREFIX 已被弃用,请改用 LILYPOND_DATADIR日志级别当前语言不支持包含在该作品中的微分音导出布局至“%s”... 导出布局至“~a”...LilyPond 可以生成美观的乐谱。LilyPond 源代码必须为 UTF-8 编码格式链接文件...设置日志等级为 %d MIDI 通道被环绕输出 MIDI 至“%s”...将 CIDFont 目录设为“~a”。将字体目录设为“~a”。将 PostScript 资源目录设为“~a”。将字导出体目录设为“~a”。路径模版中的路径有误。标记深度超过最大值 %zu;标记:%s尚未实现复杂的节拍器标记(MusicXML 中的)。GhostScript 参数不匹配! 缺少文件:“%s”~a 弦上的音高 ~a 缺少相应的品号\score 块中缺少内容更多方案函数重命名可变重复的数量多于重复次数。多余的可变重复将被忽略将尺寸、厚度和图形从参数列表移至属性列表。 参数列表中应当只包含值。 尚未正确安装音乐字体。乐曲内容不适用于 context-mod乐曲内容不适用于 output-def必须为 footnoote 事件。必须在 \paper {...} 内使用 #{set-paper-size .. }~a 弦上的音高 ~a 对应的品号不能为负值反向跳跃 %s(从位置 %s 到 %s)发现反向跳跃:从位置 %s 到 %s,距离为 %s新的相关模式, 后缀说明,新的文本标记语法,新的和弦语法。找不到用于表示变化量的字形:%s找不到图形对象“%s”的定义。(~a 弦上)没有与 ~a 品相关的标签; 只能提供 ~a 品的标签找不到相应的音符,因此忽略此起始记号。 如果您希望调整某个开放和弦的弯曲程度,可以重写或修改'bend-me属性。没有与音高 ~a 相应的空弦音找不到重分配目录“%s”没有为小节线字形“~a”定义的成组小节线字形;将其忽略。没有与 ~a 相应的弦(指定品号为 ~a)没有用于 %s 的目录“%s”没有用于 %s 的文件“%s”没有匹配的颤音起始记号缺少三连音起始记号NonMusicalPaperColumn #'line-break-system-details 北美建筑图纸尺寸北美纸张尺寸不是标记命令:~A不是标记函数无法绘制大小为负值的方框(%.2f × %.2f)。空间不足,无法显示完整的箭头。 请增加'minimum-length或减少'arrow-length。无法正确转换 %s。NoteEvent 不含音高以后将改用 output-attributes(关联列表)。~a 弦上的品号为空(空弦),但标注了第 ~a 指选项:或者在编辑器中打开它,然后以 UTF-8 编码格式保存其他尺寸,包括英国仍在使用的旧标准尚未实现输出函数输出到“%s”输出文件将会覆盖输入文件;请指定 --output 选项。基于PA4的尺寸填充值程序PS后端不支持SVG格式已使用纸张大小和边距设置调整页面布局。 不再使用 textheight. Paper_outputter 用时:%.2f 秒解析中...请尝试增大 'minimum-length请参考帮助手册,并手动更新文件。fret-diagram“~a”中可能有拼写错误PostScript 资源目录“~a”已存在。将 Ghostscript 命令写入“~a”:~a在 PostScript资源目录中准备字体 ~1a,用于文件“~3a”的子字体 ~2a...预处理图形对象...此前,SVG 输出中使用的是“id”grob 属性(字符串)。根据日志级别,输出相应的日志信息(日志级别可以为 NONE, ERROR,WARNING,PROGRESS(默认) 或 DEBUG)处理混合 HTML、LaTeX、texinfo 或 DocBook 文档中的 LilyPond 片段。处理 %s.ly处理“%s”处理“%s”... 处理“~a” 处理包含路径“%s”中的文件处理 ~S...处理中...包含在 \translator{} 中的属性设置语法使用字符串来重定义dash%s的语法已被弃用。请将“%s”改为\%s,或使用convert-ly进行转换。从 %s 读取 MusicXML ...从标准输入中读取 MusicXML ...读取“%s”移除 - 在发音之前移除 \paper variables head-separation 和 foot-separation。移除回调属性,弃用 XY-extent-callback。移除 overrideTimeSignatureSettings 和 revertTimeSignatureSettings中的上下文。 移除过时的 engravers/translators:Note_swallow_translator、 Rest_swallow_translator、Skip_event_swallow_translator、Swallow_engraver, Swallow_performer 以及 String_number_engraver。 新的垂直间距变量。移除 oldaddlyrics移除“%s”重命名变音记号的字形,使用 glyph-name-alist。重命名各类间距 alist 中的(基于基础距离的)间距。 移除 HarmonicParenthesesItem grob。重命名垂直间距 grob 属性。重命名垂直间距变量。 为 savePredefinedFretboard 添加 fretboard-table 参数。重命名输入为“%s”用 bar-extent 替换 bar-size。替换“~a”只能出现在小节线定义的最后一个参数中。请通过 %s 报告软件缺陷指定的颜色“~a”尚未定义!该音高在指定的弦上无法演奏,因为所需的品号为负值:~a 弦,音高 ~a运行 %s...运行 GhostScript 命令:%s 请运行对文件“%2s”执行“%1s”命令来检测默认页面设置。 请运行对文件“%s”执行 texi2pdf 命令来检测默认页面设置。 使用筛选器“%s”运行选项名[=值]方案 grob 函数重命名搜索路径“%s”Type 1(PFB)字体的分段头部不完整。Type 1(PFB)字体的分段长度太大。Type 1(PFB)字体的分段类型未知。选择用于音符名称的语言。尚不支持自由节拍(Senza-misura)时值记号!设置 LilyPond 日志级别为 %s设置 LilyPond 日志级别为 %s(根据环境变量 LILYPOND_LOGLEVEL)根据 Lilypond-book的设置,为 LilyPond 应用了 --verbose 选项(详细输出)设置日志级别为 %s由IEEE打印机工作组,用于儿童书写跳过 UTF-8 BOM 标记\score 中不应含有表达式和弦记号后有多余内容:~AStaff-padding 将控制基于基线的距离,而非基于最近点的距离。弃用 Staff_margin_engraver,使用 Instrument_name_engraver使用下列参数启动 GhostScript 实例:%s 在最后一条成功执行的规则处停止字符串 ~a 超出范围 1-~a,将其忽略替换字体名称:%s => %s已完成编译交换 < > 与 << >>改变 ddChordShape 和 \chord-shape 的语法六线谱谱号名目标音高--relocate 选项已被弃用。不再反转 Staff.keySignature 的 alist。 已将方案音高的可变范围扩展一倍,以便支持四分之一变音记号。您需要手动更新以下内容: * 含有 ly:make-pitch 和 ly:pitch-alteration 的命令 * 含有 \property 的调号设置命令 Score.metronomeMarkFunction 类型的函数采用签名 %s错误日志 ly.error 内容如下:一共出现 %d 处错误。此内部属性被 round-up-to-longer-rest、round-up-exceptions 和 usable-duration-logs 替换。 它不是 \layout {},~S此连结线中某个附点音符之后的音符为非附点音符。因此,需要在最后一个含有附点的音符处将连结线分割开来。本程序为自由软件,使用 GNU 通用公共许可证授权。 您可以在特定条件下对其进行更改和/或分发软件副本。 请运行“%s --warranty”命令来了解更多信息。 时值记号超过 255 拍,将其截断要使用图形对象的调试回调函数(debug callback),请在编译时使用 --enable-checking 配置选项。音轨...将一个音符(编号为 @var{n})向 @var{direction} 转调。 @var{n} 从0开始;如果为负数,则从末尾开始反向计算。尝试使用 textstrings 后端尚未实现弯曲的连音括号与DIN 476一致,包含两种尺寸扩展根据指定文件排版乐曲内容,和/或输出 MIDI 文件。用户,组,安全目录,目录无法自动检测默认设置。 无法自动检测默认设置: %s无法将可变量 %s 转换为 Lilypond 表达式无法将和弦类型 %s 转换为 LilyPond 支持的格式。无法提取调号记号!找不到输入文件 %s找不到 ID=%s 的乐器 无法解析时值记号!将使用默认 4/4 拍。%s 缺少附属对象无法确定BendSpanner的边界,将其忽略父事件类“~S”未定义主输入文件不完整竖琴踏板记号中有未知项:~a统一 fetaNumber 和 fetaDynamic 编码模块中有未初始化的变量“%s”(%s)未知接口“%s”节拍器标记未知,将其忽略未知八度类型:~S 未知或无效的日志等级“%s”纸张大小未知:~a位图格式 ~a 未知重分配命令“%s”未知遇到了未处理的 PartGroupInfo %s更新 LilyPond 输入文件中的版本编号。默认情况下,将用当前 LilyPond 版本号 替换输入文件中由 \version 命令指定的版本号。更新字体至:~a用法:%s用法: %s [选项]... 文件...用法:lilypond-invoke-editor textedit://FILE:LINE:CHAR:COLUMN 访问指定文件,并将光标移动到指定位置。 选项: -h, --help 显示此帮助 -v, --version 显示版本号 使用 %s使用 #'style not #'dash-fraction 来选择实线或虚线。使用 %s 使用方案代码来构建任意音符事件。使用 \override ... #'style = #'line 来设置实线, 请使用 \set beamExceptions 或 \overrideTimeSignatureSettings。 请使用 \set beamExceptions 或 \revertTimeSignatureSettings。 请使用 baseMoment 和 beatStructure。 请使用 baseMoment、beatStructure 和 beamExceptions。 使用 grob 闭包 iso。XY-offset-callbacks。使用 “alignment-offsets”子属性于 使用“~a”表示音符名称...版本垂直间距变更可能会影响用户定义的上下文。垂直间距不再依赖于某个 VerticalAxisGroup 的 Y 范围。 全音符颤音可能与同步发音音符冲突。木管图:变更为单簧管图。木管图:将尺寸、厚度和图形从参数列表移至属性列表。 弃用隐藏行中的负 dash-period:请改用 #'style = #'none。写入“%s”...写入图像“~a”... 将头部区域“~a”写入到“~a”...写入片段...写入 ~S...写入 ~a...如果您发现软件存在缺陷,请阅读 %s忽略 \%s\RemoveEmpty*StaffContext -> \*Staff \RemoveEmptyStavespplycontext 不是 procedure\bar "." 将会产生一个粗小节线 ly:hairpin::after-line-breaking -> ly:spanner::kill-zero-spanned-time 用于连音和延音的 dash 参数已被移至 dash-definition 中\bar "." 将会产生一个粗小节线。 将 \cresc 等命令视为后缀操作符\encoding:智能编码 latin1..utf-8。移除 ly:point-and-click\foo -> \foomode(用于和弦、音符等) 将 \new FooContext \foomode 合并为 \foo。\header { key = concat + with + operator }初始化文件以外不允许使用 \maininput发现 \outputproperty 语法, 请手动将其替换为如下语法: pplyoutput #(outputproperty-compatibility %s '%s )不能在 \score 中使用 \papre, 请改用 \layout\partcombine 语法改为 \newpartcombine\put-adjacent 参数顺序\put-adjacent 轴 方向 标记 标记。\repeat NUM 重复 可变重复 -> \repeat FOLDSTR 重复 可变重复\translator 语法\voices 需要更多 ID执行“%s”失败(返回状态码 %d)“anti-alias-factor”必须为小于 8 的正整数执行“~a”失败(~a) abc2ly 将 ABC 音乐文件(参见 %s)转换为 Lilypond 输入文件。 变音记号排版列表必须以 context-name 开头:%s在 .ly 文件中启用 midi-block添加指定的文件夹到包含路径dd-bar-glyph-print-procedure:字形“~a”应当为单个 ASCII 字符。音符符头与符干不兼容(类型 = %d/%d)FretBoards 不支持附加低音弦找不到alignAboveContext:%s找不到alignBelowContext:%salignment-offsets 被改为 alignment-distances:您必须指定谱表组直接的距离,而非谱表组的偏移量。 所有与虚线有关的设置允许形如“时长*数量/分母”的连音已有 %s已经有一个符尾已存在一个连结线记号已经存在文本组成组 volta 记号已经存在,将会提前终止该记号已存在一个 episema 记号乐谱中已有内容已经终止一个成组记号找不到变化量缺少可变重复谱表外对象应对包含一个方向值,默认为 up添加指定目录至搜索路径是否存在两个 Axis_group_engravers?\lyricsto 的参数应当包含歌词上下文梵蒂冈风格的柔版计算 %1$f 处的音量,该位置属于 %3$s 处开始、时长为 %2$f 的力度片段计算 +%1$f 处的音量,该位置属于 %3$s 处开始、时长为 %2$f 的力度片段断言失败:~S尝试自动转换 \figures。请核对转换结果!自动符尾设置自 1.5.67 版本起,默认开启 automaticMelismata。默认开启 automaticMelismatabaseMoment或beatStructure有误,无法翻译为MIDI时值记号上下文属性路径错误上下文属性 ~a 错误表达式类型错误图形对象的属性路径错误图形对象的属性路径 ~a 错误make-music 参数错误:~S乐曲文属性 ~a 错误八度记号位置错误小节线检查失败,位置:%s应当为数字表示的低音记号开启严格模式输出更多信息显示详细信息(等价于 --loglevel=DEBUG)符尾从此处开始beamExceptions 可控制全小节符干方向。此谱表组数的最佳得分:%f从第 %d 页开始换页更新发布版的版本号call-after-session 应当出现在会话开始之前创建位于 ~a 的临时文件失败(已尝试 ~a 次)无法添加文本脚本至单个音符符头无法分配 %lu 字节的内存空间无法将“\~”应用到连结线的第一个音符的头部无法将“\~”应用到相同音高的音符头部无法切换组 ID 至 %d:%s无法切换用户 ID 至 %d:%s无法切换工作目录至 %s:%s无法 chroot 至 %s:%s无法创建上下文:%s无法创建默认子对象上下文:%s无法创建临时文件 %s:%s无法解析 Pango 描述:~a无法检测 LaTeX 中的文本宽度无法判断格式:%s无法确定乐谱长度无法决定连结线起始处的音高 - 跳过无法嵌入 ~S=~S无法终止 %s无法终止成组 volta 记号无法从 ~2a 中提取与 ~1a 匹配的文件找不到 SVG 字体 ~SLaTeX 文档中缺少 \begin{document}找不“%s”找不到合适的上下文来转换 %s找不到合适的上下文来转换为:%s找不到上下文:%s找不到属性“~S”的描述(~S)找不到关于属性 ~S 的描述(~S)找不到文件:“%s”找不到字体:“%s”找不到默认的fontconfig配置,跳过。找不到字形 %s找不到初始化文件:“%s”找不到用于属性 ~S 的接口找不到满足条件的换行方式找不到乐曲对象:~S无法查找或创建上下文:%s找不到用于“%s”(%s)的属性类型检查器。找不到引号包裹的乐曲内容:“~S”找不到连续顿音起始记号找不到连结线起始记号找不到成组小节起始记号找不到钢琴踏板起始记号找不到钢琴踏板括号的起始记号:“%s”找不到钢琴踏板起始记号:“%s”找不到文本组起始记号找不到合适的事件找不到“%s”找不到 ~A无法在单个页面中容纳首页换页符。请尝试将 first-page-number 设为偶数。无法获取 CFF 名无法获取字体 %s 的 CFF 名无法获取字体 %s 的格式无法根据组名获取组 ID:%s: %s无法获取 postscript 名称无法根据用户名获取用户 ID:%s: %s无法将音符和休止符置于同一符干上无法初始化 FreeType无法加载字体表:%s无法打开文件“%s”,将其忽略无法打开文件“%s”无法打开字体文件“%s”无法读取“%1$s”的 %2$s无法读取 CFF:%s无法将“%s”重命名为“%s”无法解决休止符冲突,故未能设定休止符的方向无法写入到文件“%s”:%s改变属性定义命令的大小写(例如 onevoice -> oneVoice)将音符的长度|时长设置为指定时值记号的函数,使得乐谱的演奏速度更快或更慢(例如“4/4”或“2/2”)以指定的安全目录为根目录(chroot), 设置当前用户为指定用户、设置当前组为指定组, 然后切换(cd)到指定的目录找不到谱号“%s”成簇语法兼容性模式下,使用自动转换:%s兼容性模式下,使用自动转换:%s=%s使用 %.1f 倍谱表间距来压缩超尺寸页面与事件冲突:“%s”与事件冲突:“~a”音符组事件冲突标签组 ~a 冲突通过位置回调来处理 consistent-broken-slope。 无法识别上下文变更方式“~a”。继续执行,请稍后在绝对模式下转换音高在相对模式下转换音高(默认)转换为指定版本号 [默认值:%s]将“”时间转换为分立的 FretBoards 音色,而非标记无法同时满足 systems-per-page 和 page-count 设置,将会忽略 systems-per-page在下一记号开始之前无法结束当前记号使用pdftex 创建 PDF 文件找不到换行符“%s”如果设为 f(false),将会禁用由 --string-numbers 指定的弦号。默认为 t(true)调试信息渐弱数值太小~2a 默认的 '~1a 为 ~a,且无法偏移默认子对象上下文中含有引用循环:%sdefine-session 应当出现在会话开始之前弃用 %s弃用 %s 弃用 \midi 中的 \tempo 命令弃用 cautionary-style。请改用 AccidentalCautionary properties已弃用 %s弃用 \textstyle 语法,添加 \key 语法使用了过时的 Lilypond 选项:%s使用了过时的 Lilypond 选项:%s=%s已弃用:属性路径%s中缺少“.”%s 的方向设置无效:%d图形对象%s的方向必须为UP或DOWN;默认为UP废除事件:“%s”废除事件:“~a”如果未指定,不添加 \version 命令不转换符尾信息,使用 LilyPond 自动符尾控制不转换发音、力度中的方向( ^、_ 或 - )。不转换休止符的绝对垂直位置不转换绝对页面布局和分页符(等价于“--nsb --npb --npm”组合选项组合)即便找不到 EPS 文件对应的 PNG 文件,也不认为任务执行失败即便 LilyPond 没有输出任何内容,也不认为任务执行失败括号数量太多无法嵌入字体 ~s ~s=~s无法嵌入 ~S=~S无法解析发音记号:%s无法解析发音记号:%s找不到点号 ~s转储格式等参数。也可以使用独立的选项:将 \header 字段的内容转储至 名为 BASENAME.FIELD 的文件用于 TextSpanner 的 edge-text 设置原位编辑耗时 %.2f 秒只有PS/EPS支持输出嵌入式EPS。如需输出为其他格式,请使用Ghostscript只有PS/EPS支持输出嵌入式EPS。 如需输出为其他格式,请使用Ghostscript。repeat 之前缺少 body 记号乐章结束位置(%s)< 乐章起始位置(%s)缺少右引号连续顿音(episema)从此处开始#{ ...#}读取字体文件 %s 时出错:%s写入%s时出错写入MIDI文件时出错:%s错误: 错误:%s出现错误,将会忽略音乐表达式运行方案代码并求值钢琴踏板应当为 3 个字符串,实际为:%ld 个切换安全目录需要 %d 个参数,但实际为:%zu应对读取 %zu 个字符,实际读取 %zu 个字符脚本定义应当post-event添加字体目录失败:%s添加字体文件失败:%s处理失败的文件:~S重定向标准错误输出(stderr)失败重定向标准错误输出(stderr)至“%s”失败添加 fontconfig 配置文件“%s”失败无法获取文件大小:“%s”调用编辑器失败:发生了致命错误:%s找不到文件:%s找不到标识“%s”找不到划线标识“%s”找不到划线标识“~a”或“~a”找不到标识 ~aflexa-height 未定义;使用默认值 0字体“%s”索引 %d 不含“CFF”表字体“%s”:无法打开文件并读取内容字体“%s”:无法读取字段“%s”字体“%1$s”:无法读取子字体 %4$d 的表 %3$u 中的字段“%2$s”字体“%1$s”:无法读取子字体 %4$d 的表“%3$s”中的字段“%2$s”字体“%1$s”:无法读取子字体 %3$d 的字段“%2$s”字体“%s”:无法读取子字体 %d 的偏移量字体“%1$s”:无法读取子字体 %3$d 的表“%2$s”字体“%s”:索引值 %d 太大,将会使用 0 替代字体“%s”:TTC 头部版本号无效字体“%s”:子字体 %d 的“sfntVersion”字段无效字体“%s”:不是字体集合索引值 %d 对于字体“%s”来说太大,将会使用 0 替代字体索引必须为非负值,将会用 0 替代将 \paper 和 \layout 中的 foobar 改为 foo-bar强制更新 \version 命令后的版本号为 %s设置 Texinfo 的输出格式,以便 Info 可以在指定文件夹中查找乐曲图片谱表组中有超过 5 种音色,预期输出的布局可能不佳\fine之后出现音乐内容g_spawn_sync 失败(%d)%s: %s生成封装的 PostScript 文件生成 PDF 文件(默认)生成 PNG 文件 生成 PostScript 文件生成 SVG 文件 停止操作停止变换复制后的图形对象无法创建类型为%2$s的图形对象%1$s(应当为%3$s之一)图形对象的类型应当为'Item、'Spanner'或'Paper_column之一,但实际为%s发夹式记号:方向“%f”对于属性“endpoint-alignments”来说无效,将使用默认值“%d”需要在和弦模式中使用和弦需要在歌词模式中使用歌词需要在音符模式中使用音符帮助标识符名不能为关键字:“%s”标识符名称:%s忽略分页符忽略页边距忽略 MusicXML 中的符干方向,使用 LilyPond 自动符干控制忽略谱表组分隔符忽略无穷大 %s-偏移量根据选定的连音线规则,忽略此音符的前缀“%s”忽略未知的 Lilypond 选项 %s=%s由于设置了 systems-per-page,忽略 min-systems-per-page 和 max-systems-per-pageMIDI 属性“%s”的改变值超出范围的,将其忽略忽略休止符:连结线中不应包含休止符忽略未知的 Lilypond 选项:%s忽略不支持的格式 ~a添加了引用的 \%s输入文件为压缩的 MusicXML 文件(如果文件扩展名为 .mxl 则默认开启此选项)input/regression/beam-broken-classic.ly 将显示当前处理的间断符尾。 \sourcefileline 后应当为整数选项“%2$s”的参数“%1$s”无效字符无效:“%s”连结线终止记号无效: 当最后一个音符为下行短音符时, 倒数第二个音符必须也为下行短音符, 或者连结线必须为 LB 或 SSB颜色记号%c %c格式有误(只能使用0-9、a-f、A-F的字符)起始音量无效:%f目标音量无效:%f颤音重复次数无效:~a任务 ~a 已终止,返回信号:~a跳跃文本必须为标记对象无效的空组不再反转 keySignature 属性 MIDI 47:弦乐合奏 -> 竖琴合奏libpng出错,且无法提供具体错误信息。libpng错误:"%s"连结线从此处开始连结线内的音符符头少于 2 个,将其忽略链接至 Ghostsciprt:日志文件 ~a (返回状态码 ~a): ~a孤立的延音线ly:grob-list->grob-array 的参数不是图形对象ly:grob-list->grob-array 需要一个列表作为参数ly:parser-string-expression 只对新解析器有效。请使用 ly:parser-include-string。ly:parser-parse-string 只对新解析器有效。请使用 ly:parser-include-string。生成有编号的备份文件 [默认值:文件名.ext~]边界值与行宽不匹配,将使用默认值注释标签必须为标记对象应当为标记标记出现在脚本或 \lyricmode 之外输入文件中可能需要指定复音音色小节数不完整定值连结线:时长不是 Mx、L、B 或 S - 跳过meta.classes列表不能为空,但实际为%s为 metronomeMarkFormatter 命令添加一个文本参数。 metronomeMarkFormatter 将它的第二个参数用作文本标记; 使用 fret-diagram-details 定义音品图属性。小节内部的时值记号缺少 \partial 标记min-systems-per-page 大于 than max-systems-per-page,将会忽略二者可变重复元素缺少volta记号%s 类有多个子类,默认采用第一个子类后端“%s”不支持多页输出应当为乐曲内容应当为乐曲内容:~S无法识别音乐函数“~a”。音乐内容短于预期musicxml2ly [选项]... 文件.xml若要在不指定对象类型的情况下创建图形对象,meta.classes至少应包含一个元素。找不到用于表示变化量的常见字形页面块需要使用 \paper 标重复数为负值;将其忽略新的踏板风格语法新的 \header 格式新的 \notenames 格式新的 \textscript 标记文本用于属性设置的新语法:新的 tremolo 格式字体“%s”中没有 PostScript 字体名找不到 \version 语句,请添加 ~a 以兼容未来的软件版本找不到用于变音记号~a的字形measure-division-chord-placement-alist中没有与小节分割~a相应的项measure-division-lines-alist中没有与小节分割~a相应的项命令行中没有指定文件。字体“%2$s”中没有用于字符 U+%1$04X 的字形alteration-glyph-name-alis中没有与~a对应的字形名;请尝试在alterationGlyphs中定义一个字形找不到琶音开头缺少高亮起始记号缺少左边界找不指法记号的位置不显示进度,只显示错误信息 (等价于 --loglevel=ERROR)缺少右边界找不到图形对象 %s 的 side-axis 设置。字体中缺少与字形 %s 相关的符尾MIDI 乐器不存在:“%s”组不存在:%s内部选项无效:%s用户不存在:%s\score 块中没有谱表组,它是否缺少 \layout 块?没有可用的起始构型:可能找不到合适的符尾倾角找不到合适的连音线绘制方式no-选项名不是 UTF-8 输入找不到音符符头“%s”或“%s”不是上下文模组不是时长“%s”不是图形对象名不是键名不是标记不是重复器不是音符名称:%s不是节奏事件不是符号列表:~a不是发音记号不是无符号整数八度检查失败;预期“%s”,实际为:“%s”八度记号必须出现在时长之前不再支持 oldaddlyrics。 请使用 addlyrics 或 lyricsto。 忽略缺少左边界和右边界的三连音括号只有 \consists 和 \remove 可以接受非字符串参数。仅当文件被修改时才更新 \version 命令后的版本号选项“%s”不允许有参数选项“%s”需要一个参数当乐曲的小节数为奇数时,填充乐曲左侧空间,使得乐曲内容对齐[默认值:%default](单位:毫米)第 %d 页已被压缩page-count必须为正数page-turn-page-breaking:在第 %zu 至第 %zu 页之间换页percent型的重复记号必须在其他重复记号结束之后才能出现可能是拼写有误?通过管道将片段内容传递给筛选程序 [默认值:“convert-ly -n -”]要翻转的音高不在范围内;将其忽略要转调的音高不在范围内;将其忽略默认将其置于正下方point-and-click 参数更改为 procedure。位置未知应当为 post-event添加指定文件到输出头部保留有关符尾的 ABC 记号预览前四个小节连结线的间隔为质数 - 跳过显示绝对音高显示明确的时长根据预设的日志等级,显示 Lilypond 日志信息 [默认值:%default]根据日志级别,输出相应的日志信息(日志级别可以为 NONE, ERROR,WARNING,PROGRESS[默认值] 或 DEBUG)根据当前日志等级输出日志信息, 可用的等级有 NONE、ERROR、WARNING、 BASIC、PROGRESS、INFO(默认)或DEBUG变音规则中应当包含 procedure 或 context-name,但实际为 %s使用指定的命令处理 ly_files...后端“%s”不支持程序选项 -dclip-systems、-dcrop或-dpreview程序版本太低:~a(读取文件需要的版本:~a)程序错误:%s基于指定时长,量化音符的时长f基于指定时长,量化音符的起始位置引号中的乐曲内容“~a”为空\sourcefilename 后应当为引号包裹的字符串\version 后应当为引号包裹的字符串指定了 ragged-bottom,但页面需要被压缩重新定义 InnerChoirStaff重新定义 InnerStaffGroup重定向 LilyPond 输出禁止创建关联到Paper_column %s 的图形对象;无法基于自定义标记创建paper column。禁止创建关联到谱表组的图形对象;无法基于自定义标记创建谱表组。标准化其他标识符重映射模数 16移除 automaticMelismata;请使用 melismaBusyProperties 来替换它。移除 %s已移除;使用该选项将导致错误移除没有符干的符尾移除此垂直谱表组移除缺少结尾的连字符找不到休止符“%s”运行指定的程序(默认值为 latex) 如果使用 --pdf 选项指定了程序,则运行该程序(默认值为 pdflatex)运行指定的程序(而非 texi2pdf)为了区分不同的字形,脚本中必须明确指定方向script-stencil属性必须成对出现:%s全音符必须出现在连结线的开头,且数量必须为 0 或 2全音符后面必须有其他内容 - 跳过移除分号将方案中指定的选项设为“#f”将方案中指定的选项设为指定值(默认值:“#t”)设置音高:ALT=+sharps|-flats; MINOR=1指定输出文件名;如果为“-”,则输出到标准输出(stdout)根据目标音高与"c"之间的音程差来转调设置 ps/pdf 优化模式为指定值,可选项为 “size”(默认值)、“TeX”或“TeX-GS”set-global-staff-size:不在顶层作用域内显示有关方案选项的帮助显示规则 [默认值: -f 0, -t %s]显示帮助,然后退出显示版本号,然后退出显示担保信息和版权信息应当为简单字符串连结线位于单个音符上 - 跳过跳过赋值命令跳过长度为零的乐谱连音线中包含空的音符列。应当在顶层修改谱表尺寸,语法为 #(set-global-staff-size <以“点(pt)”为单位的谱表高度>) staff-affinities 应当为递减值从版本号开始 [默认值:文件中由 \version 规定的版本号]符干与符尾不匹配符干必须具有 Rhythmic 结构符干颤音缺少符头创建了关联图形对象 %s,但被关联的对象缺少sticky-grob-interface发现异常时值记号:%d/%d发现孤立的 UTF-8 BOM 标记\string 后应当为字符串字符串出现在脚本或 \lyricmode 之外必须在 addChordShape 调用之前添加 stringTuning。 必须在 chord-shape 调用之前添加 stringTuning。 子字体“%s”:无法打开文件内容并读取子字体“%s”:无法写入字段“%s”字体“%1$s”:无法写入表 %3$s 中的字段“%2$s”子字体“%s”:无法写入表“%s”支持的调号:~a不显示处理进度不显示处理进度和有关多余音色的警告未显示的错误:%s未显示的程序错误:%s未显示的警告:%s在两种版本的六线谱谱号之间切换(“tab”或“moderntab”)应当为符号应当为符号 ~S重定义符合 ~S由于页面设置不当,谱表组内容超出页面范围。将会使用默认页面设置t[rue]/f[alse]文本组从此处开始无法使 ~2a 的属性 '~a 偏移此音色需要指定 \voiceXx 或 \shiftXx 命令上一个内容来设置谱表间的固定距离。 若要强制解析长度为零的乐谱,请在乐谱中添加一个空白休止符页数太少:%ld(至少%ld页)MIDI音轨数过多:%zu有冲突的休止符太多页数太少:%ld(至多%ld页)音乐元素序列的总长度与预期值不一致将所有文本视为歌词颤音持续时间太长指定的页数有误,无法用于容纳谱表组调整为 %zu 个谱表组“%s”类型检查失败;值“%s”必须为“%s”类型类型检查失败无法改变目录为:“%s”无法设置 repeat %(repeat)s 中的 music %(music)s字符或速记未定义:%s未预期的 %s;应当为 %s、%s 或 %scase 块缺少中断语句未知的图形对象接口:~S变音样式未知:~S调号类型未知“~a”成组样式“%s”未知渐强记号类型未知:%s 使用默认的发夹式记号。转义字符串未知:“\%s”line-cap-style 未知:%sline-cap-style 未知:~Sline-join-style 未知:~S日志等级“%s”位置,将使用默认等级(INFO)模式 %s 未知,可选项为“major”、“minor”或某种教堂模式!输出格式 %s 未知父类“~a”未知谱表组列表中的谱表组未知:%sremove-layer 值“%s”未知重复类型“~S”未知:必须为 volta、unfold、percent 或 tremolorepeat-type ~a 未知,将其忽略。段落事件 %s 未知用于 %2s 的段落类型 %1s 未知translator 未知:“%s”未知单位:~S无法识别打击乐记号:“%s”无法识别选项:“%s”不支持字体格式:%s%s 缺少结尾缺少 DurationLine 终止记号符尾未终止缺少和弦颤音终止记号缺少连续顿音终止记号缺少扩展终止记号缺少滑音终止记号连字符缺少结尾,将其移除缺少连结线终止记号chord square小节缺少结束记号缺少成组小节终止记号缺少文本组终止记号缺少延音线终止记号usable-duration-logs 列表不应为空。将使用全休止符作为默认值。使用指定文件作为初始化文件用指定语言显示音高名称,例如“deutsch”表示用德语显示音符名称使用 lxml.etree;将占用更少的内存和 CPU 时间设置指定的输出格式(texi [默认值]、texi-html、latex、html 或 docbook)用 s(而非 r)来表示休止符使用符号常量来标记可变量, 删除\ outputproperty,将 ly:verbose 移至 ly:get-option 内只有稳定版的版本号可以为两组数字(并且第二组数字必须为偶数)弃用 verticalAlignmentChildCallback对自动符尾设置发出警告警告:%s符干尺寸有误,请检查窄音符符干木管标记错误 - 键号或孔号无效写入 lily-XXX 文件到指定文件夹,并链接到 --output 指定的文件夹下将输出内容写入到指定文件夹将输出写入到指定文件将输出内容写入到指定文件(自动添加后缀名) 或者写入到指定文件夹(目标文件名与输入文件一致)。将片段的输出文件写入到它们的源文件所在的文件夹下标识符错误或未定义:“%s”~a 的参数类型错误。应当为 ~a,实际为 ~s~A:第 ~A 个参数无效。应当为:~A;实际为:~S。~A:不是标记(列表)函数:~S~A:参数个数有误。应当为:~A;实际为 ~A:~S~a 函数无法返回 ~a~a 不是有限的木管乐曲。尚不支持包含两个换行符的~a