require "hydra" # The following lines determine which user attributes your hydrangea app will use # This configuration allows you to use the out of the box ActiveRecord associations between users and user_attributes # It also allows you to specify your own user attributes # The easiest way to override these methods would be to create your own module to include in User # For example you could create a module for your local LDAP instance called MyLocalLDAPUserAttributes: # User.send(:include, MyLocalLDAPAttributes) # As long as your module includes methods for full_name, affiliation, and photo the personalization_helper should function correctly # # NOTE: For your development environment, also specify the module in lib/user_attributes_loader.rb User.send(:include, Hydra::GenericUserAttributes) if Hydra.respond_to?(:configure) Hydra.configure(:shared) do |config| config[:submission_workflow] = { :mods_assets => [{:name => "contributor", :edit_partial => "mods_assets/contributor_form", :show_partial => "mods_assets/show_contributors"}, {:name => "publication", :edit_partial => "mods_assets/publication_form", :show_partial => "mods_assets/show_publication"}, {:name => "additional_info", :edit_partial => "mods_assets/additional_info_form", :show_partial => "mods_assets/show_additional_info"}, {:name => "files", :edit_partial => "hydra/file_assets/file_assets_form", :show_partial => "mods_assets/show_file_assets"}, {:name => "permissions", :edit_partial => "hydra/permissions/permissions_form", :show_partial => "mods_assets/show_permissions"} ], # Not being used right now :generic_contents => [{:name => "description", :edit_partial => "generic_content_objects/description_form", :show_partial => "generic_contents/show_description"}, {:name => "files", :edit_partial => "hydra/file_assets/file_assets_form", :show_partial => "file_assets/index"}, {:name => "permissions", :edit_partial => "hydra/permissions/permissions_form", :show_partial => "generic_contents/show_permissions"}, {:name => "contributor", :edit_partial => "generic_content_objects/contributor_form", :show_partial => "generic_contents/show_contributors"} ] } # This specifies the solr field names of permissions-related fields. # You only need to change these values if you've indexed permissions by some means other than the Hydra's built-in tooling. # If you change these, you must also update the permissions request handler in your solrconfig.xml to return those values config[:permissions] = { :catchall => "access_t", :discover => {:group =>"discover_access_group_t", :individual=>"discover_access_person_t"}, :read => {:group =>"read_access_group_t", :individual=>"read_access_person_t"}, :edit => {:group =>"edit_access_group_t", :individual=>"edit_access_person_t"}, :owner => "depositor_t", :embargo_release_date => "embargo_release_date_dt" } end end