require 'incline/date_time_formats' require 'incline/extensions/time_zone_converter' require 'active_record' module Incline::Extensions ## # Patches the ActiveRecord Date value to accept more date formats. # # Specifically this will allow ActiveRecord models to receive dates in US format or ISO format. module DateValue ## # Patches the ActiveRecord Date value type. def self.included(base) base.class_eval do private undef cast_value def cast_value(string) return nil if string.blank? return string if string.is_a?(::Time) if string.is_a?(::String) begin # if it matches either of our formats, we can try using it. if (match = (Incline::DateTimeFormats::US_DATE_FORMAT.match(string) || Incline::DateTimeFormats::ALMOST_ISO_DATE_FORMAT.match(string))) year = match['YEAR'].to_s.to_i year += 2000 if year < 50 year += 1900 if year < 100 month = match['MONTH'].to_s.to_i mday = match['DAY'].to_s.to_i # ensure the date portion is valid. dt = begin Time.utc(year, month, mday) rescue raise "Invalid date (#{$!.message})." end raise 'Invalid date (day of month is invalid for month).' unless dt.year == year && dt.month == month && dt.mday == mday, month, mday) else # use the fallback if it doesn't match our formats. fallback_string_to_date(string) end rescue Incline::Log::warn "Failed to parse #{string.inspect}: #{$!.message}" nil end elsif string.respond_to?(:to_date) begin string.to_date rescue Incline::Log::warn "Failed to convert #{string.inspect} to date: #{$!.message}" nil end else nil end end end end end end ActiveRecord::Type::Date.include Incline::Extensions::DateValue