module PolyBelongsTo ## # PolyBelongsTo::Dup contains duplication methods which is included on all ActiveModel & ActiveRecord instances module Dup extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do # Build child object by dup'ing its attributes # @param item_to_build_on [Object] Object on which to build on # @param item_to_duplicate [Object] Object to duplicate as new child def self.pbt_dup_build(item_to_build_on, item_to_duplicate) singleton_record = yield if block_given? if PolyBelongsTo::Pbt::IsReflected[item_to_build_on, item_to_duplicate] PolyBelongsTo::Pbt::AsCollectionProxy[item_to_build_on, item_to_duplicate]. build PolyBelongsTo::Pbt::AttrSanitizer[item_to_duplicate] if ( block_given? ? singleton_record.add?(item_to_duplicate) : true) end end # Build child object by dup'ing its attributes. Recursive for ancestry tree. # @param item_to_build_on [Object] Object on which to build on # @param item_to_duplicate [Object] Object to duplicate as new child along with child ancestors def self.pbt_deep_dup_build(item_to_build_on, item_to_duplicate) singleton_record = (block_given? ? yield : pbt_dup_build(item_to_build_on, item_to_duplicate) {singleton_record} PolyBelongsTo::Pbt::Reflects[item_to_duplicate].each do |ref| child = item_to_duplicate.send(ref) PolyBelongsTo::Pbt::AsCollectionProxy[item_to_build_on, item_to_duplicate]. each do |builder| child.respond_to?(:build) ? child.each {|spawn| builder.pbt_deep_dup_build(spawn) {singleton_record} } : builder.pbt_deep_dup_build(child) {singleton_record} end end item_to_build_on end end # Build child object by dup'ing its attributes # @param item_to_duplicate [Object] Object to duplicate as new child def pbt_dup_build(item_to_duplicate, &block) self.class.pbt_dup_build(self, item_to_duplicate, &block) end # Build child object by dup'ing its attributes. Recursive for ancestry tree. # @param item_to_duplicate [Object] Object to duplicate as new child along with child ancestors def pbt_deep_dup_build(item_to_duplicate, &block) self.class.pbt_deep_dup_build(self, item_to_duplicate, &block) end end end