module Elastics module Scopes def self.included(context) context.class_eval do @elastics ||= def self.elastics; @elastics end extend ClassMethods @scope_methods = [] def self.scope_methods; @scope_methods end end end module ClassMethods # Scope methods. They returns a Scope object similar to AR. # You can chain scopes, then you can call :count, :first, :all and :scan_all to get your result # See Elastics::Scope # # scoped = MyModel.terms(:field_one => 'something', :field_two => nil) # .sort(:field_three => :desc) # .filters(:range => {:created_at => {:from => 2.days.ago, :to =>}) # .fields('field_one,field_two,field_three') # or [:field_one, :field_two, ...] # .params(:any => 'param') # # # add another filter or other terms at any time # scoped2 = scoped.terms(...).filters(...) # # scoped2.count # scoped2.first # scoped2.all # scoped2.scan_all {|batch| do_something_with_results batch} # Utils.define_delegation :to => :scoped, :in => self, :by => :module_eval, :for => Scope::SCOPED_METHODS # You can start with a non restricted Elastics::Scope object def scoped @scoped ||= Scope[:context => elastics.context] end # define scopes as class methods # # class MyModel # include Elastics::StoredModel # ... # scope :red, terms(:color => 'red').sort(:supplier => :asc) # scope :size do |size| # terms(:size => size) # end # # MyModel.size('large').first # # MyModel.size('small').red.all # def scope(name, scope=nil, &block) raise ArgumentError, "Dangerous scope name: a :#{name} method is already defined. Please, use another one." \ if respond_to?(name) proc = case when block_given? block when scope.is_a?(Elastics::Scope) lambda {scope} when scope.is_a?(Proc) scope else raise ArgumentError, "Scope object or Proc expected (got #{scope.inspect})" end metaclass = class << self; self end metaclass.send(:define_method, name) do |*args| scope =*args) raise Scope::Error, "The scope :#{name} does not return a Elastics::Scope object (got #{scope.inspect})" \ unless scope.is_a?(Elastics::Scope) scope end scope_methods << name end end end end