# bosh-stemcell Tools for creating stemcells ## Bringing up stemcell building VM ### Once-off manual steps: 0. Upload a keypair called "bosh" to AWS that you'll use to connect to the remote vm later 0. Create "bosh-stemcell" security group on AWS to allow SSH access to the stemcell (once per AWS account) 0. Add instructions to set BOSH_AWS_... environment variables 0. Install the vagrant plugins we use: vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws --plugin-version 0.5.0 ### Bring up the vagrant stemcell building VM From a fresh copy of the bosh repo: export BOSH_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=YOUR-AWS-ACCESS-KEY export BOSH_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=YOUR-AWS-SECRET-KEY cd bosh-stemcell vagrant up remote --provider=aws ## Updating source code on stemcell building VM With existing stemcell building VM run: export BOSH_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=YOUR-AWS-ACCESS-KEY export BOSH_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=YOUR-AWS-SECRET-KEY cd bosh-stemcell vagrant provision remote --provider=aws ## Build an OS image If you have changes that will require new OS image you need to build one. A stemcell with a custom OS image can be built using the stemcell-building VM created earlier. vagrant ssh -c ' cd /bosh bundle exec rake stemcell:build_os_image[ubuntu,trusty,/tmp/ubuntu_base_image.tgz] ' remote See below [Building the stemcell with local OS image](#building-the-stemcell-with-local-os-image) on how to build stemcell with the new OS image. ## Building a stemcell ### Building the stemcell with published OS image Substitute *\<current_build\>* with the current build number, which can be found by looking at [bosh artifacts](http://bosh_artifacts.cfapps.io). The final two arguments are the S3 bucket and key for the OS image to use, which can be found by reading the OS\_IMAGES document in this project. vagrant ssh -c ' cd /bosh CANDIDATE_BUILD_NUMBER=<current_build> http_proxy=http://localhost:3142/ bundle exec rake stemcell:build[vsphere,esxi,centos,nil,go,bosh-os-images,bosh-centos-6_5-os-image.tgz] ' remote ### Building the stemcell with local OS image vagrant ssh -c ' cd /bosh bundle exec rake stemcell:build_with_local_os_image[aws,xen,ubuntu,trusty,go,/tmp/ubuntu_base_image.tgz] ' remote ### Building light stemcell AWS stemcells can be shipped in light format which includes a reference to a public AMI. This speeds up the process of uploading the stemcell to AWS. To build a light stemcell: vagrant ssh -c ' cd /bosh export BOSH_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=YOUR-AWS-ACCESS-KEY export BOSH_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=YOUR-AWS-SECRET-KEY bundle exec rake stemcell:build_light[/tmp/bosh-stemcell.tgz,hvm] ' remote