= Socialcast Shoulda Extensions Adds new matchers and functionality to the shoulda test library = Installation In your Gemfile: group :test do gem 'socialcast_shoulda_ext', :git => 'git@github.com:socialcast/socialcast-shoulda-ext.git', :require => 'shoulda_ext' end If you want to include the trigger_callbacks matcher, also add the following to your test helper: ShouldaExt::Matchers::TriggerCallbackMatcher.attach_active_record_callback_hooks! = Matchers == RecordCountChangeMatcher Test if the count for a model has changed, and by how much. Requires the context_with_matcher_before_hooks patch, which is included by default. Provides the following matcher methods: - create_record(klass_or_symbol) Alias for change_record_count.for(klass_or_symbol).by(1) - create_records(klass_or_symbol, amount) Alias for change_record_count.for(klass_or_symbol).by(amount) - destroy_record(klass_or_symbol) Alias for change_record_count.for(klass_or_symbol).by(-1) - destroy_records(klass_or_symbol, amount) Alias for change_record_count.for(klass_or_symbol).by(-amount) - change_record_count Tests the difference in record count before and after the current setup/subject block Can be used with the follow methods: - for(klass_or_symbol) Provides the class which the test is being performed on. Can be a constant or a symbol - by(amount) Provides an expected difference for the number of records for the specified class. Excluding this number will allow the matcher to check for any difference Examples: context "creating a blog article" do context "with good parameters" do setup do post :create, :blog => {:title => 'my blog post', :body => 'Ipsum lorem...'} end should create_record :blog end context "without a body" do setup do post :create, :blog => {:title => 'my blog post' } end should_not create_record Blog end end == RespondWithJson Check if the controller's response is json Examples: context ":index.json" do setup do get :index, :format => 'json' end # Just check to see that the response was json should respond_with_json # Evaluate the hash produced by the json yourself should respond_with_json { |json| json.first['blog']['title'] == 'blog post 1'} # Provide an exact match should respond_with_json.exactly(['blog' => {'id' => 1, 'title' => 'blog post 1'}]) # Provide an exact match with a block should response_with_json.exactly{ |json| JSON.parse(Blog.all.to_json)} end context ":index.html" do setup do get :index end # or the negation should_not respond_with_json end == TriggerCallbackMatcher Test if create, update, destroy, or save callbacks were triggered. Requires running ShouldaExt::Matchers::TriggerCallbackMatcher.attach_active_record_callback_hooks! in your test suite in order to work properly. Examples: context "doing nothing to a record" do subject { Blog.new :title => 'blog title' } should_not trigger_callbacks end context "creating a record" do subject { Blog.create! :title => 'blog title' } should trigger_callbacks.for :create should_not trigger_callbacks.for :update, :destroy end = Integrations Currently only integrates with test/unit. RSpec support to come. = Shoulda Extensions == ContextWithMatcherBeforeHooks Adds the ability to define a 'before' method on any method which will be run before each context's setup/subject block. Used by RecordCountChangeMatcher to record the number of records before the tested operation takes place.