module Codesake module Dawn module Kb # Automatically created with rake on 2014-01-07 class CVE_2006_3694 include RubyVersionCheck def initialize message = "Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in Ruby before 1.8.5 allow remote attackers to bypass \"safe level\" checks via unspecified vectors involving (1) the alias function and (2) \"directory operations\"." super({ :name=>"CVE-2006-3694", :cvss=>"AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:N", :release_date =>, 7, 21), :cwe=>"", :owasp=>"A9", :applies=>["rails", "sinatra", "padrino"], :kind=>Codesake::Dawn::KnowledgeBase::RUBY_VERSION_CHECK, :message=>message, :mitigation=>"Upgrade your ruby interpreter", :aux_links=>[""] }) self.safe_rubies = [ {:engine=>"ruby", :version=>"1.8.5", :patchlevel=>"p0"} ] end end end end end