if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' require 'uuid' else require 'securerandom' end require "base64" require "zlib" module OneLogin module RubySaml # SAML2 Auxiliary class # class Utils @@uuid_generator = UUID.new if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' BASE64_FORMAT = %r(\A([A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*([A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=)?\Z) # Given a REXML::Element instance, return the concatenation of all child text nodes. Assumes # that there all children other than text nodes can be ignored (e.g. comments). If nil is # passed, nil will be returned. def self.element_text(element) element.texts.map(&:value).join if element end # Return a properly formatted x509 certificate # # @param cert [String] The original certificate # @return [String] The formatted certificate # def self.format_cert(cert) # don't try to format an encoded certificate or if is empty or nil if cert.respond_to?(:ascii_only?) return cert if cert.nil? || cert.empty? || !cert.ascii_only? else return cert if cert.nil? || cert.empty? || cert.match(/\x0d/) end if cert.scan(/BEGIN CERTIFICATE/).length > 1 formatted_cert = [] cert.scan(/-{5}BEGIN CERTIFICATE-{5}[\n\r]?.*?-{5}END CERTIFICATE-{5}[\n\r]?/m) {|c| formatted_cert << format_cert(c) } formatted_cert.join("\n") else cert = cert.gsub(/\-{5}\s?(BEGIN|END) CERTIFICATE\s?\-{5}/, "") cert = cert.gsub(/\r/, "") cert = cert.gsub(/\n/, "") cert = cert.gsub(/\s/, "") cert = cert.scan(/.{1,64}/) cert = cert.join("\n") "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n#{cert}\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----" end end # Return a properly formatted private key # # @param key [String] The original private key # @return [String] The formatted private key # def self.format_private_key(key) # don't try to format an encoded private key or if is empty return key if key.nil? || key.empty? || key.match(/\x0d/) # is this an rsa key? rsa_key = key.match("RSA PRIVATE KEY") key = key.gsub(/\-{5}\s?(BEGIN|END)( RSA)? PRIVATE KEY\s?\-{5}/, "") key = key.gsub(/\n/, "") key = key.gsub(/\r/, "") key = key.gsub(/\s/, "") key = key.scan(/.{1,64}/) key = key.join("\n") key_label = rsa_key ? "RSA PRIVATE KEY" : "PRIVATE KEY" "-----BEGIN #{key_label}-----\n#{key}\n-----END #{key_label}-----" end # Build the Query String signature that will be used in the HTTP-Redirect binding # to generate the Signature # @param params [Hash] Parameters to build the Query String # @option params [String] :type 'SAMLRequest' or 'SAMLResponse' # @option params [String] :data Base64 encoded SAMLRequest or SAMLResponse # @option params [String] :relay_state The RelayState parameter # @option params [String] :sig_alg The SigAlg parameter # @return [String] The Query String # def self.build_query(params) type, data, relay_state, sig_alg = [:type, :data, :relay_state, :sig_alg].map { |k| params[k]} url_string = "#{type}=#{CGI.escape(data)}" url_string << "&RelayState=#{CGI.escape(relay_state)}" if relay_state url_string << "&SigAlg=#{CGI.escape(sig_alg)}" end def self.uuid RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' ? "_#{@@uuid_generator.generate}" : "_#{SecureRandom.uuid}" end # Build the status error message # @param status_code [String] StatusCode value # @param status_message [Strig] StatusMessage value # @return [String] The status error message def self.status_error_msg(error_msg, raw_status_code = nil, status_message = nil) unless raw_status_code.nil? if raw_status_code.include? "|" status_codes = raw_status_code.split(' | ') values = status_codes.collect do |status_code| status_code.split(':').last end printable_code = values.join(" => ") else printable_code = raw_status_code.split(':').last end error_msg << ', was ' + printable_code end unless status_message.nil? error_msg << ' -> ' + status_message end error_msg end # Base64 decode and try also to inflate a SAML Message # @param saml [String] The deflated and encoded SAML Message # @return [String] The plain SAML Message # def self.decode_raw_saml(saml) return saml unless base64_encoded?(saml) decoded = decode(saml) begin inflate(decoded) rescue decoded end end # Base 64 decode method # @param string [String] The string message # @return [String] The decoded string # def self.decode(string) Base64.decode64(string) end # Base 64 encode method # @param string [String] The string # @return [String] The encoded string # def self.encode(string) if Base64.respond_to?('strict_encode64') Base64.strict_encode64(string) else Base64.encode64(string).gsub(/\n/, "") end end # Check if a string is base64 encoded # @param string [String] string to check the encoding of # @return [true, false] whether or not the string is base64 encoded # def self.base64_encoded?(string) !!string.gsub(/[\r\n]|\\r|\\n|\s/, "").match(BASE64_FORMAT) end # Inflate method # @param deflated [String] The string # @return [String] The inflated string # def self.inflate(deflated) Zlib::Inflate.new(-Zlib::MAX_WBITS).inflate(deflated) end # Deflate method # @param inflated [String] The string # @return [String] The deflated string # def self.deflate(inflated) Zlib::Deflate.deflate(inflated, 9)[2..-5] end end end end