module SPARQL; module Algebra
  class Operator
    # The SPARQL GraphPattern `in` operator.
    # Used for filters with more than one expression.
    # [114] RelationalExpression    ::= NumericExpression ('NOT' 'IN' ExpressionList)?
    # @example SPARQL Grammar
    #   ASK { FILTER(2 NOT IN ()) }
    # @example SSE
    #   (ask (filter (notin 2) (bgp)))
    # @see
    class NotIn < Operator
      include Evaluatable

      NAME = :notin

      # The NOT IN operator tests whether the RDF term on the left-hand side is not found in the values of list of expressions on the right-hand side. The test is done with "!=" operator, which tests for not the same value, as determined by the operator mapping.
      # A list of zero terms on the right-hand side is legal.
      # Errors in comparisons cause the NOT IN expression to raise an error if the RDF term being tested is not found to be in the list elsewhere in the list of terms.
      # The NOT IN operator is equivalent to the SPARQL expression:
      #     (lhs != expression1) && (lhs != expression2) && ...
      # NOT IN (...) is equivalent to !(IN (...)).
      # @example
      #     2 NOT IN (1, 2, 3)	false
      #     2 NOT IN ()	true
      #     2 NOT IN (<http://example/iri>, "str", 2.0)	false
      #     2 NOT IN (1/0, 2)	false
      #     2 NOT IN (2, 1/0)	false
      #     2 NOT IN (3, 1/0)	raises an error
      # @param  [RDF::Query::Solution] bindings
      #   a query solution containing zero or more variable bindings
      # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options ({})
      #   options passed from query
      # @return [RDF::Literal::Boolean] `true` or `false`
      # @raise  [TypeError] if term is not found and any operand raises an error
      def evaluate(bindings, **options)
        lhs = operands.first.evaluate(bindings, depth: options[:depth].to_i + 1, **options)
        error_found = false
        found = operands[1..-1].any? do |op|
            lhs == op.evaluate(bindings, depth: options[:depth].to_i + 1, **options)
          rescue TypeError
            error_found = true
        when found then RDF::Literal::FALSE
        when error_found then raise TypeError
        else RDF::Literal::TRUE

      # Returns a partial SPARQL grammar for this operator.
      # @return [String]
      def to_sparql(**options)
        "(" + operands.first.to_sparql(**options) +
        " NOT IN (" +
        operands[1..-1].map {|e| e.to_sparql(**options)}.join(", ") +
    end # NotIn
  end # Operator
end; end # SPARQL::Algebra